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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Garwood Village by Robert F. Clifton (best book reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Garwood Village by Robert F. Clifton (best book reader .txt) 📖». Author Robert F. Clifton

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body did it come from? I'm betting it's a pubic hair”.

“No problem. Anything else Captain?”, asked Campo.

“As usual, collect the puddle of water on the floor”.

“Yes sir”.

Turning back to Stiles, Wallace asked, “what did the coroner have to say?”

“Nothing, he hasn't arrived yet?”

“Son of a bitch! We're supposed to investigate, arrest and help convict some crazy bastard that's killing women in this city while the politically appointed County Coroner tends to his church congregation. Well, when he gets here have someone get his official opinion on the time of death. Actually that's just a bullshit formality. I can determine it myself. Rigor Mortis is present and appears to be increasing. I'd say it's been between six and eight hours. Notice what appears to be a grimace on the victims face? Actually, that's caused by the stiffening of the small muscles in her face. If you look closer, you'll see it also happened in her shoulders. At the same time look at the bottom of her arms. See the purple color of the skin. That's lividity. When the heart stops the blood in the body reacts to gravity. The victim is on her back, thus the blood in her body, or what's left traveled down and settled. I estimate that Sonja Fleming was killed at approximately three o'clock this morning”.

“Where did you learn all of these things, Captain?”, asked Myers.

“From our local pathologist, Doctor Manfred Edwards. Now Carol, I want you to find Tom McKenna. When you do, both of you go to the Dude Ranch. See what you can find out. Hell, it's possible both of you will have to hit it again tonight, since whoever worked last night is off right now, but see what you can find out. Frank, wait for the coroner. Help Sergeant Campo with anything she needs. I'll be back in my office dealing with the Chief, the prosecutor and the press”.

Back at headquarters Wallace walked into the outer office of Chief of Police Jerry Monahan. “Is he free?”, he asked, questioning Helen Dumont, the Chief's secretary.

“The commissioner is in there with him, but I was told to tell you to go right on in”, she said.

“Thanks Helen”, he replied as he walked to the door, opened it and entered the Chief's office. When he did he calmly took a seat, crossed his legs and made himself comfortable.

“Well, what can you tell us?”

“Not a hell of a lot,”Wallace answered.

“Five women dead, brutally murdered, stabbed, butchered and defiled and you say not a hell of a lot?” said the commissioner.

“Well, I could sit here and bullshit you, tell you I'm close to solving the murders and an arrest is going to be made, but I won't. Instead, I'll tell you what we know and what evidence we have. If that's what you want I'm ready to tell you”.

“We can read your reports Captain”, said the commissioner.

“What you don't seem to understand is that I have not only the press on my ass, but also the chamber of commerce. Nautilus Beach is a resort town. People come here mainly for two reasons, to drink, get laid or both. They won't come if they know some lunatic killer is on the loose. When they don't come the merchants get angry. When they get on my ass I get angry. So, if you don't want me on your ass give me something positive to tell the people”.

“They only solve murders in thirty minutes on television. Now, if you're more qualified than I am in the investigation of homicides, then you go out there and figure out just who this crazy bastard is and arrest him.”

“You are bordering on insubordination Captain”, said Commissioner Maxwell.

“Gentlemen, gentlemen, let's calm down, there's no need for any of us to lose our direction at this point. Let's keep our focus on the main issue and not allow personalities to interfere with the task at hand, which is the investigation”, said Chief Monahan.

“Are you making any progress? I have to have something to tell the public, something that is re-assuring”, asked Maxwell.

“Progress? Maybe. We know the killer is a man. We know his blood type. Little by little we're putting together a personality profile on this lunatic. He's insane, but at the same time he's intelligent. I secured the entire area where he operated. I used plainclothes detectives and uniformed officers in an attempt to ensure the public that they were safe particularly those living in Garwood Village that he couldn't hit again. Then, the son of a bitch got through and killed once more”. Wallace answered.

“You've got to stop him!”, said Maxwell.

“I will, but I can't tell you when or where or after how many more he kills. Right now I suggest you two do two things. One, remove me from the case. Stiles can command the squad. At the same time you can satisfy the Press who's after my ass as usual. Or two, let me do my job. I don't have time or the desire to be away from my assignment having to account for every move and non-move I make in this investigation. Gentlemen, the ball is in your court”.

Monahan cleared his throat and said, “Captain, thank you for your import. I suggest that you go about your duties. Naturally, time permitting I'd appreciate either written or verbal reports from you. I'm sure you understand”.

“Yes sir. Am I free to go now? I have to talk to the news media”.

“Good luck with that. Better you than me”, said Maxwell.

“The trick commissioner is not to let them control the conversation. That's something that I learned from being around politicians. It's called, baffling them with bullshit”.

Wallace opened his office door and allowed Mary Wagner to enter. “Have a seat”, he said as he walked around his desk to his high back chair.

“Same old rules? You'll let me know what's off the record and on the record?”, she asked.

