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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
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The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Gifts From The Kasbah by Robert F. Clifton (speed reading book txt) 📖

Book online «Gifts From The Kasbah by Robert F. Clifton (speed reading book txt) 📖». Author Robert F. Clifton

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parsnip cake. Is that possible?”,asked Wallace.

“Certainly sir, no problem at all. May I bring the lady another cocktail?”

“No thank you”, Jane answered.

“You can bring me a cup of coffee, and a bottle of zinfandel” Robert said.

101. “Very good sir”, the waiter responded.

As they both ate their appetizer Jane asked, “Did you get what you came up here for?”

“ Maybe yes, maybe no. I haven't even looked at the information yet. I'll do that when I get back to the office”.

“Then, I take it, you're in no hurry”.

“There is no statute of limitation for the crime of murder. The mistake some investigators make is rushing to make an arrest. When they do that two things happen. They make mistakes and they overlook things, like facts and evidence. A good defense lawyer then hands them their ass in a basket. I don't like to lose in court, any court, like traffic court when I issue a ticket or criminal court when I make an arrest”.

“But you do lose once in awhile, don't you dear?”

“No, not me. The loser is the public. It's the public that elect and re-elect crooked politicians. It's the politicians that appoint the judges, judges they then have in their pocket.”.

“Then, what you are saying is that it's never the police that are wrong”.

“That's not what I'm saying at all. Police officers are human and do make mistakes and at times are wrong. What I am saying is that it's the public that break the law and when the individual is arrested it's the rest of the public that cries for leniency. Take for instance a rapist-murderer who is convicted and sentenced to death. What happens? The public petitions for the guy not to be put to death and they hold vigils outside of the prison. These same do gooders never gave a thought to

sympathizing with the victims family or attend the funeral”.

“Oh, I can see that I opened a can of worms. Let me change the subject. You said you ate here some time ago. Why were you in Princeton then?

“Doc Edwards and I came up to watch Princeton and University of Penn play football”.

“Who won?”

“You know? I can't remember”.

“Remind me not to give you the opportunity to stand on a soap box again.”

Wallace laughed. “Sorry dear. There are times when I get carried away. Do you want dessert?”

“Goodness no”.

“Alright, as soon as I get the check we can go”.

Jane picked up the wine bottle from the table and made sure that the cap was on tight.

102. “What are you doing?”, asked Robert.

“How much did this bottle of wine cost you?”, she asked.

“I don't know, eight or ten dollars”.

“And we each had a glass. You know that they will take this half filled bottle back to the bar and use it to sell to patrons who only want a glass of wine”.

“So what, leave it”.

“No indeed, if you don't want it, I do. Besides the next time you come to dinner at my house I can serve you a glass of white zinfandel”, she said.


George Fillmore sat intently listening to Robert Wallace as the police captain gave information to the immigration Officer in reference to the Kasbah Supper Club. When Wallace was finished Fillmore said, “What you are giving us is just what we need in order to serve a warrant and make an arrest. However, things have changed. Our agency has turned over the narcotic investigation to the DEA. At this stage, we will handle the immigration and customs phase of the case”

“Why?”, asked Wallace.

“We're part of a drug enforcement task force and generally that's our role when it comes to enforcing the law. However, I'm sure that you and your people would be invited to join us at the scheduled time”.

“No thanks. That's not my jurisdiction. As far as me working with the DEA that would only happen if I was ordered to do so. I had a bad experience with the DEA. A couple of years ago I headed the Vice Squad. We picked up a dirt bag who ran his mouth to us. The information we obtained from him was that a caravan of vehicles was to leave Nautilus Beach for a trip to a place just outside of Woodford Kentucky. One enclosed van even carried spare wheels and tires in case of breakdowns .

It seems that marijuana was growing wild there. The members of the caravan intended to pick the plants at night filing trash bags then pack the vehicles with the grass and drive to an all night laundromat and use the dryers to removed the night dew. First, we called the Kentucky State Police. We got co-operation, but the problem was the one trooper we spoke to had a patrol area of forty square miles and was too far away to be there when the harvest and transportation took place. So, we called the DEA and gave them everything we had. We were told that the DEA had enough marijuana arrests for the month and at that moment were concentrating on cocain.

So, we won't be with you if and when you make an arrest. What I would like is the location of those arrested and permission to question them in relation to our homicide investigation”.

103. “I don't see any problem with that Captain”.

“Good and if there is something else you need just let us know and if I forgot something I'll call you immediately”, said Wallace as he shook hands with the agent.

After Fillmore left, Wallace, Stiles and McKenna sat in the office. they all turned to see Detective Myers enter. “Excuse me Captain, Sergeant Campo asked me to tell you that the test they ran for cannabis and heroin tested positive”.

“Thank you, come on in and take a seat, don't forget, you're a member of this team”. Said Wallace.

“What are you going to do with that piece of evidence? Cape May County is out of our jurisdiction and we're investigating two murders, not narcotics”, said Stiles.

