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Book online «The Speeches & Table-Talk of the Prophet Mohammad by Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah (ap literature book list txt) 📖». Author Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah

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apply ourselves to you, O ye two notables:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
O company of Jinn and men, if ye are able to compass the boundaries of the Heavens and of the Earth, then compass them; but ye shall not compass them, save in our might:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
There shall be shot at you a flash of fire and molten brass; ye cannot defend yourselves:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
And when the Heaven shall be rent and become rosy like a red hide:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
On that day neither man nor Jinn shall be asked about their sin:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
The sinners shall be known by their signs, and they shall be seized by the forelock and the feet:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
“This is Hell which the sinners took for a lie,”
To and fro shall they wander between it and water scalding hot:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
But for him who feareth the majesty of his Lord [shall be] two gardens:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
With trees branched over:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
And therein two flowing wells:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
And therein of every fruit two kinds:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
Reclining on couches with linings of brocade and the fruit of the gardens to their hand:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
Therein the shy-eyed maidens neither man nor Jinn hath touched before:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
Like rubies and pearls:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
Shall the reward of good be aught but good?
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
And beside these shall be two other gardens:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
Dark green in hue:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
With gushing wells therein:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
Therein fruit and palm and pomegranate:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
Therein the best and comeliest maids:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
Bright-eyed, kept in tents:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
Man hath not touched them before, nor Jinn:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
Reclining on green cushions and fine carpets:
Then which of the bounties of your Lord will ye twain deny?
Blessed be the name of thy Lord endued with majesty and honour.


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Say: He is One God;
God the Eternal.
He begetteth not, nor is begotten;
Nor is there one like unto Him.


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Praise be to God, the Lord of the Worlds!
The Compassionate, the Merciful!
King of the day of judgment!
Thee we worship, and Thee we ask for help.
Guide us in the straight way,
The way of those to whom Thou art gracious;
Not of those upon whom is Thy wrath nor of the erring.




Aet. 44-46
a.d. 613-615

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Blessed be He in whose hand is the Kingdom: and He is powerful over all;
Who created death and life to prove you which of you is best in actions, and He is the Mighty, the Very Forgiving;
Who hath created seven heavens in stages: thou seest no fault in the creation of the Merciful; but lift up thine eyes again; dost thou see any cracks?
Then lift up the eyes again twice; thy sight will recoil to thee dazzled and dim.
Moreover, we have decked the lower heaven with lamps, and have made them for pelting the devils, and we have prepared for them the torment of the flame.
And for those who disbelieve in their Lord, the torment of Hell: and evil the journey to it!
When they shall be cast into it, they shall hark to its braying as it boileth;—
It shall well-nigh burst with fury! Every time a troop is thrown into it, its keepers shall ask them, “Did not a warner come to you?”
They shall say, “Yea! a warner came to us; but we took him for a liar, and said, ‘God hath not sent down anything. Verily, ye are only in great error.’”
And they shall say, “Had we but hearkened or understood, we had not been among the people of the flame!”
And they will confess their sins: so a curse on the people of the flame!
Verily they who fear their Lord in secret, for them is forgiveness—a great reward.
And whether ye hide your speech, or say it aloud, verily He knoweth well the secrets of the breast!
What! shall He not know, who created? and He is the subtle, the well-aware!
It is He who hath made the earth smooth for you: so walk on its sides, and eat of what He hath provided—and unto Him shall be the resurrection.
Are ye sure that He who is in the Heaven will not make the earth sink with you? and behold, it shall quake!
Or are ye sure that He who is in the Heaven will not send against you a sand-storm,—so shall ye know about the warning!
And assuredly those who were before them called it a lie, and how was it with their denial?
Or do they not look up at the birds over their heads, flapping their wings? None supporteth them but the Merciful: verily He seeth all.
Who is it that will be a host for you, to defend you, if not the Merciful? verily the unbelievers are in naught but delusion!
Who is it that will provide for you, if He withhold His provision? Nay, they persist in pride and running away!
Is he, then, who goeth grovelling on his face better guided than he who goeth upright on a straight path?
Say: it is He who produced you and made you hearing and sight and heart—little are ye thankful!
Say: it is He who sowed you in the earth, and to Him shall ye be gathered.
But they say, “When shall this threat be, if ye are speakers of truth?”
Say: the knowledge thereof is with God alone, and I am naught but a plain warner.
But when they shall see it nigh, the countenance of those who disbelieved shall be evil,—and it shall be said, “This is what ye called for.”
Say: Have ye considered—whether God destroy me and those with me, or whether we win mercy—still who will save the unbelievers from aching torment?
Say: He is the Merciful: we believe in Him, and in Him we put our trust—and ye shall soon know which it is that is in manifest error!
Say: Have ye considered if your waters should sink away to-morrow, who will bring you running water?


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
The Hour approacheth and the moon is cleft asunder.
But if they see a sign they turn aside, and say “Useless magic!”
And they call it a lie, and follow their own lusts:—but everything is ordained.
Yet there came to them messages of forbiddance—
Wisdom supreme—but warners serve not!
Then turn from them: the Day when the Summoner shall summon to a matter of trouble,
With eyes cast down shall they come forth from their graves, as if they were scattered locusts,
Hurrying headlong to the summoner: the unbelievers shall say, “This is a hard day!”
The people of Noah, before them, called it a lie, and they called our servant a liar, and said, “Mad!” and he was rejected.
Then he besought his Lord, “Verily I am overpowered: defend me.”
So we opened the gates of heaven with water pouring forth,
And we made the earth break out in springs, and the waters met by an order foreordained;
And we carried him on a vessel of planks and nails,
Which sailed on beneath our eyes;—a reward for him who had been disbelieved.
And we left it as a sign; but doth any one mind?
And what was my torment and warning?
And we have made the Korān easy for reminding; but doth anyone mind?
Ad called it a lie; but what was my torment and warning?
Lo, we sent against them a biting wind on a day of settled ill-luck.
It tore men away as though they were trunks of palm-trees torn-up.
But what was my torment and warning?
And we have made the Korān easy for reminding; but doth any one mind?
Thamūd called the warning a lie:
And they said, “A single mortal from among ourselves shall we follow? verily then we should be in error and madness.
Is the reminding committed to him alone among us? Nay, he is an insolent liar.”
They shall know to-morrow about the insolent liar!
Lo! we will send the she-camel to prove them: so mark them well, and be patient.
And predict to them that the water shall be divided between themselves and her, every draught taken in turn.
But they called their companion, and he took and hamstrung her—
And what was my torment and warning?
Lo! we sent against them one shout; and they became like the dry sticks of the hurdle-maker.
And we have made the Korān easy for reminding; but doth any one mind?
The people of Lot called the warning a lie;—
Lo! we sent a sand-storm against them, except the family of Lot, whom we delivered at daybreak
As a favour from us; thus do we reward the thankful.
And he had warned them of our attack, but they misdoubted the warning;
And they sought his guests, so we put out their eyes.
So taste ye my torment and warning!
And in the morning there overtook them a punishment abiding.
So taste my torment and warning.
And we have made the Korān easy for reminding; but doth any one mind?
And there came a warning to the people of Pharaoh:
They called our signs all a lie: so we gripped them with the grip of omnipotent might.
Are your unbelievers better men than those? Is there immunity for you in the Books?
Do they say, “We are a company able to defend itself?”
They shall all be routed, and turn their backs.
Nay, but the Hour is their threatened time, and the
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