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Book online «The gospel of Itchy Wiggle Christ by Gregory-John McCormick, Ralf Dellhofen (books to read for beginners TXT) 📖». Author Gregory-John McCormick, Ralf Dellhofen

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jeebus, and the usa points their guns and makes these monsters equal to all - it is time now to just give up. maybe the virus in my body will mutate and kill all these monsters, infect them and make them suffer for the destruction and irritation they have brought upon what could be a fairly decent world without them.


sickness, death, entropy, uselessness. sick all day, i was. can´t do much of anything, can´t think straight, taking far too many chemicals to combat the death-symptoms. chemicals make my head go a little funny. want it to end, want it all to end. vampires: los muertos is on with the master vampire looking so much like my last wife sabina, ha ha. maybe this is very appropriate - that witch sucked all the life out of me. i doubt i would be in here if i had never met her. well, what is done is done. hey vampire, i can smell you. so i am sick as hell, it is night, i will sleep my sick sleep, coughing and sneezing and sputtering kashl kashl kashl all night long. no peace for the wicked, i suppose. chemicals bring strange dreams. i am strange, i am sick, i am itchy. goodnight, anyone who gives a fuck.


grrrr...arrrrgh...SHIT...brrrr...rzzthflpzzz...caaaa...FUCK. jeebus can only give me a common cold! he is too inept to strike me down with one of the more interesting diseases, that fairy fuck-head wannabe. SNEEZE, COUGH, SNEEZE...QRRSHHHH...FFFFFT!...fuck this world.


the sick night of my miscontent. stinking foul faggot retarded poodles of the jungle irritating every sense a real human has. i can only surmise that there is a god and he is laughing his judeo-christian ass off at me, laughing at my pain and suffering. i do not have lip fungus. small animals and bugs placed in a blender, pureé until smooth, and you greedy hungry flesh eaters have a milk shake, just like mcdonalds, you sick fucks. the simple pleasure. i am so goddamned sick, but i am only suffering, not dying. no, god will not allow me to die as i only hope would happen, i must suffer, and suffer more, and more. one step forward, three steps back, three steps back. i wonder how andy gill and jon king are doing? i had once so many friends, now i only have a few. but they are good. why can´t i just burn out instead of fading away like i am doing?. where is the attraction to life? what is the reason that i must suffer so much of this shit? i´ll bet god knows, but he is not telling his secrets. he is suspiciously vacant from this life, but if you listen closely, you can hear some chuckling in the distance. and perhaps even a "hey, watch this one, HA HA HA HA!". goodnight, peep-holes.


yet another morning i find myself waking up in hell, complete with black foul demons and ceaseless noise. i have not had a single moment of quiet peace for four years. my mind is riddled with decay and holes, like some kind of rotten swiss cheese.


dark hell, the hell of noise and ghetto idiot music, the hell of stink, the hell of the smell of homosexuality and gross perversion, the hell that i am stuck in for an "indeterminate length of time". and if god and jeebus are not laughing, the fucking nazis of michigan, a.k.a. the forth reich, are laughing their godforsaken evil asses off at the hell they keep me in. i am much more than this, i am better than this, but there is no way out. do not ever believe for one single second that "life is fair". use me as your best example. maybe mass suicide is in order, if only to protest the unfairness of life. maybe if a few thousand of us like-minded intelligent humans just decided to snuff it, the laughter from god on high would end. or at least the nazis of michigan would stop laughing. we would take away their fun in torture and human suffering. corpses feel no pain.


once there was a little goat named tralfaz. he lived in the forest in the wicklow mountain region of ireland. tralfaz was a happy little goat, but he was lonely. one day tralfaz saw a small man with black hair and black eyes running thru the forest. the little goat heard gunshots in the distance, and yelling. he quickly figured out that the black-haired man was being chased by the english. ireland had just declared independence from england, and the english soldiers were hunting down irish insurrectionists. tralfaz did not like the english. he had heard that the english eat boiled salad and kidneys and goats like him. he also heard that a vast majority of english men were homosexuals, and that english women had to look for irish men to fuck them, but irish men would not fuck fat english cow-women with their nasty rotten teeth, so that was why so many english women were angry and mean. this was not a good race of people, the english, besides the fact that the english raped and pillaged his beautiful green ireland. after the black-haired man ran past, tralfaz waited until the english soldiers with their guns were close, and he jumped into their path and started butting his sharp horns into their butts. the english started screaming and yelling at tralfaz. they had stopped chasing the black-haired man and were now intent on killing tralfaz for ruining their hunt. as they were busy trying to kill the mad butting tralfaz, the black-haired man snuck up and pulled out his 10-inch long fighting dagger. he used his stealth to sneak up behind the english soldiers as they tried to kill tralfaz the goat and he viciously slit their throats and left them bleeding to death, one by one on the forest floor. the black-haired man made quick work of it, finally screaming out "CORMAC ABU!!". as he finished off the last english soldier, decapitating the soldier´s head completely and kicking the bloody head in the air like a soccer ball. tralfaz was unhurt, the english soldiers never could get a good shot at the crafty little goat, and the black-haired man was also unharmed. "hello my little friend", said the black-haired man, "i am grégor", and tralfaz gave a happy bleat, and grégor and tralfaz were friends forever.


