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Book online «All About Coffee by William H. Ukers (interesting novels in english TXT) 📖». Author William H. Ukers

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658, 662

Kahwe, 45

Kair Bey, 17

Kaldi, 14, 15

Kaltenbach, George, 476, 529

Kant, Immanuel, 562

Kaspar, Adam J., 502

Kato, Sartori, 471, 538

Kato Coffee Co., 538

Kavah, 2

Kaveh, 1

Kaveh kanes, 17
(See also Coffee houses)

Kavveghi, 22

Kawih, 11

Keable, B.B., q., 181, 182

Keats, John, 549;
q., 550

Keen, William, chk., 120

Keen's Chop House, 498

Kelly, George, 501

Kelly, H.D., pat., 472, 649

Kemble, John, 581

Kendrick, F.G., 507

Kenny, C.D., 508

Kenrich, Archibald, pat., 624

Kentucky coffee tree, 564

Kentucky Warbler, The, Allen, q., 564

Kerr, Mary Alice, 523

Khawah (see Kahwah)

Kickleburys on the Rhine, Thackeray, q., 563

Kidde, Frank, 479

Kidneys, effect on, 175, 181

Kilgour & Taylor, 503

Kimball, O.G., 527, 528

King, Dr., q., 584

King, John E., 513, 539, 701, 720;
pat., 167, 474, 651;
q., 168, 402, 716
(See also Irregular grind)

King, Moll, chk., 581, 587

King, Thomas, chk., 581

King, Tom, chk., 587

King Coffee Products Corp., 539

King of American breakfast table, 107

King of perfumes, 565

Kingdom's Intelligencer, London, per., q., 433, 582

Kipfel, 50

Kirby, James H., 480

Kirby & Halstead, 480

Kirby, Halstead & Chapin, 480

Kirby, Halstead & Chapin Co., 485

Kirkland, A., 480

Kirkland, W.J., 480

Kirkland & von Sacks, 480

Kirkland Bros., 478, 480

Kisher, 231, 266, 655, 658
Method of preparing, 694

Kissing the cheeks, 387

Kitchen, James, chk., 130

Kitchen Directory and American Housewife, q., 709

Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 578

Knickerbocker & Cooke, 499

Knickerbocker Mills, 496

Knickerbocker Mills Co., 496

Knight, Eberman & Co., 507

Knowles, Cloyes & Co., 502

Knowlys, Thomas John, pat., 633

Knudsen & Co., P.J., 488

Koch, q., 186

Kock, Paul de, 565

Koenig & Co., J. Henry, 503

Kohwah, 12

Kolschitzky Franz George, chk., 49, 50, 51, 590
Introduces c. to Vienna, 50
Portrait, ill., 51
Statue, ill., 50, 599
Wife (Ursula), 51

Kolster & Co., 340

Kona c., 356, 375

Kooman, G.W., pat., 649

Koran, q., 15, 20

Kosmos Line, 489

Kraepelin, q., 186

Krag-Reynolds Co., 502

Kraut, Adolph, 471

Kreiser, Alexander W., 509

Kreissel, Fillip, 538

Kroberger, Charles, 501

Kroe c., 355, 371

Krout, J.M., 503

Krull, pat., 247

Krupp A.G. Grusonwerk, Fried, 247

Kuchelmeister, F., pat., 647

Kuhlemeir, Fred J., pat., 648

Kuhlke, George F., 482

Kunhardt, Henry, 482

Kunhardt & Co., 482

Kuprili, Grand Vizier, 20, 21 49, 71, 664

Labaree & Co., J.H., 480, 482, 484

Labeling machinery, 403

Labels, law affecting, 410

Angola, 268
Arabia, 266
Arbuckle business, 524, 525, 526
Brazil, 207, 260, 261, 293, 445, 530, 531
Colombia, 260
Guadeloupe, 233
Guatemala, 219
Guianas, 236
Honduras, 234
Java, 269, 271
Mexico, 263, 264
Nicaragua, 264
Netherlands E.I., 283, 293, 294
Salvador, 217
Sumatra, 269
Venezuela, 263
West Indies, 293

Lacedæmonian (see Black broth), 13

La Chaussée, 94

La Coux, François Réné, pat., 627

La Guaira c., 348

La Roque, Jean, 31, 32, 34, 543, 557;
q., 5, 15, 33, 197, 245, 542, 565, 616, 694, 695

