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Book online «The Esperanto Teacher by Helen Fryer (ebook reader for surface pro .txt) 📖». Author Helen Fryer

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infectious disease the clothes of the patient are often burned. The curse of the prophet is over the head of an ungrateful one. After some minutes the brave man went out. All the saints, help!


(Lesson 26 no Exercise).


She returned to her father’s palace. They both went to the mayor. Did I not do good to you? She told him nothing. She wrote him a letter. He every day teaches people something which they do not know. They flew towards the sun. One sister promised the other to tell her what she saw, and what most pleased her the first day. Perhaps he will forgive you. She did not believe her own ears. He did not know that he had (has) to thank her [for] his life. She saved his life. The witch cut off the tongue of the mermaid.


I lived with her father. It fell to (on) the bottom of the sea on the breaking up of the ship. By [the] light of torches. Arm in arm. There seized him some fear at the thought. Nothing helps; one must only bravely remain of his [own] opinion. She laughed at his recital. At every word which you (will) speak, out of your mouth will come either a flower or a precious stone.

He stopped near the door. The serpent crawled about her feet. When he was with me, he stood a whole hour by the window. I lived in a tree near your house. She planted near the statue a rose-red willow. The wayside trees.


The bird flies in the room (= it is in the room and flies [about] in it). The bird flies into the room (= it is outside the room, and now flies into it). I am travelling in Spain. I am travelling to (into) Spain. What to do then (is to be done) in such a case? I am in a good temper. He whispered to the queen in the ear. In consequence of this occurrence. I should prefer to stay here in peace. Her birthday was exactly in the middle of winter. He glanced into the child’s eyes. He was a tall handsome man of the age of forty years. In the whole of my life. At the end of the year. Hand in hand. Entering (having entered) the carriage, she sat as if on pins. Corn is ground into flour. Alexander turned into dust. He divided the apple into two parts.


Between Russia and France is Germany. They divided among them twelve apples. Between ten and eleven o’clock in the morning. Between the pillars stood marble figures. Near the wall between the windows stood a sofa. They talked long among themselves. In this disease an hour may decide between life and death. In the interval between the speeches they set off fireworks.

I am standing outside the house, and he is inside. He is outside the door. Now we are out of danger. He lives outside the town. Standing outside, he could only see the outer side of our house. He pointed outside into the darkness. I left him outside. This man is better outwardly than within.

He went out of the town. He has just returned from foreign parts. With extraordinary vivacity she jumped out of the carriage (of the train). She put a crown of white lilies on her (another’s) head (hair). He made use of the opportunity. These nests are made wholly of earth. She was the bravest of all. Now you have grown up! He went out of the bedroom, and entered into the dining-room. The Esperanto alphabet consists of twenty-eight letters.


I am sitting on a seat and have my feet on a little bench. He came back with a cat on his arm. I put my hand on the table. He fell on his knees. Do not go on the bridge. He threw himself in despair on a seat. He slapped him on the shoulder and pressed him down on to the sofa. I seated myself in the place of the absent stoker. Fruit-culture must influence for good those who are occupied with it.

Over the earth is air. His thoughts rose high above the clouds. She received permission to rise above the surface of the sea. They could rise on the high mountains high above the clouds. He stands above on the mountain, and looks down on to the field. She sat on the water and swung up and down.


From under the sofa the mouse ran under the bed, and now it runs [about] under the bed. She often had to dive under the water. To (under) the sound of music they danced on the deck. Under her gaze blossomed the white lilies. She sank under the water. She swam up at sunset.


He is so stout that he cannot go through our narrow door. She looked up through the dark-blue water. Through the roseate air shone the evening star. The sound of the bells penetrates down to her. They glide among the branches. On the fireplace between two pots stands an iron kettle; out of the kettle, in which is boiling water, goes steam; through the window, which is near the door, the vapour goes into the court.

The swallow flew across the river, for across (on the other side of) the river were other swallows. They can fly on ships across the sea. “Why did Hannibal go across the Alps? Because then the tunnel was not yet ready.” It is impossible that they should have gone across the ocean. Everything was turned upside down.

We passed by the station. At this moment the abbot passes by. In passing, I asked him if it were (is) yet twelve o’clock. The mill cannot grind with the water that is past.


