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her masters. The programmers and users bore down so hard on controlling Marilyn that they repeatedly came close to driving her insane.”

- Springmeier, Op. Cit.

Marilyn was also constantly under high surveillance. Years after her death, an incredible amount of surveillance equipment was found in one of her homes.

“In 1972, actress Veronica Hamel and her husband became the new owners of Marilyn’s Brentwood home. They hired a contractor to replace the roof and remodel the house, and the contractor discovered a sophisticated eavesdropping and telephone tapping system that covered every room in the house. The components were not commercially available in 1962, but were in the words of a retired Justice Department official, “standard FBI issue.” This discovery lent further support to claims of conspiracy theorists that Marilyn had been under surveillance by the Kennedys and the Mafia. The new owners spent $100,000 to remove the bugging devices from the house.”



CH.4 Under the Spell of Mind Doctors

In 1956, Marilyn converted to Judaism and married her third husband, screenwriter Arthur Miller. At this point, the only people in Monroe’s life were her husband and her acting teacher Lee Strasberg and her psychiatrists Margaret Hohenberg, Marianne Kris and Ralph Greenson.

“Marilyn’s life was incredibly monotonous for her. Her doctor’s appointments (I later learned these were appointments with psychiatrists) and her acting lessons were virtually all she had to to look forward to.”

- Lena Pepitone, Marilyn Monroe Confidential: An Intimate Account”

Lee Strasberg, Monroe's acting coach.

Lee Strasberg, Monroe’s acting coach. According to Elia Kazan: “He carried with him the aura of a prophet, a magician, a witch doctor, a psychoanalyst and a feared father of a Jewish home.”

The ultimate proof that these individuals were the ONLY people in Marilyn’s life is that they inherited most of her fortune. Lee Strasberg alone inherited 75% of her estate while Dr. Kris obtained 25%.

“Marilyn began associating with Lee and his wife Paula Strasberg from around 1955, very quickly they became a colossal influence in Marilyn’s life, taking over almost every aspect of her very being.

Many of Marilyn’s friends and colleagues watched this happen and felt very uncomfortable about it but were powerless to do anything about it. Whilst she was married to Arthur Miller, Miller had begun to voice these concerns to Marilyn.

During the final year of her life there were signs that her faith in the Strasbergs’ was weakening and that she no longer wanted them to have the control. It has been said that she was in the process of dispensing with their services – this was seen as another indicator that Marilyn was intending to change her Will.”

- Loving Marilyn, Who Owns Marilyn’s Things?

After her death, Marilyn’s Will was contested due to her being under “undue influence” of her handlers.

“On 25th October 1962, the Los Angeles Times reported that Marilyn Monroe’s Will was being contested by her long time business manager Inez Melson. Miss Melson, who was not a beneficiary of the Will claimed that Marilyn was under undue influence of either Lee Strasberg or Dr Marianne Kris at the time the Will was made.”

- Ibid.

Another proof of the excessive control of “mind doctors” on Marilyn’s life is the fact that her psychiatrist Ralph Greenson was the one who found Monroe dead. Why was he at her house late at night? As we’ll see in the next part of this series of articles, the circumstances of her death are incredibly suspicious.

In short, as it is the case for most Monarch slaves, Marylin’s handlers were in charge of every aspect of her life. Contact with family members was totally forbidden.

“Although Marilyn Monroe had family, her doctors, psychologists, and acting coaches isolated her from them. (
) Members of the Hogan family, who lived in the Los Angeles area, had attempted to make contact with Marilyn Monroe after she was famous, and their efforts to connect with her were blocked.”

- Jennifer Jean Miller, “Was Phenergan Marilyn Monroe’s Silent Killer, and Was She a Victim of Psychological Abuse, Medical Malpractice and Wrongful Death?”

Disconnected from her family and with virtually no friends, Monroe was visiting therapists almost daily. Were these visits actually programming sessions? One thing is for sure, as the visits augmented in frequency, Monroe became worse. One particularly hunting account is the “Surgeon Story”, a text written by Monroe herself.


CH.5 The Surgeon Story

The Surgeon Story is a text written in poem form by Monroe where she describes being cut open by Lee Strasberg and her psychiatrist Margaret Hohenberg. While some describe this story as Marilyn’s recollection of a nightmare, other researchers claim that it is actually a description of a mind control session.

