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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » The Medusa File by Robert F. Clifton (best large ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «The Medusa File by Robert F. Clifton (best large ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Robert F. Clifton

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he got out of the Cadillac.

By the time he drove back to headquarters it had begun to snow. He lowered his head into the winter wind as he made his way across the parking lot and into the building. Taking the elevator to the second floor he entered the Major Crime Squad room and took a seat at his desk. He then opened the desk drawer and removed the Medusa File. Opening it he laid out the reports in order then sat and read and reread refreshing his memory with the events that were listed. When he got to the typed documents on Peters, Nichols, Holmes and Winters he set them aside. He then took the reports on Holmes in his hand and read again what had originally been written about the man and filed. After reading, he disregarded the information about the fact that he was found unresponsive in bed. “What I do know is that Sheldon Holmes although a cab driver was also a part time pimp. Guys like him knew just about every hooker working the street. They also knew those that worked out of private homes, hotels, motels and rooming houses and their prices. Of course he knew Altina Woodson and since Twana's information that Holmes was seen taking a guy to his cab and then driving away indicates that he also knew about the use of scopolamine. The question right now is if he was part of the operation, why was he murdered?”, he thought to himself.

Next he picked up the reports on Michael Winters. Like the Holmes file Mckenna read it, almost studying it. Unlike Holmes who Kevin viewed as a two bit hustler working the streets he saw Winters in a different light. “Winters, as far as we know was an extortioner. Think about it. Was that why he was murdered? Possibly, however he wasn't killed like the others. His death was the result of a violent confrontation. Where the others were poisoned, he was stabbed. Once in the shoulder and once in the abdomen. He knew about Altina using scopolamine to roll her customers. He was seen helping Holmes walk a guy to the cab. Did he attempt to shake down Dawson and that's why he was killed. If so, why did he write “Met Pat” on his calendar? Once again, who is Pat? What's the connection?” Kevin questioned himself mentally.

Detective Collins walked into the office. His hair was wet from the snow that fell on his head then melted when he entered the building. He took off his overcoat and walked to his desk passing McKenna as he did. “I see you have the Medusa File out again. Is there anything new?”, he asked.

“Not really. Maybe a little bit more information about the hooker rolling customers and two of the room renters being in cahoots with the Dawson's getting those that had been rolled out of the place. Other than that, nothing”.

“Every little bit of the puzzle helps Sarge”.

“Well, let's hope that Mrs. Dawson's prints come back with a new piece to the puzzle”, said Kevin.

Turning to Cynthia Adams McKenna said, “ I want you to contact all of the insurance firms in and around the area. I want to know if any life insurance policies were taken out on Norman Peters, Harry Nichols, Sheldon Holmes and while we're at it, add Micheal Winters to the list. We should have done it earlier.”

“I'll get right on it Sarge”.

“Do you think that's why they were killed?”, asked Collins.

“I don't know, but it's a place to start again”, Kevin replied.

Sitting at his desk Kevin went through the Medusa File again. Using his finger he dialed the telephone number belonging to Margaret Holmes. When she answered she said, “Could you hold a minute?”

“Sure”, McKenna replied.

A few minutes later the woman said, “I'm sorry. I had something on the stove. I'm back”.

“This is Sergeant McKenna”.


“The last time we spoke you told me that one of the reasons for forcing Sheldon to leave your house was because of the telephone calls that came from some man or a woman”.

“That's correct, but I still can't remember the woman's name”.

“Does the name Altina mean anything to you?”

“Teeny. That's it. Men would call asking to either talk to Sheldon or Teeny. Now it comes back to me. The man they asked for other than Sheldon was, Eddie”.

“I see, thank you”.

“Are you making any progress in your investigation?”

“Yes. While I have you on the telephone let me ask you this. Did Sheldon ever have any kind of life insurance on himself?”

“None that I know of. As I told you, he made just enough money driving the cab that let him keep his head above water, but just barely. I can't imagine him making a payment every week or month to an insurance company”.

“Alright Miss Holmes thank you for taking my call. If anything new comes up in our investigation I'll let you know. Good bye”.

“Good bye Sergeant”.

When he hung up the receiver Cynthia Adams called from across the room. “Scratch Prudential. They don't have policies on anyone I named”.

“O.K. keep digging”, said Kevin.

“I got Metropolitan on the line now”, said Cynthia.

Kevin reached for the yellow line tablet on his desk, then, taking a ballpoint pen wrote, “ all indications that Sheldon Holmes was a participant in a prostitution ring that involved :

Sheldon Holmes (deceased)

Altina Woodson (deceased)

Edward Dawson

Michael Winters (deceased)

Mckenna dropped the pen on the desk then leaned back in his chair. “A prostitution ring that operated almost fifty years ago, but three out of the four participants known to us are dead. How convenient. How indeed”, he thought to himself. He leaned forward and tore off the page containing what he had written and placed it in the file. He would type a report on the matter later.

He looked up when Detective Adams approached his desk.

“Got something?”, he asked.

Adams smiled. “I hit pay dirt with All State. Seems a policy was taken out on the life of Norman Peters. At his death the company would pay two thousand dollars to Edward Dawson”.

“Well, well”, said McKenna.

