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id="FNanchor_2_2"/>[2] (see fig. 11). Wrap black cotton or paper round the jars so as to keep the roots dark as they would be in the soil.

Fig 10. Plant packed in split cork. (h) Hole in cork; (c) cotton-wool packing the stem.

Do not use too small vessels; in fact, if you had bigger jars and took double quantities of everything it would be better.

You may make the experiment more complete by preparing a whole series of solutions with one of the salts left out each time. In this way you would be able to see the effect of the different elements on the growth of the plants, and you would find nitrates are very important. Put a plant, similar to the one you are experimenting with, into a pot of soil or the garden, and keep it well watered. This is called the “control plant.”

Very soon you will find that the plant in jar A (the one with only distilled water) is not growing so fast as the others, and after a time will die off completely. The one in jar C with all the salts, on the other hand, should grow quite as well as the control plant in the garden, which you should take as the standard.

The plant in jar B, when it has everything but iron, should act in a curious manner. At first it should grow all right and outlive the one in distilled water, but after a time its leaves should get paler, till the new ones formed are quite yellow instead of green, and soon after this the plant will die. If, however, you add two drops of the iron solution before it dies, it may recover, become green again, and go on living. It turned a whitish yellow colour because there was no iron in its supply of salts and water. Just as when people get pale and white the doctor orders them iron, so it is necessary for plants to have iron when they begin to lose their green colour. Later on you will find how very important the green colour is, for without it they cannot grow (see Chap. VI.).[3]

Fig. 11. Three jars in which seedlings of the same age are growing; A, in distilled water; B, in the food solution without iron; and C, in the complete food solution.

From these experiments you see that it is not the soil which is necessary to the plants, but that certain salts in solution in the water held by the soil particles are very important. When all the salts are present in the water, as was the case in jar C, the plant can grow just as well as one in the soil; but when it has not these salts it must die. The salts in solution, therefore, must be a very important part of the food. Are they the only food the plant gets?


The experiments you have just done show that plants absolutely require the mineral salts dissolved in the water of the soil or of their food solutions. Yet although these salts are so necessary, they do not use a large quantity of them, as you may prove by taking the solution C, which is left after the plant has grown in it, and slowly drying off all the water (taking care not to destroy a part of the salt crystals) by gentle heat, and then weighing this dry salt, and comparing its weight with that of the salts you put into C. You will find that the growing plant has only removed a small quantity of the salts. Yet the plant should have grown to some considerable size. Of course, the water itself goes into the plant tissues, but you can drive this off by gentle heat. Before drying it, however, cut off a part of the plant which is equal in weight to the weight of the young plant you put into the food solution at first (see p. 16), so that you have only to deal with the amount of its growth while using the food solution. Then if you weigh the fully dried plant, you get the weight of the solid structure added to its body while it was growing in the food solution, and you will find that this is much heavier than the amount of the salts it used during its growth.

What is this extra substance?

Now let us examine the dried plant more carefully. Heat it on an open dish, and you will find that it goes black and chars, very like the charred wood on a fire or specially prepared charcoal. The black charcoal is well known to consist chiefly of carbon, and so does this black plant-ash. You know that charcoal can burn, and so will this charred plant if you heat it more strongly. Although you can burn the carbon (that is, you can make it combine with oxygen gas and go off in an invisible form), yet you cannot absolutely destroy it. Like all elements it is not to be made or destroyed by us, nor can the plant make carbon for itself.

If you examine the list of substances you put into the food solution once more, you will find that carbon is not among them, nor is it contained in any of them.

Carbon, then, is the extra substance which makes the weight of the plant greater than that of the salts used from its food solution.

Where does the plant find this carbon?

You may know that there are three chief gases in the air: oxygen and nitrogen, which are the important parts for our breathing, and a little carbonic acid gas, which you may remember is breathed out by animals and plants (see p. 6), and is made of carbon joined with oxygen. As there was no carbon in the food solution, and the plant was surrounded by air containing carbon and oxygen in the invisible form of gas, the idea is suggested that perhaps it is from the air that the plant gets its carbon. Now let us see if this is true by trying the effect of removing the carbonic acid gas from the air in which the plant is growing.

