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Book online «Everything She Had by Chalen D. (best fiction books to read .txt) 📖». Author Chalen D.

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if my music means something to me to just not care what others think, witch is what my dad told him. cam told me the only reason he plays is for my dad. so the reason i play is for my dad, cam, and thoughs who never had the chance to live through music."
everyone clapped.
"sounds like your music is important." i got nervous.
"so you didn't want to play because?" he probbed.
"i didn't want people to get the wrong message about my songs. i want to change lifes with my music, and i can't do that if i'm not the best. but cam taught me that it's ok to not be the best all the time, and if people don't like your music, that's there problem. if you like your music don't let a couple of jerks stop you."
everyone clapped. after the metting i went out for pizza with jordan.
"i wanted to tell you how much you mean to me." i said.
he smiled.
"go on."
"you mean a lot, i wouldn't of done this with out you."
"sure you would of. all it takes is practice."
we sat on my roof in blankets.
"how come you never talk about your parents?"
he looked down at me and then pulled me closer, raping his arms around me.
"cause i don't live with them."
"you live with cam?"
"and the other band members."
"must be fun."
i nodded.
"i really do care about you. you know that right."
he kissed the top of my head.
"i know."
"don't ever forget that. even if we have a disagrement."
"what's bringing this on?"
"i never had someone like you before. you bring out my best, and i can tell you whatever i want and you won't judge me. i don't want to lose you. you're to important to me now. everyone goes away in the end and i don't want to lose you."
"oh, kid, you're never gonna lose me. sorry to break it to you."
"i love you jordan."
"i love you, kyllie. always."
just then an icey wind blew.
"holy popcicles!" i said.
we laughed, gathered our things and jumped through my window. i walked down stairs with jordan.
"call me when you get, home."
"will do." he said, kissing my cheek.
it was 2 in the morning and he still hadn't called.
"what are you doing up?" jojo asked. "jordan hasn't called me." i said.
"that doesn't mean that somethings wrong."
"he always calls me. something happened i just know it."
the phone rang and i snached it off the wall.
"hello?" i asked.
my heart sank.
"it's me cam."
"it's jordan."
i held my breath.
"he got into a car accsedent."
i started to hypervenalate.
"he's in surgery right now. i'll call you if there's anyother news."
the phone fell to the conter.
"take me to the hospital." i told jojo.
"i don't." she said.
"take me to the hospital dammit jojo, or i'll drive myself."
once at the hospital i jumpped out of the car before it stoped. as i ran through the doors, cam called me. i looked over to my right. he held open his arms. it took everything i had to just run and slam into him, without falling to my knees. i broke down and cried.
"hey hey." he said, stroking my hair. "he's going to be okay right?"
"oh sure, jordan's strong he'll get through this."
"look i'm sorry about your brother." a man said.
"do you understand that you could of killed him!" i yelled at the man.
"guys." cam said.
jj grabbed one arm and luke grabbed the other.
"kyllie, why don't we get some coffee?" gabby asked.
"he could of killed him gabby." i said, crying all over again.
"i know." she said, letting some tears slip, and patting my face.
i shook off jj and luke and sat on the floor. i looked up when someone sat next to me. cam gave me a coffee.
"i can't lose him." i said, shaking my head. "i just can't do it cam."
he cupped my chin.
"listen to me. you're going to be just fine."
we heard yelleing and then men pushing a streacher. cam pulled my head into his chest. when they passed he let me go.
"that was him wasn't it."
"yeah." he said, softly.
" how'd he look?"
"the truth?"
"the truth." i said, air catching in my throat.
"not to good kid."
"oh god." i said. "don't take him. don't leave me here alone please."
cam took my coffee and pulled me to him. i clung to his jaket like a life line.
"god's not going to take him."
"how do you know?"
"he owe's me a favor."
i laughed with out humor.
"if he doesn't make it i'm quiting my music."
"jordan wouldn't want that."
"i can't do it with out him."
"you're doing it with out your dad."
"yeah, but jordan was there, he helped me, we put the music up together he showed me happiess." i said, starting to cry.
