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a separate vote on any particular point or points.

=== Page 168 ===

Additions and Corrections.

[These corrections, though mostly contained in other parts of the Manual, are also needed in the places here indicated.]

19th page, 7th line, after "� 13" insert a star referring to this note: "See note to � 61." 50th '' 2d line of last note, omit all after "reconsideration." 51st '' at end of 12th line, insert "upon another day." '' '' 10th line, insert a star, referring to this note: "In Congress the effect always terminates with the session, and it cannot be called up by any one but the mover, until the expiration of the time during which it is in order to move a reconsideration." 69th '' 4th line, after "� 34," insert "or limiting debate." 72d '' 17th line, insert a star referring to this note: "If both are personally interested. [See p. 161.]" 73d '' last line of note, insert "final" before "vote." 80th '' add to the list in � 39 the motion "To make a special order."

=== Page 169 ===


The figures from 1 to 45 refer to sections in Part I; those greater than 45, to sections in Part II. A complete list of motions will be found in the Index, under the title Motions, list of. The arrangement of the work can be most easily seen by examining the Table of Contents [pp. 5-8]; its plan is explained in the Introduction, pp. 12-15. SECTION.

Adjourn, motion to ............................................. 11, 63b when in order ................................................ 11, 64 effect upon unfinished business .............................. 11, 69 motion to "fix the time to which to adjourn" .................. 10, 63 Amendment, motion to "amend" .................................. 23, 56a by "adding" or "striking out" ................................ 23, 56a by "striking out and inserting" .............................. 23, 56a by "substituting" ............................................ 23, 56a by "dividing the question" ................................ 4, 23, 56a of an amendment .............................................. 23, 56a in committee .................................................. 28, 53 in committee of the whole ........................................ 32 of reports or propositions with several paragraphs ........... 44, 48b of Rules of Order, By-Laws and Constitutions .................. 45, 73 motions that cannot be amended ............................... 23, 56a Announcing the vote. See Forms. Appeal from the decision of the chair .......................... 14, 61e Apply, meaning of (Introduction, page 14). Assembly, how organized ..................................... 46, 47, 48 the word to be replaced by Society, Convention, etc., when it occurs in forms of questions, p 16. legal rights of, pp. 158-163. right to punish members, p. 158. right to eject persons from their room, p. 159. trial of members, p. 160. Ayes and Noes. See Yeas and Nays, � 38. Ballot .............................................................. 38 Blanks, filling of .................................................. 25 in balloting, not to be counted ................................... 38

=== Page 170 ===

Boards of Trustees, Managers, etc., their reports in order when reports of standing committees are made ............ 44, 72 (See Quorum.) Business, introduction of ...................................... 1-5, 54 order of ...................................................... 44, 72 unfinished, effect of an adjournment upon ..................... 11, 69 [See Priority of Business.] By-Laws, what they should contain ................................... 49 adoption of ...................................................... 46a amendment of .................................................. 45, 73 Chairman, duties of ............................................. 40, 50 election of ...................................................... 46a temporary ..................................................... 40, 47 of a committee ................................................ 28, 53 of committee of the whole ........................................... 32 Change of Vote allowed before result is announced ................... 38 Classification of Motions according to their object ................. 55 into Privileged, Incidental, Subsidiary, etc. .................... 6-9 Clerk, duties of ................................................ 41, 51 additional duties of when receiving money ......................... 52 election of ...................................................... 46a Commit, motion to .............................................. 22, 56b Committees, appointment of ..................................... 22, 46c how they should be composed ................................... 22, 53 object of ..................................................... 28, 53 manner of conducting business in .............................. 28, 53 Reports of, their form ........................................ 29, 53 their reception ............................................ 30, 46c their adoption ............................................. 31, 46c their place in the order of business ........................ 44, 72 common errors in acting upon (note) ........................ 30, 46c Minority Reports of, their form ............................... 29, 53 to be acted upon must be moved as a substitute for the committee's report ................................ 28, 53 of the whole ...................................................... 32 as if in committee of the whole ................................... 33

