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it is a fine day; “estas bele”, it is fine; “estas vere, ke…”, it is true that…, etc., “it” is left out, because it does not stand for any “thing.” The adverbs “bele”, “vere”, are used because no “thing” is mentioned.

2.—“Ni havas fresxajn lakton kaj panon” means “Ni havas fresxan lakton kaj fresxan panon”, We have new milk and new bread. “Ni havas fresxan lakton kaj panon” means We have bread and new milk.

3.—“La angla, franca kaj germana lingvoj estas malfacilaj”, The English, French and German languages are difficult. “Angla”, “franca”, “germana” do not take “j” because each refers to only one language, while “malfacilaj” refers to all those mentioned.



The words “ia, tia; kial, tial; kiam, cxiam, neniam; kie, kiel, tiel; io, kio, tio, cxio, nenio; kiu, cxiu, neniu”, have already been met with. They belong to a series whose use will best be seen from the following examples:—

“ia” denotes kind or quality. “Kia” floro estas la plej bela? “Ia” kaj “cxia” floro estas beta, “nenia” estas malbela. Mi admiras la rozon; “tia” floro la plej placxas al mi. “What (kind of)” flower is the most beautiful? “Any kind” and “every kind” of flower is beautiful, “no kind” is ugly. I admire the rose, “that kind of” flower pleases me the most.

“ial”, motive, reason. “Kial” li iros en Parizon? Mi ne scias; “ial” li foriros, sed “cxial” estus pli bone resti en Londono. Li deziras foriri, “tial” li foriros. “Why” is he going (will he go) to Paris? I know not; “for some reason” he is going, but “for every reason” (on every account) it would be better to remain in London. He wishes to go, “therefore” (for that reason) he will go.

“iam”, time. “Kiam” vi venos min viziti? “Iam” mi venos, “kiam” mi havos libertempon; vi “cxiam” havas libertempon, mi “neniam”. Postmorgaux estos festo, “tiam” mi venos. “When” will you come to visit me? “Sometime” I will come, “when” (at what time) I shall have a holiday; you “always” (at all times) have a holiday, I “never” (at no time). (The day) after to-morrow will be a festival (a general holiday); I will come “then” (at that time).

“ie”, place. “Kie” estas mia cxapelo? Gxi devas esti “ie”, sed mi sercxis gxin “cxie”, kaj “nenie” mi povas trovi gxin. Ha, nun mi ekvidas gxin “tie”. “Where” is my hat? It must be “somewhere”, but I have looked for it “everywhere”, and “nowhere” can I find it. Ha, now I see it “there”.

“iel”, manner. “Kiel” vi faros tion cxi? Mi ne scias; mi “cxiel” provis gxin fari, sed mi “neniel” sukcesis. Johano sukcesis “iel”; eble li faris gxin “tiel”. “How” will you do this? I do not know; I have tried in every way to do it, but I have “in no way” (not at all) succeeded. John succeeded “in some way” (somehow); perhaps he did it “so (in such a way”).

“ies”, possession. “Kies” devo estas tio cxi? Eble gxi estas “ties”; sendube gxi estas “ies”. “Cxies” devo estas “nenies”. “Whose” duty is this? Perhaps it is “that one’s (person’s)”; doubtless it is “somebody’s. Everybody’s” duty is “nobody’s.”

“io”, thing. “Kio” malplacxas al vi? Nun “nenio” malplacxas al mi, “cxio” estas bona. Antaux tri tagoj “io” tre malplacxis al mi, sed mi ne parolas pri “tio” nun. “What” displeases you? Now “nothing” displeases me, “all” is well. Three days ago “something” greatly displeased me, but I am not speaking about “that” now.

“iom”, quantity. “Kiom” da mono vi bezonas? Mi havas “tiom”, mi povas prunti al vi “iom”, sed ne “cxiom”. Se mi pruntus al vi “cxiom”, mi mem havus “neniom”. “How much” money do you need ? I have “so much (that quantity)”, I can lend you “some”, but not “all”. If I were to lend you “all”, I myself should have “none”.

