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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » After Death, an ultimate truth. by Harshavardhan C (easy books to read in english txt) 📖

Book online «After Death, an ultimate truth. by Harshavardhan C (easy books to read in english txt) 📖». Author Harshavardhan C

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ideology for doing a legalized war; and in another way yours is only an organized and useless crime. Either ways, yours is a narrow minded analysis gentleman! How heinous and painful it is even to hear, we being in the most advanced culture and civilization, going on committing most heinous crimes on innocent people, who include women, children, aged belonging to all religions and also the innocent Muslims in the name of isms.

When you are committing heinous crimes also will your Almighty keep silent? And when doing pious things will he not tolerate? What a wonderful hypocrisy Mr. Commander, you being a religious bigot, showing it so nicely man?” Prof. Gandhi felt so much and said.

“Sorry to interfere Mr. Gandhi, please let me answer him” Prof. Ramakrishna wanted to teach a lesson to the commander.

“Okay, you may please carry on whatever you want to say Mr. Ramakrishna” Prof. Gandhi gave green signal to him.

“Mr. Commander, if you are a True Muslim and champion of the Islamic state, I am a Professor and doctorate in History and Archaeology. According to me there is no life after death; but you are claiming yourselves as pious; and after jihad you want to reborn; and for achieving your goals you are claiming yourselves as true Muslim; and you are doing all sorts of sins; and finally praying Allah, whose existence is uncertain and unknown gentleman” He said confidently.

“Prof. Ramakrishna, do you mean to say that there is no spirit, no life after death and so also there is no Allah in existence?” Prof. Gandhi questioned him, rather politely, while most of the other co passengers looked at him seriously.

“I am sorry sir, if I have hurt any of you, but my research is targeted to find out the mystery behind the existence of God, the soul, life after death and rebirth. Now do you want me to reply as an Archaeologist or as Mr. Ramakrishna?” He replied.

“As you please Mr. Ramakrishna” Prof. Gandhi said cheerfully.

Now it turned to be a wordy battle between an atheist and theist.

“As an archaeologist, I am of the opinion that there is no life after death; there is no soul in existence; there are no spirits; and equally there are no ghosts; and about God, I still doubt whether there is anybody who has truthfully seen him, or is ready to show me. And if there is anybody to contradict my opinion, I never get into controversies; as I do feel it is purely their personal; but for me it is truly my subject” He said in firm.

“What a stupidity? What kind of man you are?” One of the co- passengers retaliated, he happened to be a traditional Hindu and God fearing orthodox person.

“I may be a stupid, but not my subject. Please don’t belittle my and thesis; and my experiments with the facts based on science and technology gentleman” Prof. Ramakrishna also equally retaliated.

“Who said you are not a scholar Mr. Ramakrishna; we whole heartedly acknowledge you; and you have done research and you are one of the gems among the world’s renowned Archaeologists. But I put it to you, if there is no superhuman power, why the millions and billions of people in the world are worshiping the Almighty? Why there are massive constructions of churches, mosques, temples, and such other shrines all over the world?” Dr. Sirajuddin questioned him rather politely but firmly.

“Mr. Sirajuddin there are heaps of burials belonging prehistoric periods way back to millions of years old which are unearthed. And of course the Egyptian pyramids are also of historical times. They are all human creations, and they have their superstitions and traditional beliefs from times immemorial for your kind information doctor” Prof. Ramakrishna was also very firm in his stand.

“Sorry Mr. Ramakrishna and I support Mr. Sirajuddin. And my dear friends let Mr. Ramakrishna be put to test whether he can survive or nor? And please throw him out of the flight?” Prof. Gandhi passed an order.

“Sorry professor, you are doing a crime; it is barbarous, unethical, and inhuman; and it is unbecoming of you being named after a great soul, the father of Indian nation” Prof. Ramakrishna appealed to him.

“Sorry Mr. Ramakrishna please don’t forget that you are also named after great Hindu Gods, who are known for Hindu dharma, but you say that you have no faith in them. There are Gods in every religion, whatsoever manner we see and offer prayers to them. And yours is a self contradictory statement. Is it not Mr. Ramakrishna?” Said one of the co passengers, who was an orthodox Christian.

There was no immediate response from him.

“No human being has the right to kill his fellow being, since he cannot turn the dead alive gentleman” Prof. Ramakrishna answered him with humility.

“Who said it? Where it is written? Can there be a single example to show Mr. Ramakrishna?”

Prof. Gandhi asked him straight.

“I believe that they are not publicized, but they are only felt by the kind hearts Mr. Gandhi; and of course I need not enlighten you what does kind heart mean?” Said Prof. Ramakrishna.

In the meanwhile his followers tied the hands of Prof. Ramakrishna as instructed by Prof. Gandhi, and accordingly they opened the exit door.

“Mr. Ramakrishna, before dropping you, may I ask you one last question”

“Yes Mr. Gandhi, I will definitely answer”
Prof. Ramakrishna replied at once.

“But you must speak truth only”

“Okay Mr. Gandhi, certainly I will speak truth”

“I straight put it to you; can you jump out of the flight and survive without air jacket? And before doing it so what will be your first and the last message to the world?” He said and waited for his reply.

