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Book online «The gospel of Itchy Wiggle Christ by Gregory-John McCormick, Ralf Dellhofen (books to read for beginners TXT) 📖». Author Gregory-John McCormick, Ralf Dellhofen

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more alive we are - the only regrets are the chances we never took. my thoughts are storm-tossed. if you must go, then go.


the black spot of yin lays in the sea of yang - this is compassion laying within action. the white spot of yang in the sea of yin - this is confrontation laying within inaction. all are combined to guide the well balanced individual. once you learn this lesson, forget it, and LIVE YOUR LIFE. fuck all these words.


all the anxiety, all the pain, all the loss, all the fear - it is all for a purpose not yet known to me, but known to the goddess. never give up, never surrender.


in times of trouble, some people find comfort in hate and fear. is there anything in this life but grief? there are no secrets in the house of pain. the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but i have miles to go before i can lay down and sleep. we are not the masks we wear, but if we don them, do we not become them? with everything that has happened to me in my life, love just seems like an invitation to pain. what i do in this life will echo throughout eternity. your gods have deemed you to be unworthy, and the time of reckoning is at hand. MURDER! DEATH! KILL! BE WELL! whisper your way to success. why be a god if there is no one to worship me? wherever oppression reigns, people of conscience are called to acts of civil disobedience. life free, die well.


adventures inside the stink-eye. we see the world thru our hopes and desires, but the truth of the world is just out of reach and just out of sight. death to the opposition! find them! kill them! burn the truth! burn the truth! the lie is love! love the lie! in the time of war, justice falls silent. each day infuses us with the knowledge which we take into tomorrow. where is risk, there is also hope. adaptation is compromise. to never die and to conquer all: THAT IS WINNING! when you are a king, all that matters is victory - that is how your reign persists. if you want to win a war, you must serve no master but your own ambition. he who studies evil, is studied by evil. be careful what you wish for - your wish just may come true.


a man who is always looking over his shoulder is waiting for trouble to find him. 100 percent paranoia is 100 percent awareness. a robin red-breast in a cage puts all of heaven in a rage. a faceless champion of the hapless human race. questions silenced on the tongue fly to the heart and there take root and grow. the world has got enough noise, i´ve earned my peace and quirt, and i expect it. the average american eats over seven pounds, 3.5 kilogramm, of potato chips every year.


may those who love us, love us, and for those who don´t love us, may god turn their ankles so we´ll know them by their limping - old irish toast.


goodbye, jean-luc, i´m going to miss you - you had so much potential, but then again, all good things must come to an end - but the trial never ends. holy moses, i have been deceived - now the wind has changed direction, and i have to leave - bernie taupin. to be better than someone is to be worst of all. when you are desperate, you do what you have to do. there is a big difference between knowing the path and walking the path. i see hell in your eyes. in the end, we are alone, and there is nothing but the cold dark endless eternity. next time, i might send you something wet. keep your eyes open. so many people in this world are deprived and unlucky, it seems wrong to be cheerful.


the burden of the white man: if you go courting trouble, sure and you´ll be finding it. death smiles at us all, the most we can do is smile back. let the dead rest and the past remain in the past. i believe in coincidences - coincidences happen every day - but i don´t trust coincidences. thou who camest into my heart as abruptly as a knife. a woman can have a strange effect on a man. when the mind overpowers the heart, the soul will suffer. you can´t ride two horses with one ass. broken promises, twisted dreams. anger in the face of love. nothing reveals humanity more than the games it plays. free advice is seldom cheap. the gifts given to me must be honored. truth is in the eyes of the beholder, i never tell the truth because i know there is no such thing. from the moment we are born, we are all shipwrecked, struggling between hope and despair - we can´t run from our demons, whatever they are - wherever we run, they will follow close behind.


that which is beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful. honor the martyr who falls under the sword, but pity the warrior who kills all his foes. life is the performance, not the rehearsal. when one attacks a barrier, one can encounter the danger of the barrier collapsing on top of one´s self. the tree of crucifixion calls me in my dreams. and the emporer ordered the decimation - the beheading of every tenth soldier. what men don´t understand, they fear - what men fear, they destroy. he who laughs last has not yet heard the bad news - bertolt brecht.


things fall apart, not all of it can be put back togheter, no matter how hard one tries.


the five basic forms of torture: blunt, sharp, cold, hot, loud. the righteous shall walk a thorny path. the placebo effect - where does faith take over?