"cammeron Price?" the doctor asked. cam looked up. "i need you to sign somethings." he said. once i was alone i shoved my hands in my jaket's pocket. i felt a box and pulled it out. i opened the box. in jordans hand wrighting it said forever. i slipped on the hand made bracelet and then held my wrist to my chest. i colsed my eyes.
"you're going to make it. i won't alow anyother way."
gabby sat down.
"did cam tell you to watch me?"
"yeah." she said, embarassed.
" i'm fine."
"i know you are. cause you're strong. like you're daddy."
"you knew my dad?"
"we all did. even jordan."
"he didn't tell me that."
"he was a baby."
"do you miss my dad?"
"of course i do." she paused. "he was my cousin."
i looked at her.
"yeah, freaky i know." she laughed without humor.
funny how a thing like this uncovers the truth.
cam sat next to me and gabby looked at him.
"oh. there're sowing him up. he's going to be fine. he has a broken arm."
everyone exhaled. a doctor came out. "you can see him now." the doctor said. we all stood.
"wait. kyllie you go first." cam said.
i nodded and went in.
"hey!" jordan said. i sat down. "check this out." he said, lifting his shirt.
in between in ribs was a line of stiches.
"oh gross!" i laughed. he smiled.
"i think it's pretty cool." he said, with a shrug.
he caught my wrist.
"you found it."
he let go of my hand. he took out his phone sent a text and then put it down. my phone beeped and i read the text.
'i made it, kyllie, love jordan.'
i looked up at him jaws clenched in order to keep from crying. "come here."
"no." i said, standing.
"it's ok to cry."
"i thought i was going to lose you."
i started to cry.
"come here please." he said, tears coming to his eyes.
" what if i lost you. you're all i have."
a tear sild down his face.
"please come here." he wisper-begged.
i sat on his bed, and layed on his good arm.
" i'll always be around. no mater what. i'm sorry, you had to go through this." i sniffed.
"you better be."
"i am, and i'm going to make it up to you."
"just get better. it will mean the world to me."
"already working on it."
"i was so scared."
"i know."
"i have never been that scared in my life ever."
"i love you."
"i love you. forever."
there was a knock on the door, and i sat up.
"YO, little jordan!" jj, luke, josh, and cam said.
they gave him high fives, and gabby squezzed his hand.
"so the doctor, said you can go home tonight." jj said.
"you ready?" josh asked.
"yeah." jordan said.
we all talked untill the doctor came in and told us that jordan could go home. jj and josh helped him off the bed. gabby put on his jaket, cam and luke helped him to the car. we all got in. i told jojo not to wait up, and that he made it, and i'm going to his house. they put jordan in his bed and then left.
"you okay?" i asked.
" yeah. you didn't have to stay." he said.
"yes i di. i need to make sure you get better, so i can kick you're ass for draging me through hell."
"here, kyllie." gabby said, handing me some clothes.
she shut the door. i pulled up my shirt.
"you're going to change in front of me?"
" whoa, slow you're roll pal. you've already seen me with out my shirt." "oh yeah."
i changed, and then got into his bed. "you sure are something else, kyllie." "i'm going to take that as a good thing."
he laughed.
"it is."
"do you relize that i could have been in the car with you?"
"i'm thanking god every second you weren't."
"it's scary how in just a couple of hours you're whole life is threatened to change."
"yeah." he wispered.
"i would never of forgave myself. it would be my fault that you wouldn't get to live you're life. when i woke up, i couldn't remember anything. i kept asking where's kyllie. when the doctor said, who's kyllie, i knew you wheren't in the car with me."
i reached for his hand, and he held on to it as if he where going to slip away. i hope he never does. we fell asleep. the next morning me and gabby stood out side the bathroom door.
"how's it going?" she asked.
"i'm working on it." cam said.
jj went for breakfast, josh went to pick up jordans pain killers, and cam and luke where in the bathroom trying to help jordan take a bath.
"don't let him drown." i said.
"woops!" luke said.
"har har." i said.
"i got it." gabby said, as she went to get the door.
"i'll go to." i said.
"don't you have you're key?" she asked josh.
"nope." he smiled.
"hold it!" jj called, holding a white bag and a pink box.
"you are curently my best friend." i told him taking the box.
"that's nice to hear." he said, with a laugh.
i returned his high five and set the box on the counter. jj and
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