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Book online «Over the Rocky Mountains by Robert Michael Ballantyne (icecream ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Robert Michael Ballantyne

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The night was rather cold. In course of time Will Osten awoke, and called to the trapper to mend the fire, which he did, and then resumed his former occupation. Once or twice after that, one and another of the slumberers awoke, and, looking up sleepily for a few seconds, beheld the enduring man still hard at work. The last to lift his head that night was Larry. The puzzled Irishman gazed in mute amazement during the unusually long period of half a minute, for Benjamin Hicks still sat there, glittering in the light of the camp-fire, grave as a Redskin, and busy as ever with the bones!



To the great satisfaction of Will Osten and his friends, it was discovered that Benjamin Hicks was a wandering trapper, whose avocations led him to whatever part of the wilderness was most likely to produce furs, and who had no particular objection to take a trip across the mountains with our adventurers. Indeed Big Ben thought no more of a ride of several hundreds of miles than most men do of an afternoon walk, and, if particular business did not prevent him, he was always ready to undertake a "venture" so long as it was, in his opinion, justifiable and likely to pay.

"You see, sir," he said, as he and Will cantered together along the base of a low hill one evening, "it's not that I'm of an unsettled natur', but I've bin born to this sort o' life, an' it would be no manner o' use in me tryin' to change it. Once upon a time I used to think o' settlin' in one of the back settlements--that was when my poor old mother was alive. I used to live with her and take care of her after my father's death. Then I married and thought I was fairly fixed down for life, but one night when I chanced to be out looking after my traps, a war-party o' Injuns attacked the village and killed every soul in it. At least so it was said at the time, but afterwards I met a lad who had escaped, an' he told me that he had seen my mother and wife killed, but that a few of the men escaped as well as him."

The trapper's voice deepened as he spoke, and he paused.

"Was it long ago?" asked Will, in a tone of sympathy.

"Ten years now," answered Ben, sadly--"though it seems to me but yesterday. For many a day after that I tried to find the trail o' the Redskins that did it, but never succeeded, thank God. If I had, it would only have ended in the spillin' of more blood, without any good comin' of it. It is long now since I left off thirstin' for revenge, but I suppose I'll never cease wishin' that--that--well, well, God's will be done," he added, as if rousing himself out of a sad reverie, "I'm not used to speak about this, but somehow whenever I meet with white men _o' the right sort_ in the plains or mountains, I always feel a kind o' longin' to let my tongue wag raither too free. However, as I was goin' to say, I've been a wanderer since then, goin' where I think I can be o' use to myself or others; and so, as you don't appear to be overly knowin' about the trail across the mountains, I'll go with 'ee a bit o' the way an' pint it out, if you have no objections."

"No objections!" echoed Will; "I'll be delighted to have your company, and would be only too glad if you could go all the way."

"Who knows but I might be willin' to go if I was asked," said the trapper, with a slight approach to a smile.

"Are you in earnest?" asked Will Big Ben not only admitted that he was in earnest, but said that he was quite ready to start at once, if they would only consent to diverge from their route about thirty miles to a small outpost belonging to the fur-traders, where he had deposited a lot of peltries, which he wished to convert into supplies for the journey. This was readily agreed to, and, accordingly, next day about noon, they came in sight of Rocky Mountain Fort--so-called because of its being situated in a somewhat wild glen, near the verge of one of the eastern spurs of the Rocky Mountains.

While the fort was still far distant, though in sight, Larry O'Hale uttered a sudden exclamation, and pointed to a black spot lying on the side of one of the numerous mounds with which the country was diversified.

"A black bear," said the trapper, quietly.

"Have at ye then!" shouted Larry, as he drove his heels against the ribs of his steed and went off at full gallop.

"Stay, Bunco, let him have all the glory to himself," cried Will, laughing.

Bunco, who had started to follow, reined up, and all three cantered to the top of a neighbouring height, whence they could clearly see the country for many miles in all directions.

Meanwhile the enthusiastic Larry had descended into a hollow, to leeward of the bear. Along this he trotted smartly, following its windings and keeping carefully out of sight, until he judged himself to be nearly opposite to the spot where the bear lay, then breaking into a gallop he turned at right angles to his former course, bounded over the ridge that had concealed him, and rushed furiously on his victim. The bear was a young one, but nearly full grown. On beholding the horseman it rose on its hind legs and showed all its formidable teeth.