Best finest surgeon—Strasbergto cut me open which I don’t mind since Dr. Hhas prepared me—given me anaestheticand has also diagnosed the case andagrees with what has to be done—an operation—to bring myself back tolife and to cure me of this terrible dis-easewhatever the hell it is—(

Strasberg cuts me open after Dr. H gives meanesthesia and tries in a medical way to comfort me  –everything in the room is WHITE in fact I can’t even see anyone just white objects -​

they cut me open – Strasberg with Hohenberg’s ass.and there is absolutely nothing there—Strasberg isdeeply disappointed but more even—academically amazedthat he had made such a mistake. Hethought there was goingto be so much—more than he had everdreamed possible 
instead there was absolutely nothing—devoid ofevery human living feeling thing—the only thingthat came out was so finely cut sawdust—like out of a raggedy ann doll—and the sawdustspillsall over the floor & table and Dr. H ispuzzledbecause suddenly she realizes that this is anew type case. The patient 
 existingof complete emptinessStrasberg’s dreams & hopes for theaterare fallen.Dr. H’s dreams and hopes for a permanentpsychiatric cureis given up—Arthur is disappointed—let down.

In this odd and disturbing story, Monroe describes being drugged and cut open by her psychiatrists. She writes that she “didn’t mind the operation” because she was “prepared”. Was she dissociating? There is also mention of her seeing “only white” which might refer to sensory deprivation – a method used in MK Ultra programming.

Once cut open, the doctors only found “finely cut sawdust” inside of her “like out of a raggedy ann doll”. These are the typical words of an MK slave who have completely lost touch with their true core personality. Marilyn perceives herself as an “empty” doll.

According to Jason Kennedy, a member of Marilyn’s family, the Surgeon’s Story describes Mind Control techniques such as sensory deprivation and the administration of dissociative anesthetic drugs.

“Online publications have referred to the “Surgeon Story” as a dream or nightmare. Even a musician, Annie Clark, was inspired to write a song with the lyrics, “Best, finest surgeon/Come cut me open”, because she believed Marilyn wrote the words due to her reverence of Lee Strasberg during her studies with him.

Jason, on the other hand, likened it to a very real time in the life of Marilyn Monroe, and her narrative of the experience, after being subject to mind-control techniques and drugs at the hands of Lee Strasberg and Dr. Margaret Hohenberg, when she underwent private sessions with the duo in 1955 to help release blocks in her acting techniques.

Their methodology consisted of having Marilyn Monroe delve into painful childhood memories, they told her, to make her into a great actress.

According to Jason’s research, the pair convinced Marilyn this was all a part of “helping” her. He said she was confused from the start as she documented the “Surgeon Story” details, correcting her own details of the story from “pupil” or “student”, to coining herself the “patient”.

“It was a mental operation,” Jason said. “She wasn’t physically cut, but mentally cut open.”

He said it was used to break her down and change her behavior.

“This had nothing to do with acting,” Jason continued. “It was pure and simple extortion using mind control techniques. Also, ‘mind-control drugs’ were only one aspect of the process of mind-control. Sensory deprivation, dissociative anesthetic drugs, and psychic driving are part of an overall process of mind-control.”

Lee Strasberg often referred to himself as doctor, including in his 1965 book, “Strasberg At The Actor’s Studio: Tape Recorded Sessions”.

- Ibid.

Whether or not this story actually happened, it nevertheless conveys the inner-thoughts of a mind control slave who is powerless against her handlers and their clinical attempts to program and modify her. Sadly, other traumatic events caused by her handlers were all too real.


CH.6 Traumatized by Her Handlers

In 1961, Dr. Kris convinced Marilyn to check in at Payne Withney psychiatric ward. The events that ensued are shocking considering the fact that Marilyn was a world-renowned movie star – but not surprising considering the fact that she was a mind control slave. Here’s what happened at the psychiatric ward:

“Kris had driven Marilyn to the sprawling, white-brick New York Hospital—Weill Cornell Medical Center, overlooking the East River at 68th Street. Swathed in a fur coat and using the name Faye Miller, she signed the papers to admit herself, but she quickly found she was being escorted not to a place where she could rest but to a padded room in a locked psychiatric ward. The more she sobbed and begged to be let out, banging on the steel doors, the more the psychiatric staff believed she was indeed psychotic. She was threatened with a straitjacket, and her clothes and purse were taken from her. She was given a forced bath and put into a hospital gown.

On March 1 and 2, 1961, Marilyn wrote an extraordinary, six-page letter to Dr. Greenson vividly describing her ordeal: “There was no empathy at Payne-Whitney—it had a very bad effect—they asked me after putting me in a ‘cell’ (I mean cement blocks and all) for very disturbed depressed patients (except I felt I was in some kind of

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