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iridescent in the afternoon sun.)
irreverence (n.) disrespect (The irreverence displayed by the band that marched
through the chapel disturbed many churchgoers.)
irrevocable (adj.) incapable of being taken back (The Bill of Rights is an irrevocable
part of American law.)
jubilant (adj.) extremely joyful, happy (The crowd was jubilant when the firefighter
carried the woman from the flaming building.)
judicious (adj.) having or exercising sound judgment (When the judicious king decided
to compromise rather than send his army to its certain death, he was applauded.)
juxtaposition (n.) the act of placing two things next to each other for implicit
comparison (The interior designer admired my juxtaposition of the yellow couch
and green table.)
knell (n.) the solemn sound of a bell, often indicating a death (Echoing throughout our
village, the funeral knell made the stormy day even more grim.)
kudos (n.) praise for an achievement (After the performance, the reviewers gave the
opera singer kudos for a job well done.)
laceration (n.) a cut, tear (Because he fell off his bike into a rosebush, the paperboy’s skin
was covered with lacerations.)
laconic (adj.) terse in speech or writing (The author’s laconic style has won him many
followers who dislike wordiness.)
languid (adj.) sluggish from fatigue or weakness (In the summer months, the great heat
makes people languid and lazy.)
larceny (n.) obtaining another’s property by theft or trickery (When my car was not
where I had left it, I realized that I was a victim of larceny.)
largess (n.) the generous giving of lavish gifts (My boss demonstrated great largess by
giving me a new car.)
SAT Vocabulary
latent (adj.) hidden, but capable of being exposed (Sigmund’s dream represented his
latent paranoid obsession with other people’s shoes.)
laudatory (adj.) expressing admiration or praise (Such laudatory comments are unusual
from someone who is usually so reserved in his opinions.)
lavish 1. (adj.) given without limits (Because they had worked very hard, the
performers appreciated the critic’s lavish praise.) 2. (v.) to give without limits
(Because the performers had worked hard, they deserved the praise that the critic
lavished on them.)
legerdemain (n.) deception, slight-of-hand (Smuggling the French plants through
customs by claiming that they were fake was a remarkable bit of legerdemain.)
lenient (adj.) demonstrating tolerance or gentleness (Because Professor Oglethorpe
allowed his students to choose their final grades, the other teachers believed that he
was excessively lenient.)
lethargic (adj.) in a state of sluggishness or apathy (When Jean Claude explained to his
boss that he was lethargic and didn’t feel like working that day, the boss fired him.)
liability 1. (n.) something for which one is legally responsible, usually involving a
disadvantage or risk (The bungee-jumping tower was a great liability for the
owners of the carnival.) 2. (n.) a handicap, burden (Because she often lost her
concentration and didn’t play defense, Marcy was a liability to the team.)
libertarian (adj.) advocating principles of liberty and free will (The dissatisfied subjects
overthrew the monarch and replaced him with a libertarian ruler who respected
their democratic principles.)
licentious (adj.) displaying a lack of moral or legal restraints (Marilee has always been
fascinated by the licentious private lives of politicians.)
limpid (adj.) clear, transparent (Mr. Johnson’s limpid writing style greatly pleased
readers who disliked complicated novels.)
linchpin (n.) something that holds separate parts together (The linchpin in the
prosecution’s case was the hair from the defendant’s head, which was found at the
scene of the crime.)
lithe (adj.) graceful, flexible, supple (Although the dancers were all outstanding, Jae
Sun’s control of her lithe body was particularly impressive.)
litigant (n.) someone engaged in a lawsuit (When the litigants began screaming at each
other, Judge Koch ordered them to be silent.)
SAT Vocabulary
lucid (adj.) clear, easily understandable (Because Guenevere’s essay was so lucid, I only
had to read it once to understand her reasoning.)
luminous (adj.) brightly shining (The light of the luminous moon graced the shoulders
of the beautiful maiden.)
lurid (adj.) ghastly, sensational (Gideon’s story, in which he described a character
torturing his sister’s dolls, was judged too lurid to be printed in the school’s literary
maelstrom (n.) a destructive whirlpool which rapidly sucks in objects (Little did the
explorers know that as they turned the next bend of the calm river a vicious
maelstrom would catch their boat.)
magnanimous (adj.) noble, generous (Although I had already broken most of her
dishes, Jacqueline was magnanimous enough to continue letting me use them.)
malediction (n.) a curse (When I was arrested for speeding, I screamed maledictions
against the policeman and the entire police department.)
malevolent (adj.) wanting harm to befall others (The malevolent old man sat in the park
all day, tripping unsuspecting passersby with his cane.)
malleable (adj.) capable of being shaped or transformed (Maximillian’s political
opinions were so malleable that anyone he talked to was able to change his mind
mandate (n.) an authoritative command (In the Old Testament, God mandates that no
one should steal.)
manifest 1. (adj.) easily understandable, obvious (When I wrote the wrong sum on the
chalkboard, my mistake was so manifest that the entire class burst into laughter.) 2.
(v.) to show plainly (His illness first manifested itself with particularly violent
manifold (adj.) diverse, varied (The popularity of Dante’s Inferno is partly due to the
fact that the work allows for manifold interpretations.)
maudlin (adj.) weakly sentimental (Although many people enjoy romantic comedies, I
usually find them maudlin and shallow.)
maverick (n.) an independent, nonconformist person (Andreas is a real maverick and
always does things his own way.)