Before them stood a church. Before such men it is worth while to speak. Often in the night she stood before the window. I am guilty towards (before) you. An hour ago. A short time ago he woke up very hoarse. Not long ago the house was sold publicly. Do not go before you know that everything is in order. I must let them sweep out the room before we (shall) begin to dance. I was there the previous year. Formerly I never thought about wealth. It was with (to) her as the witch prophesied.

He remained behind the door. Little by little. She began eagerly to read page after page. She looked after him with a smile. After some minutes the sun rose. She threw her arms backwards and forwards. We shall stay some weeks in Paris; afterwards we shall travel into Germany.


During the whole day (or, the whole day) he remained alone. During (for) some months she did not leave her room. He slept during the whole concert (or, the whole concert). While the preparations lasted, he was a guest of the king. While he is journeying on the road to Granada, in Santa Fe his fate is being decided.

They used to work until late at night. The plate of the scales sank to the ground. Its rays crept up to the dome. Lend me ten roubles until to-morrow. He worked on from early morning till late at night. He will fight to the very end. We kept going up always higher and higher to the fourth story. It will exist until the world shall perish.

The king came about midday into the village of Reading. About morning the gale ended. About ten metres will be sufficient. All gathered round the glass globe. One can look very far round about. Great mountains of ice floated around. He looked around on all sides.


The light of the moon. In the middle of the square stood a house. He might be of the age (have the age) of sixteen years. Their lifetime is still shorter than ours. They rose from beside the table. I thought that you would (will) never return from thence. The sailors took down the sails. He dismounted from the horse.

A wine glass is a glass in which there was wine previously, or which is used for wine; a glass of wine is a glass full of wine. Bring me a metre of black cloth. (“Metro de drapo” would mean a yard-measure which was lying on cloth, or which is used for cloth). I bought a half-score of eggs. This river has a length of two hundred kilometres (has two hundred kilometres of length). On the seashore stood a crowd of people. Many birds fly in the autumn into warmer lands. On the tree were many birds. Some people feel happiest when they see the sufferings of their neighbours. In the room were (sat) only a few people. “Da” after any word shows that this word signifies measure.

It is a beautiful piece of stuff. On the plate he put thousands of pieces of silver. The lights glitter like hundreds of stars. A boy bought a little bottle of ink. They construct little towers containing many little chambers. He gave them a great sum of money.


I eat with my mouth, and smell with my nose. She trod with her foot on the serpent. It covered the lovely lily with white foam. The body ended in a fish’s tail. All the walls are decorated with great paintings. By here, and by no other way, the thief escaped. In what way can one come into the land of gold? In such a way. In one word. The star Venus began to burn with envy.

She wished to play with them, but they ran away in terror. With what attention she listened to these tales. The most beautiful of them was the young prince with the great black eyes. Hither swam the sea-maiden with the beautiful prince. With pleasure. With every year the number of members rapidly increased.

The Tartar remained without a good horse and without food. Almost without life he was driven about by the waves. They wove with all their might, but without thread (threads). Without a word he obeyed. The leaves moved ceaselessly. He created numberless birds.


He treated himself in order to regain his health. She had a great deal to tell. He went into the church to make his confession. In order to pass the time somehow. Nobody is more fit for his post than he. He used all his might to please his master. For me it is all one wherever I live. Take (the pay) for the coffee.

He died of hunger. I had a very good estate, which was sold on account of debts. For heaven’s sake, do not do this. He was convinced that on his own account he need not fear. On this account Venus gives more light than many other stars. Whether for that, or for some other reason, I know not.


She wished to believe that the Hebrew spoke of someone else. Now the woman has everything, she can ask for nothing. Do not think about this. One cannot truly say that about you. There were still many things about which they wished to know. He could not even dream about her. She used to ask the old grandmother about that.

I remain here by order of my chief. He began to go along this river. They had permission to go up always according to their (own) will. She could dig and plant as she pleased (according to her liking). The shells closed and opened according to the flow of the water. From his outward appearance he seemed a respectable man. At the command “three” you will shoot at the tree. The younger daughter was the very picture of her father in her goodness and honesty.


You have remedies against all diseases. What can he alone do against

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