“iu” denotes individuality, person, or thing specified. “Kiu” estis cxe la balo? “Cxiu, kiu” estis invitita, estis tie, “neniu” forestis. “Iu, kiun” mi mem ne konas, venis kun “tiu kiu” vizitis vin hierau. “Who” was at the ball? “Everybody who” had been invited was there, “nobody” was absent. “Somebody, whom” I myself do not know, came with “that person who” visited you yesterday.

It will be seen from these examples that the words beginning with “K” either “ask questions” or “refer” to some person or thing before mentioned. Those beginning with “T” point to a “definite” time, place, etc. Those with “Cx” signify “each” or “every”, and in the plural “all”. Those without a letter prefixed are “indefinite”, meaning some or any; and those with “nen-” are “negative”, meaning “no, none”.

The words ending in “ia” and those in “iu” can take the plural “j” and accusative “n”.

The words in “io” take “n”, but the sense does not permit of their taking “j”.

The words in “ie” take the “n” denoting direction.

The word “cxi”, signifying nearness, is used with the “T” series (words meaning “that”), to denote the one near “i.e., this”, as “Tio cxi”, this thing; “Tiu cxi”, this person; “Tie cxi”, or, “cxi tie”, here, etc.

The word “ajn”, ever, is used with the “K” series to give a more inclusive and wider meaning, as “Kio ajn”, whatever; “Kiu ajn”, whoever; “Kiam ajn”, whenever; “Kiom ajn”, however much.

Comparisons of equality are made with the words—

“tiel … kiel”, as Vi estas “tiel” forta, “kiel” mi, You are “as” strong “as” I.

“tia … kia”, as “Tia” domo, “kia” tiu, estas malofta, “Such” a house “as” that is rare.

“sama … kia”, as Mia bastono estas “tia sama, kia” la via, My stick is “the same as” yours.

“sama … kiel”, as Gxia uzado estas “tia sama, kiel” en la aliaj lingvoj, Its use is “the same as” in the other languages. Vi cxiam laboradas al tiu “sama” celo, “kiel” mi, You are always working towards that “same” end (aim) “as” I.

Any of the above series of words whose sense admits of it can be used as adjectives, adverbs, etc., and in combination with prefixes, suffixes, or other words, as “cxiama”, continual, eternal; “tiea”, of that place. “Kioma” is used for asking the time, as “Kioma horo estas”? What time is it?