“Only like Dexter and Morgan All State refused payment when they saw that the death certificate listed, cause of death overdose of cocain and strychnine”.

“I see. It appears that after being turned down by Dexter and Morgan Dawson decided to use insurance companies that wouldn't bring too much attention to him having policies on his renters. So he dealt with a company that has a reputation for automobile insurance, not life insurance. At the same time he decided to go for less money in the pay off, going from ten thousand to two. Very good Adams, I suggest you check with other automobile insurance companies and see what you come up with”.
































Chapter Nine

A Lasting Impression


On a cold, Wednesday morning Sergeant Kevin McKenna walked across the police headquarters parking lot. He carried a white paper bag that contained Styrofoam cups of coffee and an a half dozen assorted doughnuts. In his mind at this time of day he wasn't looking forward to another eight hours of no results in the on going investigation related to the Medusa File. Nonetheless this was his current assignment.

When he entered the Major Crime Squad office Detectives Collins and Adams got up out of the seats and walked to where Kevin placed the paper bag on his desk. “Did you get my plain doughnut?”, asked Adams.

“Yes and let me tell you something. Just because you think the lack of sugar is good for your health, you're still consuming the fat and grease it was cooked in”, Mckenna offered.

“Just like your jelly doughnut”, Adams responded.

“You're right, but I had my gallbladder out two years ago. Guess what you've got to look forward to?”

“Is it diet or aggravation on the job that causes digestive problems in police work?”, asked Collins.

“Both and don't forget smoking cigarettes”, Kevin answered.

“Yeah, yeah. I'm trying to quit”, Collins responded.

As the three investigators sat at their desks each eating a doughnut and taking sips of coffee a uniformed officer walked in carrying the latest daily orders and the mail. He handed both to McKenna who looked at the small batch and nonchalantly tossed them on to his desk top.

Detective Cynthia Adams swallowed a bite of her doughnut and after a sip of coffee said, “Is there anything for me? I'm expecting a report from Washington”.

Kevin leaned forward and placed his cup on the desk top and with one hand looked through the stack on papers and envelopes. Finally, he found a long, white envelope with the F.B.I. address in the upper left hand corner and addressed to:

Detective Cynthia Adams

Nautilus Beach Police Department

Nautilus beach, New Jersey

“Yeah, you got something here”, said McKenna.

Adams wiped her mouth and hands with a paper napkin then got up from her chair and walked over to where Sergeant McKenna sat holding the envelope. “I hope that it's good news. Right now we could use some”, Kevin said.

The detective went back to her desk and after sitting down opened the envelope and removed a report. After reading it she sat in silence for several minutes. “Well?”, asked Collins. “What do they say?”

“You said that you hoped that it was good news. How's this? According to the F.B.I. the fingerprints found and lifted by our forensic unit and sent to the bureau for identification, the results are the following”.

“Yeah, yeah. Get to the point”, said Kevin.

“Well, according to the bureau the prints belong to a Patricia Gollegos, D.O.B. July 18, 1936. place of birth, Bogota, Columbia. Entered Miami, Florida, February 9, 1957. Applied for work permit, Boston, Massachusetts April 12, 1957. Contact lost.

Subject considered illegal alien”.

“Son of a bitch! Patricia Gollegos, well, well. Guys, we now know who the “Pat” written on the calendar forty seven years ago is at last,” said Kevin.

“Great. Now what?”, asked Collins.

“First, we finish our breakfast. Then, you go to court with this report and obtain an arrest warrant for a Delores Rodriquez, alias Patricia Gollegos who resides at the Dolphin Motel, Nautilus Beach, New Jersey. Then after you come back with a nice neat legal document you and Adams are off to the motel. Have two uniform officers meet you there. Right now, take your time. Don't. gulp your food. Remember what I told you about gallstones.” Turning to Adams Kevin asked. “Does the report have any other information?”

“Just that the original fingerprints were collected and sent by the U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs”, Adams answered.


Three hours later Sergeant McKenna walked towards one of the interrogation rooms. Standing in front of the closed door was Detective John Collins. Kevin surmised that Cynthia Adams was in the room with the now identified, Patricia Gollegos. “How did things go?”, asked McKenna.

“The person we know as Edward Dawson is pretty shaken up. Remember, he or she is old. The arrest and taking into custody of his wife is having a traumatic effect on him”, said Collins.

“What about Delores?”, asked Kevin.

“Again we have an elderly woman. She appears to be worried, but I don't know if she's worried about Edward or worried about being arrested and deported”, Collins answered.

“Well, elderly or not we have a job to do. Make sure our questioning of her is video taped. Has she been given the Miranda rights?”

“Yes sir. She even signed the card”.

“Good, and she hasn't asked for a lawyer?”

“Not yet”.

“O.K. Let's get started”, said Kevin as he opened the door and entered the room. When he walked into the interrogation area he saw a slightly overweight Hispanic woman sitting at the gray, metal table. She was attired in a pink house dress and wore black sandals. It appeared that she had been crying. Knowing that the video tape recorder was functioning Kevin asked, “Mrs. Dawson are you being treated alright? Do you suffer from any illness or need medication before we start questioning you?”

“No sir. I'm worried about my husband and what he might do?”

“If I were you I'd worry about myself. Right now as far

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