SAT Vocabulary
mawkish (adj.) characterized by sick sentimentality (Although some nineteenthcentury
critics viewed Dickens’s writing as mawkish, contemporary readers have
found great emotional depth in his works.)
maxim (n.) a common saying expressing a principle of conduct (Miss Manners’s
etiquette maxims are both entertaining and instructional.)
meager (adj.) deficient in size or quality (My meager portion of food did nothing to
satisfy my appetite.)
medley (n.) a mixture of differing things (Susannah’s wardrobe contained an
astonishing medley of colors, from olive green to fluorescent pink.)
mendacious (adj.) having a lying, false character (The mendacious content of the tabloid
magazines is at least entertaining.)
mercurial (adj.) characterized by rapid change or temperamentality (Though he was
widely respected for his mathematical proofs, the mercurial genius was impossible to
live with.)
meritorious (adj.) worthy of esteem or reward (Manfred was given the congressional
medal of honor for his meritorious actions.)
metamorphosis (n.) the change of form, shape, substance (Winnifred went to the gym
every day for a year and underwent a metamorphosis from a waiflike girl to an
athletic woman.)
meticulous (adj.) extremely careful with details (The ornate needlework in the bride’s
gown was a product of meticulous handiwork.)
mitigate (v.) to make less violent, alleviate (When I had an awful sore throat, only
warm tea would mitigate the pain.)
moderate 1. (adj.) not extreme (Luckily, the restaurant we chose had moderate prices;
none of us have any money.) 2. (n.) one who expresses moderate opinions (Because
he found both the liberal and conservative proposals too excessive, Mr. Park sided
with the moderates.)
modicum (n.) a small amount of something (Refusing to display even a modicum of
sensitivity, Henrietta announced her boss’s affair in front of the entire office.)
modulate (v.) to pass from one state to another, especially in music (The composer
wrote a piece that modulated between minor and major keys.)
mollify (v.) to soften in temper (The police officer mollified the angry woman by giving
her a warning instead of a ticket.)
SAT Vocabulary
morass (n.) a wet swampy bog; figuratively, something that traps and confuses (When
Theresa lost her job, she could not get out of her financial morass.)
mores (n.) the moral attitudes and fixed customs of a group of people. (Mores change
over time; many things that were tolerated in 1975 are no longer seen as being
socially acceptable.)
morose (adj.) gloomy or sullen (Jason’s morose nature made him very unpleasant to
talk to.)
multifarious (adj.) having great diversity or variety (This Swiss Army knife has
multifarious functions and capabilities. Among other things, it can act as a knife, a
saw, a toothpick, and a slingshot.)
mundane (adj.) concerned with the world rather than with heaven, commonplace (He
is more concerned with the mundane issues of day-to-day life than with spiritual
munificence (n.) generosity in giving (The royal family’s munificence made everyone
else in their country rich.)
mutable (adj.) able to change (Because fashion is so mutable, what is trendy today will
look outdated in five years.)
myriad (adj.) consisting of a very great number (It was difficult to decide what to do
Friday night because the city presented us with myriad possibilities for fun.)
nadir (n.) the lowest point of something (My day was boring, but the nadir came when
I accidentally spilled a bowl of spaghetti on my head.)
nascent (adj.) in the process of being born or coming into existence (Unfortunately,
my brilliant paper was only in its nascent form on the morning that it was due.)
nebulous (adj.) vaguely defined, cloudy (The transition between governments meant
that who was actually in charge was a nebulous matter.)
nefarious (adj.) heinously villainous (Although Dr. Meanman’s nefarious plot to melt
the polar icecaps was terrifying, it was so impractical that nobody really worried
about it.)
negligent (adj.) habitually careless, neglectful (Jessie’s grandfather called me a
negligent fool after I left the door to his apartment unlocked even though there had
been a recent string of robberies.)
SAT Vocabulary
neophyte (n.) someone who is young or inexperienced (As a neophyte in the literary
world, Malik had trouble finding a publisher for his first novel.)
nocturnal (adj.) relating to or occurring during the night (Jackie was a nocturnal
person; she would study until dawn and sleep until the evening.)
noisome (adj.) unpleasant, offensive, especially to the sense of smell (Nobody would
enter the stalls until the horse’s noisome leavings were
taken away.)
nomadic (adj.) wandering from place to place (In the first six months after college, Jose
led a nomadic life, living in New York, California, and Idaho.)
nominal (adj.) trifling, insignificant (Because he was moving the following week and
needed to get rid of his furniture more than he needed money, Jordan sold
everything for a nominal fee.)
nonchalant (adj.) having a lack of concern, indifference (Although deep down she was
very angry, Marsha acted in a nonchalant manner when she found out that her best
friend had used her clothing without asking.)
nondescript (adj.) lacking a distinctive character (I was surprised when I saw the movie
star in person because she looked nondescript.)
notorious (adj.) widely and unfavorably known (Jacob was notorious for always
arriving late at parties.)
novice (n.) a beginner, someone without training or experience (Because we were all
novices at yoga, our instructor decided to begin with the basics.)
noxious (adj.) harmful, unwholesome (Environmentalists showed that the noxious
weeds were destroying the insects’ natural habitats.)
nuance (n.) a slight variation in meaning, tone, expression (The nuances of the poem
were not obvious to the casual reader, but the professor was able to point them out.)
nurture (v.) to assist the development of (Although Serena had never watered the plant,
which was about to die, Javier was able to nurture it back to life.)
obdurate (adj.) unyielding to persuasion or moral influences (The obdurate old man
refused to take pity on the kittens.)
obfuscate (v.) to render incomprehensible (The detective did want to answer the
newspaperman’s questions, so he obfuscated the truth.)
SAT Vocabulary
oblique (adj.) diverging from a straight line or course, not straightforward (Martin’s
oblique language confused those who listened to him.)
oblivious (adj.) lacking consciousness or awareness of something (Oblivious to the
burning smell emanating from the kitchen, my father did not notice that the rolls in
the oven were burned until much too late.)
obscure (adj.) unclear, partially hidden (Because
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