“Yep. Same old rules. I talk to you and only you. You talk to whoever and whenever you want. OK. On the record. The Nautilus Beach Police Department wants to assure the citizens and visitors to our city that they are safe. Although at present crime is occurring in the community the men and women of the local police department are on duty and on guard to maintain order and safety to everyone.”

“At the same time, all citizens are advised to be cautious in their associations with strangers and aware of their surroundings. Your Police Department is currently looking for a male suspect. He is thought to be a Caucasian male between eighteen and thirty years of age. It is also believed that the subject is either a resident or former resident of Nautilus Beach and is very familiar with the Garwood Village area of the city.”

“IF you or anyone you know has any information in relation to the murders of Edna Fisher, Florence Alberson, Amanda Kinshoffer, Joan Aponte or Sonia Fleming please contact the Nautilus Beach Police Department as soon as possible. A telephone hot line has been established. Anyone can call 766-0093 or 766 0094. if so desired your identity will be safe guarded. There is a two thousand dollar reward for the arrest and conviction of the killer.”

“That's it?”, she asked.


“That's nothing more than a commercial. The media wants information. The editors aren’t going to settle for this”.

“When I have something, they'll get it”.

Chapter Seven

Wallace sat in front of the typewriter composing a report detailing the actions taken in the Fleming case. As he did Detectives Myers and Mckenna entered the office along with a young woman. Wallace looked up and said, “Do both of you want to see me?”

“Yes sir. Captain this is Miss Helen Milney. Miss Milney is a waitress at the Dude Ranch. She worked the night when the Fleming woman was killed. We thought you'd be interested in what she had to say”, said McKenna.

Captain Wallace stood and said, “Miss Milney, please have a seat. What do you have to tell me?”

“Saturday night I was assigned to wait tables. Usually I tend bar, but the place was busy with a lot of customers, so Bud, Mr. Owens, the owner tended bar and asked me to serve tables,” she said.

“And?”, asked Wallace.

“I brought a glass of beer to Sonia Fleming”.

“Do you know Sonia Fleming?”, asked Wallace interrupting the witness.

“Yes. She is a steady customer. She likes to dance and only drinks beer. At least she used to”, said Milney.

“Go on, sorry to interrupt you”.

“That's OK. Anyway, the next time I saw her a guy was sitting with her at the table. He had ordered two beers and I served them. The table next to theirs was filthy. Four guys had left crushed potato chips and pizza crusts on dirty plates and I had to clean up the mess, so I was there doing it for maybe ten minutes”.

“And what happened?”

“I overheard their conversation”.

“Alright, what did you hear?”

“I heard the guy coming on to Sonia. He said his name was Eric and he worked at Sterns Market in the produce department.”

“What did this Eric guy look like?”, asked Wallace “Well, I'd say he was white, young, maybe twenty five years old. I'd say that he was a lot younger than Sonia”.

“Anything else?”

“He was tall. When he stood up to leave later with Sonia I noticed how tall he was standing next to her. He was maybe six feet tall.”

“Did they leave together?”


“Do you know where they were going or where they went?”

“All I can tell you is that he asked her where she lived and when she said Garwood Village he said that he would walk her home”.

“I see. Did you happen to notice the color of the man's hair?”

“I would say almost auburn”.

“Think carefully now. Was it auburn or red?”

“It wasn't a real red, red. More like a brown with red highlights”.

“Alright. Is there anything else you can remember about this Eric?”

“No. Not at the moment”.

“Well if you do please call us. I want to thank you for coming in. I appreciate it. I'll have someone take you home. Thanks again.”

“You're welcome”.

After Helen Milney left his office Wallace turned to his three detectives. “Frank, you know what to do. Take McKenna and go pick up this Eric guy. Let's just hope this isn't his day off. Pick him up and bring him in. Take him to one of the interrogation rooms. The press is watching me and who comes and goes in here. When you sit him down make sure he's comfortable, then call me”.

“Yes sir”, said Stiles.

“Why can't I go?”, asked Carol Myers.

“Because I have something else for you to do”, said Wallace.

“And just what will that be?”

“Supposedly, the killer hates women. I want to see how this Eric fellow reacts when you enter the room. So, you just stand by until I call for you”.

An hour later, the telephone on Captain Wallace's desk rang. He reached for it and answered, “Captain Wallace”. Hanging up the receiver, he looked at Detective Myers. “They have the suspect down stairs. Wait here until I call for you. When you come into the room I want you to stand and look at this guy. If possible look him in the eye. If he feels intimidated by you the he should react with disdain.”

“And, if he doesn't?”

“I'll worry about that later. Now, have a seat and wait for my call”.

“Yes sir”.

Wallace walked into the room. He looked at the young man seated behind the Grey painted steel table. There were two chairs in the room. The suspect sat in one and Wallace slowly lowered himself into the other. Looking at Stiles, Wallace asked, “What have we got?”

“Captain this is Eric Fetterman. We picked him up where he works, Sterns Market.”

Looking at Fetterman, Wallace asked, “Mr. Fetterman, do you know why you are here?”

“The detectives told me they wanted to question me about the murders in Garwood Village. But, like I told them, I don't know anything about them”.

“Before we go any further,

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