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Book online «Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches - Volume 4 by Thomas Badington Macaulay (red white and royal blue hardcover txt) 📖». Author Thomas Badington Macaulay

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edition of the works of. Character of the work.

Shelburne, William, Earl of, in the Whig opposition. Placed by the King at the head of the Treasury.

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, his repartee to Pitt.

Sidney, Sir Philip, his dying thanksgiving.

Sieyes, the Abbe, M. Dumont's sketch of the character of.

Similitudes, Dante's.

Simon, Saint, his character and opinions.

Slavery, Domestic, the cause of the violence of factions in ancient times.

Smalridge, Dean of Carlisle and Christ Church.



Spain, revolution of the poetry of.

Sparta, the great men of. Mr Mitford's admiration of the stability of the institutions of. Real character of the Spartans. Their kind of liberty.

Spectator, Addison's, crowds of imitations of the.

SPEECHES- Anatomy Bill. Church of Ireland, the. Confidence in Lord Melbourne's Ministry. Copyright. Corn Laws, the. Dissenters' Chapels Bill. Edinburgh Election. Education. Exclusion of Judges from the House of Commons. Gates of Somnauth, the. Government of India, the. Inaugural Speech at Glasgow College. Jewish Disabilities. Literature of Britain, the. Maynooth. Parliamentary Reform. People's Charter, the. Re-election to Parliament. Repeal of the Union with Ireland. State of Ireland, the. Sugar Duties, the. Ten Hours Bill, the. Theological Tests in the Scotch Universities. War with China, the.

Spencer, George Earl, his able administration of the Admiralty.

Spies, political, in France. Their unpopularity in England. The modus operandi of a spy.

State of Ireland, the Speech on.

Stories, good, fondness of the later ancient writers for.

"Sublime, Longinus on the." Burke and Dugald Stewart's discussions.

Suffrage, Universal.

Sugar Duties, the, Speech on.

Tacitus, his eminence as a historian. As a delineator of character.

Talleyrand, M. Dumont's sketch of the character of.

Tallien, his attack on Robespierre in the Convention.

Tasso, character of his "Secchia Rapita."

Telephus, the, of Euripides.

Temple, Sir William, his essay in praise of the ancient writers.

Ten Hours Bill, the Speech on.

Ten Thousand, Xenophon's Expedition of the, its character.

Terror, Reign of, commencement of the, in France. Members of the Committee of Public Safety. Robespierre's fiendish decree. End of the Revolutionary Tribunal.

Themistocles, his eloquence.

Theological Tests in the Scotch Universities, the Speech on.

Theo-philanthropy in France.

Thermidor, the memorable ninth of.

Thrales, Dr Johnson's connection with the.

Thucydides, character of the speeches of the ancients, as transmitted to us by him. His historical shortcomings. His history compared with that of Herodotus. Management of his perspective in history. His speeches put into the mouths of his characters. His deficiencies. School in which he studied. His style and philosophy. Regarded as a delineator of character.

Thurlow, Lord, retains the Great Seal under Lord Rockingham. Dismissed. Again Lord Chancellor.

Tiberius Caesar, Tacitus's delineation of the character of.

Tinkers in the seventeenth century.

Tinville, Fouquier, his introduction to the Revolutionary Tribunal of Paris. Placed under arrest.

Tirzah and Ahirad, marriage of.

Toulon, Barere's proposal to destroy it.

Traveller, Goldsmith's, publication of the. Its noble and simple design.

United States of America, rapid increase of the human race in the. Causes of this. Results of four censuses. Number of slaves in the Union in 1810. And of emigrants to the United States in 1817. Recognition of the independence of the States. Surrender of Cornwallis.

Universal Suffrage.

Uses, Statute of, its practical value.

Utilitarianism. One of the principal tenets of. Style of writing admired by Utilitarians. Barren theories of the Utilitarians. Duty of exposing the fallacy of their arguments. Lord Bacon's description of the Utilitarian philosophy. Mr Bentham's exposition of the Utilitarian principle. Remarks on the Utilitarian theory of government. Delusion of the Utilitarians. Origin of their faults. Real character of the sect. Their summum bonum.

Venice, an example of the sterility of an oligarchical form of government.

Vergniaud, the Girondist leader, his eloquence. His melancholy duty in the Convention. Charged by the Mountain before the Revolutionary Committee. His last speech. His death.

Vienna, the deliverance of.

Virgil, idolatry of Dante for the writings of.

Virgin, Ode to the Petrarch's.

Voltaire, reluctance of the French Academy to acknowledge the genius of.

Voters, qualifications of, Mr Mill's views regarding.

Wakefield, Vicar of, story of the publication of the.

Walker, Obadiah, the apostate. His aspersions on Martin Luther.

Waller, Edward, character of his poetry.

Walmesley, Gilbert, his kindness to Samuel Johnson.

War, difference between, in large and small communities.

War with China, the, Speech on.

Waterloo, battle of.

"We," the editorial, its fatal influence on rising genius.

Wellesley, Sir Arthur, William Pitt's remark on.

"Wellingtoniad, a Prophetical Account of a Grand National Epic Poem, to be entitled."

Westminster Hall compared with the Roman Forum.

Westminster Review, its defence of Mill reviewed. And of the Utilitarian theory of government.

Wharton, Duke of, his speech in defence of Atterbury.

Whigs, the party of opposition in 1780. Their accession to power.

Wilberforce, William, his visit to the Continent with William Pitt. Returned for York.

Wilkes, John, compared to Mirabeau.

Williams, Mrs, in Dr Johnson's house.

Women, condition of, among the Greeks. Among the Romans. Superstitious veneration with which they were regarded by the warriors of the north of Europe. Their insight into motives. Rejected by Mr Mill from all share in government. Identity of interest between the sexes. Right of women to vote as well as men.

Wordsworth, William, his egotism as exhibited in his writings.

World, The. Its remarks on the literary genius of Johnson.

Xenophon, historical value of his treatise on Domestic Economy. Character of his history. His life of Cyrus. His expedition of the Ten Thousand and History of Grecian Affairs. His superstition and horror of popular turbulence. Regarded as a delineator of character.

Publication Date: 05-20-2008

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