i bet you clean in the middle of this ring, the ring of fire. people chanting, shouting, cheering for the leader on high. the people are puppets. the leader requires free-thinking anarchists to conquer the world. too much to think of. we need to settle this. it is night, time to dream, time to die a small death, and pray to whatever unholy god will hear my prayer to please kill me in my sleep. but it won´t happen, because LIFE IS ONE BIG DISAPPOINTMENT. and i for one am sick to hell of it all. suffering is good for the soul? then i should have the best soul on this sick planet earth. i´m still sick, coughing my lungs out, lungs filled with pus and corruption and blood. nice stuff that my human body produces. i thought once that my shit was scary until i came to this place. now my body regularly produces substances that i am certain have no scientific name yet, but "corruption" suits well. and these substances of mystery come out of every hole possible in my body! yoo-hoo! jeesus, my shit is boring now! when it even decides to come out, which is every 3 or 4 days, maybe. ah yes, my body reaches the autumn of its years, and yet i still retain the mind of a child, albeit a child with a very high IQ but no common sense whatsoever. disease and pestilence! women wrestlers kissing each other and touching various body parts in a suggestive manner. this is my life, i´m bored to tears, i want to die, for now i sleep and dream of being on high, leading the masses to take over the world. i fell into the burning ring of fire.


as predicted, i am awake and, unfortunately, still alive, still sick, still miserable. this morning one of my friends goes home. he is one of three friends i have in here. altho i often do not have many friends at all, the ones i have are usually special, so this will be sad. and also, michigan is basically non-discriminating in who they will put in prison - they don´t care as long as they fill their prisons and get their blood-money. but still the majority, the vast majority of prisoners are outright retarded schwarze homosexual predators. i had a stupid beagle dog i picked up as a stray, it shit and pissed all over my house, and even that dog i consider to be smarter than any schwarze faggot monster in this prison. but there is among the population a minority of whites, and among those i can speak to maybe one percent. so for me to have a friend is very rare. i lose one today, very sad.


oh, what´s this for then? i have one of those in the shape of a squirrel. partical dreams, curdling milk. diseased faggot monsters stink like rutting gorillas. i´m so sick, there is green-yellow shit coming out of my lungs, the color that i so love to paint with, now it is spewing out my chest, goody goody goody for me. here is a real clue for you reader: i am so sick that i skipped my chocolate treat tonight. so that should prove my true illness in case you don´t believe me. i never miss my choco at night, unless i don´t have it, which is often enough, but tonight i do have it, alas, i just can´t get into it, and altho i worked my ass off tonight, and i deserve one small morsel of goodness in a hershey´s chocolate "kiss". i just can´t do it tonight. what i could go for now is 1. a fifth (750 ml) of strong peppermint schnapps, and 2. a fifth of jägermeister, and for dessert, 3. a fifth of bushmills irish whiskey. that would make me feel much much better. so i will sign off now, this signifies the end of our broadcast day, g´night.


a judge will decide whether or not to throw out a case against a terrorist cell in detroit. good morning america, get me my bottle, bitch. arnie schwarzenegger on TV, president arnie, haha. fun fun fun in iraq, lots more dead ami soldiers, dying to protect the oil prices and mcdonald-land security, your god-given american right to order a big mac with french fries. i wonder how many people know that mcdonalds french fries are cooked in rendered animal fat?? mcdonalds is clever, they use every part of the animal to feed your fat face, piggy. nothing will ever change in this world, evolution has stopped. a dirty little secret that the ami government is keeping from being released, but which a few more enlightened governments have leaked out, as well as students of genetics at MIT - the anthropologists cannot find the skeletons of the missing link between pre-man species and modern man because there is none. man as he exists today appeared on earth about 100 thousand years ago - they can find no evolutionary connection. there are neandertal skeletons of the time, and some sources believe that modern man interbred with the neandertals and created the schwarzes. whites and asians were created by an outside source, and the best theory going is that cro-magnon man was genetically altered by aliens, and that the aliens have been among man for most or all of his existence on earth. the pyramids at giza lend credence to the theory, not only because of the genius and architectural near-impossibility of the building, but of the inscriptions on the walls. it makes

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