i clutched the clot of blood upon the day of my birth! i am TE-MU-JIN! fear me! i am whipped-cream head! only a fool fights a battle he knows he cannot win. i will destroy your families, i will empty your breasts, my blood-brother will boil your generals alive in french-fry oil. just as there is one sun in the city, there should be only one master on the earth. the streets are slippery from human fat. piles of human bones lie at the gates of my once-fair city. some things are true whether you believe in them or not. you must measure your successes and failures by what is within you, not by what anyone else thinks. the burned child dreads the fire. love is a trick that DNA plays on the human mind to replicate itself. there are far worse things than death in this life. she is a loathsome offensive brute, yet i cannot look away.


if i had a house in hell and a house on earth, i would live in hell and rent out my house on earth.


if this is the end of this gospel, then i am saddened. perhaps it signifies the end of other more metaphysical things as well. i will have the chance to be free from this prison in a month or more, but this chance relies on the judgement of my nazi captors - so i expect "no chance" more than "a chance". and perhaps when cross over the bridge, i may set fire to it, thus snuffing out the pain, the loneliness, the heartbreak, the depression, the agony that has become my existence. for those who care, i hope they understand - this prison is killing my soul, and it hurts more than any pain i´ve ever felt, to have my soul die, and my spirit crushed, only my body existing, and my body is wracked with annoying illness as well. i cannot endure much more of this. and i curse the fuckers who did this to me.


well, i tend to get melodramatic when thinking of the length of my stay at the "hotel michigan". and there are people who are doing their best to get me out of here, so i have hope beyond that of relying on the michigan nazis to release me. the ever-present dream in my mind of once again being in deutschland - this is keeping me alive and sometimes mentally removed from the horror that is prison life. i can see myself sitting in a quiet german café, preferably outside where i can watch people walk past, drinking a perfectly poured half-liter of warsteiner, die königin of beers!, smoking russian cigarettes and drawing nasty pictures on a sketch pad. all this with nothing better to do, with captain ralf of the high seas drinking something different every time he orders! perhaps a few nice-and-nasty punk girls from the hauptbahnhof that me and the captain invited for a drink. throw in a pocket full of acid and/or mushrooms and this was and is my ideal life. may it be so, very soon - as the goddess wills it so. holy shit, do i need a drink.


553 men wanted for molesting children, raping, and murder were arrested last night in amiland. bombs going off in iraq are killing arabs and american soldiers indiscriminately. michael jackson is on trial for fucking a little boy. some teenage kid shot and killed a bunch of fellow students and teachers at the kid´s high school. america, land of the greed, home of the slaves. marilyn manson was blamed for influencing some other kid´s shooting spree, i wonder what some kid influenced by my music would do? perhaps he would start drinking whiskey and sitting alone in a dark room, ha ha. maybe i have no substantial influence on my listeners and readers, but i can hope that a few of you take into consideration the ideas i present about evolution - that it is time for some of us humans to evolve, at least in our minds. holy shit, it is 10.000 years since we as humans jumped out of the trees! yet, the world is still a fucking mess, and seemingly the greatest atrocities are being performed by those who wield the biggest guns and claim that "god" is on their side. maybe there is not much anyone can do to fight those in power?, but you can do one thing to further your personal evolution: stop eating animal flesh! YOU DON´T NEED TO EAT ANIMALS TO LIVE! but, why live in this world anyway?


what i suffer each day is worse than death. look at what your god has done to me. one only hates those who have gotten close enough to touch one´s heart. when god ordains it is time for a man to die, he directs that man to the proper place. better sometimes to miss an opportunity than to encounter disaster. give me one firm place in which to stand, and i will move the earth. confidence breeds distraction, damn straight ye brunch-eatin´poppinjay. of all trails in this life, there is one trail that is the most important to walk: the trail of becomming a human being. if you want to stop being hunted, you must become the hunter. chance favors the prepared mind. the green fairie that lives in the absinth wants your soul, but you are safe with me.


the birth of man is the birth of sorrow - chuang tzu.


things don´t often work out the way we plan. good does not always triumph over evil, and sometimes, the path that seem the clearest are the ones that cause us the most pain - keith francis strohm.


i´m often wondering the same as the "creed" song, what is life for? and in my current position in life, it would seem appropriate to question many things, including life. if i am merely the result of random collections of primordial goo - the latest mutation of some kind of monkey-man, then my feelings and

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