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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Search, Rescue, Solve by Crazykoolaidwriter (speld decodable readers txt) 📖

Book online «Search, Rescue, Solve by Crazykoolaidwriter (speld decodable readers txt) 📖». Author Crazykoolaidwriter

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up, ad i saw Emily run out of the building. I weakly sat up and said, "Emily, i need you to take the evidence inside and go out of the building with friends, and never go out alone! Tell everyone to be careful!"

She nodded, and i slumped against Marco as an ambulance screamed down the road and stopped in front of us. I was loaded into the back, and Marco sat next to me and said, "just hang on, Jenna. Just hang on." A mask was put over my mouth, and i coughed and heard the monitor go off.

I coughed harder, and blood spattered from my mouth and onto the mask, staining it red. Marco gripped my hand as the paramedics shocked my heart, and the monitor went back to normal. We soon reached the hospital, and i was wheeled into surgery.

I woke up a few hours later, and i saw Marco sitting in a chair next to the bed. I weakly sat up, and he pushed me back down and said, "don't get up or the stitches will rip open. Jenna, you will be out of here in a couple of days."

I shook my head and said, "I need to solve the case! Vanessa is counting on me!" I winced as blood stained the bandages, and i laid down and felt tears run down my face. Marco gently brushed them off, and he said, "go to sleep, Jenna. You will be out of here in a couple of days, and then you can start the case again."

I sighed, and i fell asleep and waited for the next few days.
The Truth


I got out of the hospital a week later, and i automatically went back to work. I visited the crime-scene, and i found the knife hidden in the hole in the wall.

I had Emily dust it for prints and test the blood, and a match came back on a hair we found inside the mask. It belonged to a man named Charles Martino, and i hunted him down and arrested him. I got some answers out of him, and he said, "I am not alone in this. My boss is till out there watching you, waiting to strike."

I put him back in his cell, and i went past Marco's office and saw him going through some papers. He looked up at me, and i looked away and went to my office. I put everything up on my desk, and the door opened. Marco walked in, and he said, "what's wrong? You have been avoiding me all day."

I looked down at my papers and said, "I can't be with you, Marco. There is no love in this agency that i am willing to sacrifice. I am being hunted by this killer, and i will stop him and watch him get the death sentence. I'm sorry."

He held out a small packet, and i gently took it while he said, "the man told me that this was his boss, and his truth-test checked out positive."

I opened it, and i read the file and said, "this can't be the killer." My voice dropped to a whisper, and he said, "do you know him?" I nodded, and i said, "this is my brother, Dylan Tyler. Marco, i haven't seen him in over ten years." A tear ran down my cheek, and i said, "I know where he lives."

I grabbed all of my stuff, and i said, ''I am going to need your help, but don't shoot him if he aims a gun at me. There has to be a reason he did this." I put my bullet-poof vest on, and I said, "will you come with me?" He nodded, and i watched as he put on a vest and put on his belt.

I walked with him to his car, and i told him the address and said, "we need to hurry. He is probably going to hurt someone else if we don't." He drove to the house, and i ran to the front door and pulled out my gun. I banged on the front door, and i looked back at Marco and said, "go to the back and hold him there if he tries to escape."

Marco ran to the back, and i said, "police! Open the door or we will be forced to kick it in!" I heard a gunshot from inside, and i kicked the door open and saw my brother shoot at Marco again. I saw him miss, and I said, "put the gun on the ground and put your hands behind your head!"

He ignored me, and i shot his hand and forced him to drop the gun. He cried out in pain, and i grabbed his arms and held them behind his back. He squirmed, and i said, "Dylan, it's over. I don't want to hurt you, but you have left me no choice."

I felt him go still, and he said, "Jenna, you don't understand. The husband has been trying to kill me for years, and i had to stop him before he went after you." I gently pulled him to the door, and i put my vest over him and said, "your minion shot me and my partner, and then you tried to shoot my boss! Dylan, you've changed."

He went still, and i put him in the back of the car and sat next to him. Marco drove us to the precinct, and i put Dylan in a cell and said, "your trial is tomorrow at noon. Tell the judge what happened, and i will try to help you as much as i can."

He nodded, and he said, "Jenna, i never meant for you to get hurt. I am so sorry." I nodded and said, "see you tomorrow, Dylan."

Then i went to my office and put the case in the Solved file.



Dylan's trial went by faster than i thought, and he got ten years in prison with bail. Marco tried to get closer to me, but i said, "Marco, i have too much to deal with right now."

I put all the evidence from the crime in the locker, and i went to Marco one day and said, "I'm leaving the agency."

His eyes widened, and i said, "Marco, i have hurt too many people, and i don't want to ever have a relationship in fear that my lover would get hurt or killed." He gently grabbed my hands, and he said, "please stay here and work with me, Jenna. I don't care what happens, but i love you and i want to stay with you."

A tear ran down my cheek, and i said, "Marco, i--" I broke off as he knelled in front of me and pulled out a box. He opened it, and i saw the ring glitter as he said, "Jenna Taylor, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

I covered my mouth with my hand, and i said, ''Marco, i do." He smiled, and i rapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. Tears ran down my face, and i said, "Marco, i love you." He wrapped his arms around my waist, and he said, "I love you too, Jenna."



Text: Crazykoolaidwriter
Images: Crazykoolaidwriter
Editing: Crazykoolaidwriter
Translation: Crazykoolaidwriter
Publication Date: 07-11-2012

All Rights Reserved

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