=== Page 171 ===

Congress, rules of, the basis of this work, pp. 10-12. Consideration of a question, objection to ...................... 15, 59a Constitutions, what they should contain ............................. 49 adoption of by a society ......................................... 48b amendment of .................................................. 45, 73 Convention, manner of organizing and conducting a meeting of ..................................................... 47 Credentials of delegates ............................................ 47 Debate, what precedes ............................................ 3, 54 no member to speak but twice in same .......................... 34, 65 no member to speak longer than ten minutes at one time ........................................................ 34, 65 a majority can extend the number and length of speeches allowed ........................................... 34, 65 number of speeches and time allowed in Congress (note) ...................................................... 34, 65 member introducing measure has right to close ..................... 34 list of undebatable questions ................................. 35, 66 motions that open the main question to ............................ 35 principles regulating the extent of (see note) .................... 35 decorum in .................................................... 36, 65 closing or limiting ........................................... 37, 58 Decorum in debate ............................................... 36, 65 Definitions of various terms [Introduction, p. 15]. Delegates, organization of a meeting of ............................. 47 Division of the assembly ............................................ 38 of questions [see Amendment] .................................. 4, 56a Ecclesiastical Tribunals, legal rights of, p. 159. Election of Officers ........................................... 46a, 47 Fix the time to which to Adjourn, motion to .................... 10, 63a Floor, how to obtain ............................................. 2, 54 Forms of making motions ......................................... 46, 54 of stating and putting questions .............................. 38, 67 of announcing the result of a vote ............................ 38, 54 of reports of committees ...................................... 29, 53 of treasurers' reports ............................................ 52 of minutes of a meeting ....................................... 41, 51

=== Page 172 ===


of conducting an occasional or mass meeting ....................... 46 of conducting a meeting of delegates .............................. 47 of conduction a meeting to organize a society ..................... 48 of conducting an ordinary meeting of a society ................... 48b Incidental questions ................................................. 8 Indefinite postponement ........................................ 24, 59b Informal consideration of a question ................................ 33 Introduction of Business ....................................... 1-5, 54 Journal, or minutes ............................................. 41, 51 Legal Rights. See Assembly and Ecclesiastical Tribunals. Lie on the table, motion to ............................... 19, 57b, 59c Main question ........................................................ 6 Majority. See Two-thirds and Quorum. Meeting, distinction between it and session ..................... 42, 70 [See also Introduction, page 15.] how to conduct. See Forms. Members not to be present during a debate or vote concerning themselves ............................................. 36 trial of, p. 160. Minority Report. See Committees. Minutes, form and contents of ................................... 41, 51 Moderator. See Chairman. Modification of a motion by the mover ................................ 5 Motions, list of. [For details, see each motion in the Index.] Adjourn ...................................................... 11, 63b Adjourn, Fix the time to which to ............................ 10, 63a Amend ........................................................ 23, 56a Adopt a report (same as accept or agree to) .................. 31, 46c Appeal ....................................................... 14, 61e Blanks, filling ................................................... 25 Call to order ................................................ 14, 61d Close debate .................................................. 37, 58 Commit ....................................................... 22, 56b Consideration of a question, objection to ................... 15, 59a Divide the question ....................................... 4, 23, 56a

=== Page 173 ===


Extend the limits of debate ................................... 34, 65 Fix the time to which to adjourn ............................. 10, 63a Incidental motions or questions .................................... 8 Indefinitely postpone ........................................ 24, 59b Informal consideration of a question .............................. 33 Leave to continue speech when guilty of indecorum ................. 36 Leave to withdraw a motion ................................... 17, 62b Lie on the table ........................................ 19, 57b, 59c Limit Debate ................................................. 37, 58b Main motions or questions .......................................... 6 Objection to the consideration of a question ................. 15, 59a Order, questions of .......................................... 14, 61d Orders of the day ............................................ 13, 61a Orders, special .................................................. 61b Postpone to a certain day .................................... 21, 57a Postpone indefinitely ........................................ 24, 59b Previous question ............................................ 20, 58a Principal motions or questions ..................................... 6 Priority of Business, questions relating to ....................... 35 Privileged motions or questions .................................... 9 Privilege, questions of ...................................... 12, 62c Reading papers ................................................ 16, 62 Reception of a report [see Committees] ....................... 30, 46c Recommit [same as Commit] ..................................... 22, 56 Reconsider .................................................... 27, 60 Refer [same as Commit] ....................................... 22, 56b Renewal of a motion ........................................... 26, 60 Rise [in committee, equals adjourn] ........................... 11, 32 Shall the question be considered? [or discussed] ............. 15, 59a Special Order, to make a ......................................... 61b Strike out [see Amendment] ................................... 23, 56a Subsidiary motions or questions .................................... 7 Substitute (same as Amendment, which see) .................... 23, 56a Suspension of the Rules ...................................... 18, 61c Take from the table [see Lie on the table] ................... 19, 57b Take up a question out of its proper order .................... 44, 72 Withdrawal of a motion ........................................ 17, 62

=== Page 174 ===

Motions, tabular view of rules relating to, page 166. classified according to their object .............................. 55 classified into Privileged, Incidental, Subsidiary, etc. ......... 6-9 order of precedence of [see each motion, �� 10-27] ................ 64 how to be made .......................................... 1, 2, 46, 54 a second required (with certain exceptions) .................... 3, 67

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