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This is a sad song I wrote and I ended up singing for my school assembly for bullying. It's a song about hurt,depression,bullying,and suicidal wishes.

This is a song about a little girl who was abused by her parent's and how she never asked to stay at home when she didn't have to.(The she never wanted to hang by the pool part means she was scared they'd drowned her.)Oh and the hat part that means she was trying to cover the bruises.

Baby you are so smokin
I cannot stop lookin
At your face
Its like were in space
Baby your hot
But she forgot
OOOOH Baby!!
(echo) OOOOH Baby!
This world cant even liiive
Without yoooooooou
(echo) Without yoooooooou

I'm worthless!
Like the surface!
Your with her
And not me!
Baby pleeeeeease!! Don't leave me baby pleeeeeeease!

CREATED BY Lola Jefferson (rest of the song is inside this book, so start SINGIN'!!!)

pics and the song lo so zo mo no jo ko wo do ao qo eo ro to uo io lo bo vo co xo go eq ew er et ey eu ei ei eo ep ea es ed ef ed ef ed ef

Muzica imi da aripi sa zbor, ma rascoleste sau ma inalta pe cele mai inalte culmi. Ma face sa plang sau sa ma zbengui. Ma panseaza sau imi da putere, ma face sa vibrez sau sa sa vad lumea cu alti ochi. E drogul sufletului meu.

As said in the first Random Parodys book these are just random parodys of songs that I like or songs that I don't like and is trying (and failing) to make better.

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