La Seine c.-pot, 607

Lactation, Effect on, 177, 178

Ladies Home Journal, per., 177;
q., 709

Ladies Home Magazine, per., q., 709, 710

Lahey, B., 480

L'Ainé, inv., 620

Lait, Café au, 691, 696

Lally, Albert V., q., 570

Lamb, Charles, q., 550

Lamb (Folger, Schilling & Co.), 506

Lambert, Joseph, 642, 646, 471, 472

Lambert Food & Machinery Co., 646

Lambert Machine Co., 649

Lamboray, C., 144

Lancet, per., q., 179

Landanabileo, q., 181

Landers, Frary & Clark, 472, 644, 647, 648, 649, 653, 701

Langfeld, 186

Langius, 543

Lantern Slides, 443

Lantern-shaped c.-pot, 602, 603, 604, 619

Lapicque, q., 184

Larousse, q., 91

Lascelles & Co., A.S., 482

Last-bag notice, New York, 321

Lastreto & Co., 488

Lathrop & Co., C.D., 484, 485

Laud, Archbishop, 41

Laughlin & Co., J.W., 508

Laurens, pat., 623, 694

Laurent, Emil, 144

Laurentii, C. (robusta), 142, 144

Laurentii Gillet, C., 142

Laurina, C., hyb., 138

Lauzaune, pat., 640

Lauzaune, Établissements, 625, 646

Lavado (grade), 261

Lawrence, George W., 535, 537

Lawrence & Van Zandt, 476

Lawton, Frederick, q., 557

Lawton, William, inv., 641, 651

Lazear, Jesse, 508

Lead number, 159, 513

Leaf-blight (see Diseases)

Leaves, beverage from, 133, 694

Le Candiot, chk., 93

Le Conte, q., 178

Le Gantois, chk., 93

Le Morgan Coffee Co., 508

Le Page, Jules, pat., 474, 652

Leclerc, 96

Lee, H.H., 508

Lee & Murbach, 502

Leech, John, 582

Lefévre, 96

Légal, 96

Legendary origin (see Origin), 541

Leggett & Co., Francis H., 398, 480, 482, 494

Legislative com. on speculations, N.Y., 322

Lehmann, Julius, q., 70, 183

Lemare, 708

Lemierre, 94

Lemmon & Son, 507

Lemon in c. (Russia), 686

Lemonade venders, 670
(See also Pedling)

Lensing, J.H., 638

Leo XIII, Pope, q., 549

Leone, 579

Leopold, Emperor, 49

Lepper, q., 145

L'Estrange, 59

Lester, George C., pat., 472, 647

Lettre sur l'Origine et le Progres du Café, Galland, q., 12

Leven, 185

Levering, William T., 484, 485

Levering & Co., E., 484, 485, 508

Levinthal, q., 185

Levy, Florence N., q., 607

Levy & Co., M.M., 485

Lewin-Meyer Co., 488

Lewis, Charles, 503;
pat., 646

Lewis, Teacle Wallace, 480

Lewis & Co., T.W., 480

Liberian c., 353, 378

Liberica, C.
Allied Species, 142, 144
Botanical description, 140, 142
Colombia, 211
Dutch Guiana, 236
Federated Malay States, 238
French Indo-China, 237
Guadeloupe, 234
Java, 215, 216
Liberia, 229
Trees to acre, 230
Netherlands E.I. (1920), 283
United States imports, 341

Liberty Boys, 120

Coffee-house, 108
First, Dorothy Jones, 107
Coffee-house, 59
First royal warrant, 59
France (first, 1692), 34

Germany, 46, 293
Mecca, coffee-house, 18
Philadelphia, coffee-house, 18
United States
First (1670), 467
War-time (1917–18), 338, 534
Württemberg, 47

Lichty, George E., 535

Lidgerwood, John, pat., 246

Lidgerwood, Wm. Van V., pat., 246, 247

Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., Ltd., 246

Liebig, Baron von, 682, 684, 685, 687;
q., 711

Liebreich, q., 185

Lievre, Frick & Co., 506

Life of Addison, Johnson, q., 561

Life of Home, Mackenzie, q., 86

Life of Johnson, Boswell, q., 567

Light roast, 356, 387, 388

Lightfoot, Alexander, chk., 120

Lilly (astrologer), 69

Limbird, John, 585

Limonáji, 670

Linn, A.R. & W.F., 508

Lins, Albuquerque, 531

Linschoten's travels, ill., 43;
q., 35, 37

Lion (brand), 523

Lion's head (Button's c. house), ill., 80, 576, 593

Livre Commode (Paris, 1691), 433

Lippincott, Jesse H., 507

Lispenard, Anthony, 475

Lispenard, Leonard, 475

Literature of coffee, 541–585

Literature, Influence of c. on 552, 556
England, 60, 81
Paris, 94,

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