“You're absolutely right Frank. Although drugs are involved I could care less about them. Even though I know for a fact that latent prints were found on the butane canisters, I still have to compare them to one of our suspects. However, I could turn over the evidence to the federal agencies right now, but I'm going to wait. I want to see just how co-operative they are with us, like letting us question those they arrest”.

“And, if they're not co-operative?”, asked Myers.

“I'll give it to them anyway. Don't forget, we're professionals”.


Robert Wallace drove the unmarked police car slowly down Elm Drive on the Princeton University Campus. He had made arrangements to meet Martin Thomas and the young man had told him that he would be standing on the steps of the dormitory of Whitman College. When Wallace saw Thomas he pulled over to the curb and beeped the horn. Thomas walked down to the sidewalk, opened the automobile door and sat down on the passenger seat. “Hello Captain”, said Thomas.

“Martin? I hope this is not too much of an inconvenience. I can just imagine how much of your time is spent on your studies. Still, I thought it would be better to talk to you here, on campus, in the car, away from university security. I need some information and I think that you are just the man who can give it to me”.

“No problem. I do have a class in two hours, but I thought I told you what you wanted to know when we talked the last time”.

“Oh, you did, but new information has been brought forward resulting in a need for additional questioning. I hope you understand”.

“Yeah, I do. What do you want to know?”

“Have you ever been to a place called the Kasbah?”

“No. I've heard of it, but I never went there”.

“Now my next question is just between you and me. I promise what


ever your answer is I'll keep it confidential”.


“Are you using drugs, or have you ever used drugs?”

“When I was a sophomore in high school I tried a joint at a party. Nothing happened. I didn't get high and it made me sick to my stomach. I haven't touched it or anything else since”.

“Good, that gets that subject out of the way. Now the last time we talked you told me all about the night Elizabeth died”, said Wallace as he pulled away from the curb. “I think it's best that we talk as I drive. What I want to know now is anything you can tell me about Philip Spencer”.

“What's to know? Basically he's a jock. He could be in the hotel business with his father, but he wants to make a successful reputation on his own”, said Thomas.

“What do you know about him and drugs?”, asked Wallace.

“Know? Nothing. Rumor? Yes. The word is that he deals hash and hash oil”.


“Out of the Kasbah. Once in awhile he comes up to Nautilus Beach. Some say it's to see his family. Others maintain that he has one or two rich clients that he delivers to”.

“Any names?”



“OK, let's now deal with Philip and Emma Prescott. I get the feeling that there's more to their relationship then meets the eye”.

“There is.”

“Oh? What is it?”

“The word is they're partners in the hash trade”.





























Chapter Thirteen


On Monday, April 15, 1974, Frank Stiles motored up the Expressway heading for Philadelphia. In the unmarked police car was Captain Robert Wallace. Seated in the rear seat was Officer Carol Myers. “So let me get this straight.

The D.E.A. Raided the Kasbah last Friday night and arrested the Hamidi's and Philip Spencer and they have agreed to let us interrogate them, correct?”, asked Stiles.

“Exactly and just as I figured they want our evidence”, answered Wallace.

“Why?”, asked Myers.

“More or less it's a backup. Our finding the butane canisters and the box with marijuana and heroin residue reinforces their case that narcotics were being manufactured and sold at the club', Wallace explained.

“And, of course they'll be listening and recording every word that being said by the Hamidi's, Spencer and us”, said Stiles.

“Naturally, by the way if I start bad mouthing the D.E.A. Or F.B.I. I want you to kick me square in the ass. Actually Fillmore brought me up to date. It seems D.E. A. has linked the Hamidi's to a Mexican cartel operated by a Victor Guzman. They gave the money to Jabar el Hamidi to buy the land and to build the supper club. By doing so it gave them an outlet for drugs and a way to launder their money”.

“I thought that Immigration and Customs were in on this”, said Myers.

“I thought so too. I think that what happened is they found out


that the Hamidi's are naturalized citizens. That maybe takes away the immigration stage of the investigation. It is also possible that the information ascertained in the customs probe is being held in reserve, just like the information we have in the two homicides.”

Stiles drove into Philadelphia. “What am I looking for?”, he asked.

“First of all get on Arch Street. We want the Federal Detention Center. The address is 700 Arch Street”,, explained Wallace.

“I'm on Arch Street”, said Stiles.

“Then look for the numbers on buildings”, said Wallace.

“Isn't that it, that big building up ahead?”, asked Myers.

“Damn if it isn't. Nice job Carol”, said Stiles.

“Good, now find the entrance to the parking lot”, added Wallace.

After entering the facility, showing their identification and giving up their firearms which were placed in a secure vault, the three Nautilus Beach, Police Officers were led to an empty interrogation room that held a table and two chairs. Wallace looked around at the room seeing light green painted walls. One window high on the outside wall that was covered by heavy steel mesh. The tables and chairs were steel, painted in a battleship gray. Looking at the guard he had escorted them to the room, Wallace asked, “Could I have two more chairs in here?”

“Yeah, we have someone bringing them”, the guard answered.

“Thank you”, said Wallace.

“Your welcome.

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