| | * | K | T | CX | Nen- |


| | | RELATIVE. | | | |

| |Some, any. | What, | That. | Each, | No, none. |

| | | which. | |every, all.| |


| | Ia | Kia | Tia | Cxia | Nenia |

|QUALITY | Some kind | What kind |That kind | Each kind | No kind |

|Kind of | Any kind | | Such |Every kind | |

| | | | | | |


| | Ial | Kial | Tial | Cxial | Nenial |

| MOTIVE |For some |For what |For that |For each |For no |

| Reason | reason | reason | reason | reason | reason |

|Purpose |For any |Why |Therefore |For every | |

| | reason | | | reason | |


| | Iam | Kiam | Tiam | Cxiam | Neniam |

| TIME | Sometime | At what | At that | Each time |At no time |

| | Any time | time | time |Every time | Never |

| | | When | Then | Always | |


| | Ie | Kie | Tie | Cxie | Nenie |

| PLACE |In some | At what | At that | At each | At no |

| | place | place | place | place | place |

| | Somewhere | Where | There | At every | Nowhere |

| | Anywhere | | | place | |

| | | | | Everywhere| |


| | Iel | Kiel | Tiel | Cxiel | Neniel |

|MANNER |In some way|In what way| In that | In each | In no way |

| |In any way |How | way | way | Nohow |

| |Somehow, |As, like | So | In every | |

| |anyhow | | | way | |


| | Ies | Kies | Ties | Cxies | Nenies |

|POSSES- | Someone’s | What |That one’s|Each one’s | No one’s |

| SION | Anyone’s | person’s | |Everyone’s | |

| | | Whose | | | |


| | Io | Kio | Tio | Cxio | Nenio |

| THING | Something | What thing| That | Everything| Nothing |

| | Anything | What | thing | | |


| | Iom | Kiom | Tiom | Cxiom | Neniom |

|QUANTITY|Some(of the| What |That |Every |None of the|

| | quantity)| quantity| quantity| quantity | quantity |

| | | How much |So much |All of the | |

| | | | | quantity | |


| | Iu | Kiu | Tiu | Cxiu | Neniu |

|INIVIDU-| Someone |What person|That |Each person| No one |

| ALITY | Anyone |Which thing| person |Everyone | Nobody |

| | |Who Which |That | Cxiuj = | |

| | | |(specified) all, | |

| | | | thing | all the…| |




ankro : anchor. prov- : attempt, try.

maniero : manner, way. sukces- : succeed.

riprocxo : reproach. perd- : lose.

konscienco : conscience. merit- : deserve.

propono : proposal, offer. kompren- : understand.

rando : edge. libera : free.

sxipo : ship. certa : certain, sure.

dubo : doubt. utila : useful.

demando : question. fremda : strange.

admir- : admire. necesa : necessary.

placx- : be pleasing. ekster : beyond, outside.

supoz- : suppose.

“Ia.” La maro estas tie pli profunda, ol povas atingi ia ankro. En ia maniero. Sen ia riprocxo de konscienco. Mi scias, en kia loko mi certe lin trovos. Kia estas la vetero? Kian malbonon mi al vi faris? Tiamaniere li faris cxion. Li invitis lin veni en tian kaj tian lokon. Ne cxia birdo kantas. Ekster cxia dubo. Nenia homo meritas tian punon. Tiaj libroj estas malutilaj. Iafoje li vizitas nin.

“Ial.” Ial li ne povis dormi. Kial vi ne respondas al mi? Mi ne komprenis vian demandon, tial mi ne respondis. La homoj ne komprenas unu la alian, kaj tial ili tenas sin fremde. Cxial tio estas la plej bona.

“Iam.” Mi iam vin amis. Kio vivas, necese devas iam morti. Kiam vi foriros? En la luna nokto, kiam cxiuj dormis, tiam sxi sidis sur la rando de la sxipo. Estu por cxiam benata! Sxi antauxe neniam vidis hundon.




mono : money. monto : mountain.

monujo : purse. ganto : glove.

juneco : youth. opinio : opinion.

reto : net. vocxo : voice.

ideo : idea. prezid- : preside.

gajno : gain. alpren- : adopt.

tauxg- : be fit, suitable. stranga : strange, curious.

fart- : be, fare (as to health). komprenebla : understandable.

subita : sudden.

“Ie.” Kie estas la knaboj? Kien vi iris? Mi restas tie cxi. Li perdis sian monujon ie en la urbo, sed kie li perdis gxin, li ne scias. Mi volonte el tie venis tien cxi. Li petis sxin, ke sxi diru al li, de kie si venas. [Footnote: See note in Lesson 17.] Por la juneco cxie staras retoj. Cxie estas floroj, kaj nenie oni povas trovi pli belajn.

“Iel.” Kiel bela! Cxu mi tauxgas kiel regxo? Tiel finigxis la felicxa tago. Ili brilis kiel diamantoj. Kiel vi fartas? Iel li malkomprenis min. Mia edzino pensis tiel same, kiel mi. Mi neniel povas kompreni, kion vi diras. Tre stranga kaj neniel komprenebla! Mi elektis lin kiel prezidanto. Mi elektis lin kiel prezidanton.

“Ies.” Kies ganto tiu cxi estas? Mi neniam alprenas ties opinion. Subite sxi ekauxdis ies fortan

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