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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
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The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Basham by Robert F. Clifton (books for men to read TXT) 📖

Book online «Basham by Robert F. Clifton (books for men to read TXT) 📖». Author Robert F. Clifton

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Watson and the Subway Murders”.

“And what happens to her now?”, asked Basham.

“She'll probably spend the rest of her life in hospital.”

“That's a pity. In all probability it means electric shock treatments from time to time. I'm sure that can't be a pleasant experience. Where is she now?”

“A place called Denbigh Mental Hospital or asylum if you prefer. The government, when possible are evacuating the mentally ill confined in hospitals out of reach of the air raids. Emily Watson is now in Wales.”

“I see. And what will you do now, Inspector?”

“I've read your books professor. In one of them you mention how crime increases during war. I'm sure someone will find something for me to do. What will you be doing?”

“I'll wait and see if the Army sends me another detachment of Royal Military Police for training. If not, I'll start another book in an attempt to gain my PhD. As a matter of fact I'll probably use this case of yours as an example of criminality and the mental state. Now that I think of it, that would probably be the title.”

“Sounds perfect. I'll be sure to read it.”

“I'll send you a copy if and when it's published.”

“Well, time to say cheerio and all that rot. Thanks again for what you did to help me in my investigation.”

“Actually, in my way of thinking, I did very little.”

“We've been over this before. I'm sure you'll be receiving a letter from the Superintendent of the Metropolitan Police, “ said Richardson as he stood shaking hands with Basham.

After the Inspector left, Alistair tok a seat at his desk and jotted down, Criminality And The Mental State. “That takes care of the title page, not much, but it's a start”, he thought to himself.

He was just about to rise up out of the desk chair when Marjorie entered the room. “When you're not busy I'd like you to kill one of the chickens, unless you'd like American Spam again for dinner,” she said.

“Are you sure? I shan't kill a rooster and the hens are all laying eggs. I will agree however, that the idea of Spam again is very unappetizing. You brought home a wedge of cheddar from the market this morning. May I suggest, a cheese omelet?”

“I purchased the cheese for another dish later in the week but if an omelet is what you want, and omelet is what you'll get.”

“Thank you.”

“Let's just hope that we can dine in peace this evening and the Luftwaffe stays home,” Marjorie replied.






Chapter Ten



On a Wednesday afternoon May 7, 1947 Alistair Basham entered the bar and lounge of the Hotel Royale, located in Hyde Park, London. He ordered a sherry and while waiting for the attendant to bring it to him took a seat in one of the comfortable, large leather chairs. As he sat waiting he looked about the room taking in the rich decor, the white ceiling and bright, shiny brass fixtures and chandeliers. Then, unexpectedly he heard someone call his name. “Basham? Is that you old boy?” Turning his head he recognized Reginald Barker.

“Berty? Good heavens man it's been a long while. How have you been?”, asked Alistair.”

“Busy my friend. I understand you go by Doctor Basham now days,” Barker replied as he took a seat in the chair next to Basham.

“Yes, they finally approved my last thesis.”

“Ah yes, “Criminality And The Mental State”, I believe. I read it.”

“What did you think of it may I ask?”

“Let's just say I'm not a criminologist and you're not a doctor of psychiatry?”

Basham laughed. Good enough, but for you information I wrote that book based on the Emily Watson case.”

“Is that right? I will say that Miss Watson was a somewhat different and most of the time a difficult patient”, Barker replied.

“I can imagine. However, being abused by her father constantly probably had much to do with her actions in later life.”

“Where did you get the idea that she was abused by her father?”

“From her aunt, a Miss or Mrs. Fillmore. You gave me her name and address if you recall.”



“Ah yes, so I did. Nonetheless, let me assure you that when Emily Watson was first admitted as a patient at Haven Manor a physical and examination was performed on her just like any patient. I can assure you that at the time of admission, Emil was examined and there was no sign of sexula abuse.”

“But the Fillmore woman stated positively that her brother, Emily's father committed suicide because Emily was going to report him to the police.”

“Let me stop you right here old boy. The only reason I'm telling you these things is because the Watson woman is still in Wales and is no longer my patient. That and the fact that the woman is a mad as the hatter and will never be convicted of homicide”.

“Then there was no incestuous acts committed?”

“I didn't say that.”

“Then if not the father, who?”

“Who else remains?”

“No. Not the mother?”

“I'm afraid so my friend.”

“Actually what happened is when Emily was ten years old her mother began abusing her. The little girl was scared and most likely confused. About a year later as the acts continued she spoke to her father and asked for his help. He refused to believe her. Finally, at about the time Emily was sixteen the father came home early one day and caught his wife in the act. The shock of what he observed that day shattered him. As a result, unable to deal with what he considered a tragedy in his life and the fact that he refused to beleive hs daughter in her time of need,he committed suicide.”

“But didn't Emily kill her mother?”

“Yes, she did. Even after the death of her husband the abuse was attempted. Finally, Emily snapped. One day she took her mother by the throat and strangled her to death.”

“I see, but why did she kill all the others, both men and women?”

“Once again if you believe in Sigman Freud's theory, that psychosis is caused by latent sexual issues in a person Psyche, then I would say in the instances where she killed male individuals it was because they were attempting to seduce her. That brought on mental recall of the abuse she suffered at home. With the women, who knows? Did they remind her of her own mother, someone she wanted to kill. Possibly, and we'll never know, possibly their appearance or actions towards her brought on the urge to kill them.”

“Anything else?”

“Isn't that enough? No, I have nothing else to tell you other than the fact that the entire Watson family had mental issues. Oh there is one more thing.”

“What's that?”

“Emily Watson is a pathological liar. Well, old chap, I must be going. It was good seeing you again. Take care and although somewhat late allow me to congratulate you on obtaining your PhD.”

“Good seeing you again Berty. Take care.”

Alistair took a seat n the chair again and a few minutes later the waiter arrived. “Your sherry sir,” said the attendant.

“Ah excellent. Thank you my good man. You have no idea of how much I need this.”








































Publication Date: 02-06-2016

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