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A New Edition.


Among the many editions of the works of this greatest of English

Novelists, there has not been until now one that entirely satisfies

the public demand.—Without exception, they each have some strong

distinctive objection,—either the form and dimensions of the volumes

are unhandy—or, the type is small and indistinct—or, the illustrations

are unsatisfactory—or, the binding is poor—or, the price is too high.


An entirely new edition is now, however, published by G. W. Carleton &

Co. of New York, which, it is believed, will, in every respect,

completely satisfy the popular demand.—It is known as


“Carleton’s New Illustrated Edition.”




The size and form is most convenient for holding,—the type is entirely

new, and of a clear and open character that has received the approval of

the reading community in other popular works.


The illustrations are by the original artists chosen by Charles Dickens

himself—and the paper, printing, and binding are of an attractive and

substantial character.


This beautiful new edition is complete

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