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away. I had hurt it pretty bad. I didn’t look at my leg I just started swimming back to shore.

I was there soon. I was able to walk but barely. I got to the wet sandy part and collapsed. I couldn’t even look at my injuries let alone yell for help. But someone would see me. The beach was packed today.


I woke dazed. I went to sit up. “Oh, no you don’t.” I was pushed back down. I didn’t realize who was there. I just started talking.
“I’ve been bitten by a shark. I need you to get me to a hospital.” I waited for an answer. “You are at the hospital.” I realized whom it was now and looked at the person I was conversing with. “Why are you here?” I asked. I didn’t care if it sounded rude. “Where is my mother?” “I saw you coming back to shore. When I saw you collapse I took off running to you. You mother is at the cafeteria getting some coffee. How do you feel?” I glared. “Go away. I don’t want you here.” “Alise, that is no way to talk to the boy who loves you and saved your life.” My mother said walking in.
I looked away. “Thank you for saving my life.” I didn’t look at him. “Oh, Alise, please. Stop being hard headed and kiss him. You know as well as I do you two are no where from over each other.” I looked at her. “Mom, if I still loved him do you think I would have stayed away from him this long?” “But, you do love him and you did. Now, both of you are going to work this out. I’m not about to let you be unhappy for the rest of your lives because of the others mother. You both can’t leave this room until you work it out.” With that said she walked out.
I huffed and looked at my leg under the cover. It wasn’t bad I still had my whole leg. I had gauze wrapped around my thigh though.
“How bad were the bite wounds?” I asked him without looking at him. “They were deep but no damage. The doctor said you would have full use of your leg after you recovered.” I sighed in relief. I wasn’t ever going to surf again.
“Do you seriously not want me anymore?” I didn’t answer. I watched the TV. “Alise Rodworth, answer me. Why are you being stubborn? Forget my mom. She will get over herself.” I didn’t say a word. He knew I wasn’t going to say a word. He let it drop.

After an hour he grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me. I let him kiss me. When he came up to look at me I hit him in the nose. “Ouch. Why did you do that? God, Alise, why are you being stubborn? Will you open your eyes and realize you want me. You still love me but you have buried it so deep that you don’t even realize it’s surfacing. If you didn’t still love me, you wouldn’t have let me kiss you so long.” I waited for him to finish. “You think I don’t realize it but I do! You think that I’m heartless and I never feel pain when I see you! I feel pain every time I see you. Sometimes when I just see a couple walking down the beach I feel that pain. So you can’t tell me I don’t realize it.”

Silence went on for a while.
“So why won’t you take me back? Why won’t you let me love you again?” I had tears in my eyes. I fought them back. “Because I’m not good enough for your parents or you. Melissa is way better. We have to realize that we live in reality not a fairytale. Guys like you go for girls like Melissa. This isn’t a fairytale. We can’t have a happy ending together.” The tears were spilling over.
The minutes passed by. Then he took my face in his hands. “I don’t care about reality and fairytales. I care about us. When you walked out that night my heart shattered. I thought I was going to die.” I laughed and pulled away. “Well, you didn’t. Here you sit. Next to the girl your mother loathes.” He shook his head. I continued. “So, where does this put us?” “You tell me. Either you’ll have me or you’ll leave me.” My mom walked in then. “Sweetheart, I hope you don’t mind but I’m going to sleep at the house. You know these couch beds don’t do my back any good. Will you be okay here by yourself?” I nodded. She came over and hugged me. She turned around before she left. “Tell the boy yes and kiss the living crap out of him. You two are high school sweethearts.” I stared at her as she walked out.
I waited a moment before I said anything. I looked over at Josh. He was looking down at his hands. I pulled his face up. I smiled and leaned over to kiss him. I didn’t have to go far. His lips met mine. I pulled away for a brief moment to look at his beautiful brown eyes. I laughed and kissed him again. He moved from the chair to sitting on the bed. I was in his arms and was being kissed a thousand times. How I missed his perfect kisses.

We didn’t talk after that. He just sat next to me with his arms around me; holding me close.
“I’ve missed you. I’ve missed you so much. I don’t know if I could have been stubborn much longer. I was really having to work to stay like that earlier.” I was sitting up now; prompted up on my elbow. I was looking at his beautiful face. “I’ve missed you so much, too. I wish you wouldn’t have been so stubborn.” He said looking into my eyes.

The doctor came in after a while.
“How are you feeling?” Josh moved off the bed so the doctor could examine my leg. “I’m good. I don’t feel any pain in my thigh.” I looked at the doctor and smiled then back at Josh. “Well, that’s good. The swelling as gone down so… You should be able to leave tonight. Or just whenever your mother gets here.” “Really?” The doctor smiled. “Yes, but I want you to take it easy. That means bed rest for a week. Today is Saturday so next Saturday is your appointment. Bed rest until then.” He gave me an authority ‘you better do as I say’ look. I nodded. “Thank you doctor.”
The doctor smiled and walked out the room.
“I can go home!” I smiled and sat up on my bed.

When my mom got there she checked me out and took me home.
I have to spend a whole week lying in bed. Only getting out of bed to go to the bathroom.

Josh came over the night I came home.
“So, how did you get this past your mom?” I asked. He sat down next to me and put his arm around me. “I just told her where I was going and why.” “What did she say?” “She wasn’t happy but, she said she would put up with it.” I looked at him.

Publication Date: 08-14-2010

All Rights Reserved

An oil spill endangers the lives of oceanic wildlife.

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