"Och! is it laughin' ye are?" exclaimed Larry, bringing forward the muzzle of his gun, "it's cryin' ye'll be before long."

As he spoke the piece exploded. Whether it was that his finger had pressed the trigger too soon, or that the aim, owing to the pace, was unsteady, we know not, but Larry missed; the ball hit the ground just in front of the bear, and drove such a quantity of earth into his facs, eyes, and mouth, that he shook his head with a spluttering cough which ended in a savage growl, but, on beholding the wild Irishman charging down on him with the ferocity and thunder of a squadron of heavy dragoons, he dropt on his fore-legs, turned tail, and fled. Larry tried to re-load while pursuing, but, owing to the uneven nature of the ground, which required him to devote earnest attention to the badger-holes, he could not manage this. Without knowing very well what to do, he continued the chase, meditating as to whether it were better to try to ride over the bear, or to attempt the breaking of its skull with the butt end of his gun. As, however, it was all he could do to keep pace with the brute, he found either alternative impossible.

"Ochone! what'll I do wid ye?" cried the perplexed man, in despair.

The bear, as if in reply, glanced aside at him and grinned horribly.

"I do belaive it's laughin' again at me! Git on, ye baist," (to his horse), "sure ye're four times as big, an' ought to run faster."

Larry forgot to do his steed the justice to add that it carried fourteen stone weight on its back. The poor man tried hard to overtake the bear, but failed to gain an inch on him. To make matters worse, he observed that the brute was edging towards a wood which lay on his right. Seeing this he diverged a little, and, by making a dive into a hollow, he managed to cut off its retreat in that direction. Rocky Mountain Fort, which lay on his left, was now within half a mile of him, and he could see some of its inhabitants, who had observed the party coming from the plains, standing at the gate of the fort watching the chase with much interest. A glance over his shoulder showed him that his travelling companions were in view behind. Keenly alive to the fact that he should be overwhelmed with ridicule if he failed, the now desperate man conceived the bold idea of driving the bear into the fort! He felt that this feat was not beyond the bounds of possibility, for the bear was beginning to flag a little, while his hardy steed was still in good wind. He therefore applied the whip with greater energy, and soon came alongside of the bear, which attempted to turn to the right, but Paddy had become a good and alert horseman by that time, and was on his other side in an instant. Again the bear tried to double, and again his enemy checked him and urged him on. Thus they progressed until they drew near to the gate of the fort. This was now deserted, for the fur-traders soon understood the game that the wild horseman was playing, and made way for the entrance of the stranger. At last the bear came so close to the walls of the fort that it observed the open gateway. A way of escape was here--it evidently imagined--so it went through at full gallop! It was immediately met by a house. Turning quickly round, it was met by another house. Dashing aside, it was brought up by a wall. As a last resource it ran behind a pile of cut firewood and stuck its head into a hole, just as Larry O'Hale bounded through the gateway with a wild cheer of triumph. Will Osten, Big Ben, and Bunco quickly followed, and the gates were shut by the men of the fort.

But the victory was by no means completed. The question still remained, How was the enemy to be made prisoner? One of the fur-traders seized it by the tail and tried to draw it out. He failed to do more than draw forth a tremendous growl. Another fur-trader, aided by Larry, came to the assistance of the first, and, by their united power, plucked Bruin out of the hole like a cork out of a bottle. He turned with fury on his enemies, two of whom sprang back, overturning Larry in the act. At that moment one of the fur-traders, a stalwart Canadian, leaped upon the bear, grasped him by the throat, and tried to strangle him. One of the others, seeing this, caught at the brute's legs and tumbled him on his side, for which he was rewarded with a scratch which tore his right arm open from the elbow to the wrist. The hands of the stout Canadian were at the same time severely lacerated by the brute's claws. During the brief moments in which this struggle lasted, Big Ben had leaped from his steed; detached the stout line which always hung at his saddle-bow; made a noose as deftly as if he had been a British tar or a hangman, and passed it quickly over the bear's muzzle. Drawing it tight he took a turn round its neck, another round its fore-legs, and a third round the body. After this the work of subjugation was easy, and Bruin was finally reduced to slavery.

We know not, good reader, what you may think of this incident, but we beg to assure you

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