Prof. Ramakrishna didn’t answer him, but he only smiled; perhaps it might be his answer.

“Okay Mr. Ramakrishna, I take your silence, your lovely and pleasant smile as your first and the last message that you are happily dying. My dear friends I hope you might have understood his firm stand, and now you can throw him out from the flight”

Prof. Gandhi passed the final order.

“Mr. Rmakrishna you better close your eyes before you are thrown out of the flight” One of the followers of Prof. Gandhi instructed him.

Prof. Ramakrishna looked down. The flight was more than 50,000 feet away from the sea level. He couldn’t find anything beneath the flying zone, except the clouds.

His eyes were closed with a piece of cloth; and he was standing like a statue.

“I say leave him” Said Prof. Gandhi seriously.

And there was no feeling or expression on the face of Mr. Ramakrishna.

Prof. Gandhi and all the co- passengers in the flight expected that Mr. Ramakrishna would raise hue and cry just like a LKG boy. But it didn’t happen.

The followers of Prof. Gandhi left him.

He was about to fall, but the comrades hold him back as they had already kept a rope to the hock, which was already there towards his back and he was pulled inside.

“Don’t you fear the gigantic feat Mr. Ramakrishna; at least on the edge of death also don’t you pray the Lord? Even at this moment also don’t you agree that God only saved you and is in existence?” Prof. Gandhi tried his best to convince him.

As a token of reply he just smiled and answered him.

“It is quite unfortunate experience for me in the civilized world. It is more or less praying for peace at the gunpoint; and asking for life after the decomposition of the dead body. And it is all your creation; you only instructed to throw me; and at the same time you hinted your friends to save me professor; and I confidently say that both the actions are human efforts only” Said Prof. Ramakrishna.

“But for me it means two different actions, one is evil thought, which is of human origin; and the second one is divine thought, which is God’s creation” Prof. Gandhi replied politely.

“Never, and it can’t be. And I say it is all your illusion Mr. Gandhi” Prof. Ramakrishna also said firmly.

“I am sorry Mr. Ramakrishna, I don’t mean that I would convince you, but I just put you to test for the better understanding of our good friends i.e. the jihadists only. But you proved yourself much tougher than the Indian Mujahedeen” Prof. Gandhi confessed and frankly.

“That is fine Mr. Gandhi; and for whatever test I am subjected, I agree to the extent that there are as many devotees as, there are also countless number of Gods and Goddesses, and for them equally shrines, and structures are existing in the world; and for me not the first part but the second part is important as it is my subject” Prof. Ramakrishna replied.

“You mean to say all these are human creations only?” The commander of the Indian Mujahedeen asked him.

“Yes gentleman, it is not only me, but the available subjects and the apparent artefacts are revealing that all images are manmade and so also all churches, Mosques, Temples, and such other shrines, which are all human creations and constructions only and are not descendent from heaven or constructed by any super power overnight” Prof. Ramakrishna said.

There was absolutely serenity. Nobody intervened in between them. They all know that it was a tough subject besides sensitive too.

“Mr. Ramakrishna, may I expect you to come up with your personal experiences?” The commander of the suicidal squad requested him.

“Okay gentlemen for your understanding I am to speak certain facts which I know from my research. Ladies and gentleman, before I joined as a student of Archaeology, I was under the impression that all the images, idols, sculptures, structures, and shrines of all faiths are just descendents from nature or else created by some super power. But after I started studying the iconography, sculptures, art, architecture, paintings of shrines, temples, Mosques and Churches, I have realized that they are all the hand work of the human beings only. And as an Archaeologist and as a Historian I never fear to speak out the facts. All the characters in the holy books depicted as either Devine or demon are only true history of mankind, which had happened at different ages in different periods at different places; and hence we find the traces of cultures and civilizations in different strata’s of the soils in the world.

And if we ask anybody about his personal opinion about soul, life after death, and the existence of God, certainly they reserve their options. Even if any of us still insist them to reveal means it is nothing but infringing their right to religion and faith. But, for you I set at side my profession for some time for discussion with you; and also neither I don’t want to remain selfish nor fear of being exposed to some faith or the other.

Ladies and gentle men, I put it to you does any parent tolerate their children being subjected to cruelty?

Nobody answered him.

“Is there really any God or some super power in existence to protect his children?” He posed another question and just waited for their reply.

Even the orthodox failed to answer him.

“If so what great has the Devine done, when so many of his children washed away in tsunami, which included innocent people, the old aged, women, children and even months babies?

And what great sin the months’ babies have committed? Can anybody answer me please?” Prof. Ramakrishna lost his temper and questioned them quite emotionally.

“You are speaking from abstracts Mr. Ramakrishna” One of the passengers who is much older than Prof. Ramakrishna tried to rule out his confusion and impressions on God.

But, the commander of the militants never allowed the air passenger to continue.

“Okay gentlemen, give me a chance, I answer you, but before that please tell me how the true believer of truth and nonviolence,Mr. Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi, the father of Indian Nation, was killed by his own country man? Can anybody answer what great sin the grand old man did

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