To do this we must set up an apparatus which will allow only air freed from carbonic acid gas to surround the plant. Such an apparatus is shown in the figure 12. The plant is grown in the closed bell jar D, which stands over the dish C filled with lime-water, which prevents carbonic acid gas entering through the cracks between the foot of the jar and the table. All the air which enters the jar D must come first through jar A, which is filled with a solution of caustic potash that has the power of absorbing the carbonic acid gas, and then through jar B with lime-water. You can draw plenty of air through jar D for the use of the plant by sucking at the indiarubber tube G, which must be carefully shut with a clamp when you stop the current. The bell-jar D will now be filled with air which is quite free from carbonic acid gas, and the small quantity which is breathed out by the plant itself will be absorbed by the lime-water in dish C. Place the whole in a light or sunny position, and change the air every day or two in the way you filled it, that is by drawing at G so that the fresh air comes in through A and B, and is free from carbonic acid gas.

Fig. 12. Apparatus used to keep a plant without any carbonic acid gas. A, jar of caustic potash, B, jar of lime water, which absorb the carbonic acid gas, through which all the air entering jar D must pass; C, basin of lime water to absorb any of the gas given out by the plant growing in D; G, indiarubber tube which can be closed or attached to a siphon to draw air through D.

If you keep the plant growing under these conditions for some time you will find, in comparison with another quite similar plant growing in the open near it, that its growth is very slow. The leaves it forms are smaller, and finally its growth almost ceases. Further, if you test the leaves of the plant growing out in the air for starch (see pp. 24 and 25), you will find that they contain plenty, but that the leaves on the plant in the bell-jar are empty of starch. Now all healthily growing green leaves contain starch, so that this is a good proof that something is seriously wrong with the plant, which has been deprived of the supply of carbon in the air. This shows us that plants use the carbonic acid gas in the air for their growth.

Carbonic acid gas is composed of a union of carbon and oxygen gas. If, then, the carbon is used by the plant, what happens to the oxygen?

Fig. 13. Jar of Elodea in water, giving off bubbles of oxygen gas in the sunlight.

You must have noticed bubbles rising from the “pond scum” and water-plants when they are in the sunlight, the little bubbles sometimes coming up in a quick, regular succession from the leaves and stems. Let us collect this gas and test it to find out what it is. This is more easily done if the plants are living in glass jars, where you can see them and get at them readily. A very good plant to use is the common Canadian water-plant (Elodea), which you can buy in aquarium shops if you cannot get it from the ponds for yourself. Place a handful of this plant in a tall, glass jar filled with fresh water, and cover it with a glass funnel, so as to collect the bubbles as they rise. See that the funnel is well under the water and support over it a test tube full of water, as in fig. 13. Place the jar in as bright sunlight as possible, when you should see the bubbles beginning to come off quite quickly. As the bubbles rise in the tube A, the water is forced out till the whole vessel is filled with gas. Then place your thumb over the mouth of the tube of gas, and remove it quickly from the water. Test it by plunging into it a splinter of wood which has been burning, but just blown out, so that it is still glowing. If you plunge it quickly enough into the tube, it should catch fire and burn brilliantly. Now this is the test for oxygen gas, so that we have proved that the tube was full of oxygen. This oxygen is the part of the carbonic acid gas which is given off by the plant as it uses the carbon and frees the oxygen it does not need.

You will find that the gas bubbles are given off much more rapidly when the plant is placed in bright sunshine than when it is shaded, and that when the plant is in darkness the bubbles stop altogether. This seems to show us that the sunshine must assist the plant to split up the carbonic acid gas, and we will find out more about this later on (see p. 25).

We have now found that carbon forms a large part of the plant body, that plants cannot grow in air in which there is no carbonic acid gas, and that in getting the carbon from the carbonic acid gas, they split it up and

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