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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
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The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » In Plain Sight by Alyza (ebook reader for surface pro .txt) 📖

Book online «In Plain Sight by Alyza (ebook reader for surface pro .txt) 📖». Author Alyza

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the door and opened the drivers side, getting in. I started the car and pulled out of the daycare.

“Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Ice CREAM!” He sang nodding his head

I smiled at him through the rear view mirror. My phone started ringing but I ignored it. Safety first.

I pulled into the pizza parlor that had an ice cream shop connected with it. I got out and opened Jesse’s door. Pulling it open, I unbuckled the grinning Jesse and lifted him oout of the car.

He grabbed my hand again as we walked towards the pizza shop. Jesse flung the door open and grinned widely, bouncing up and down.

“Can I play games?!” He yelled at me

“Shhh, yeah. Let’s just order first.” I suggested pulling him over to the counter

The young boy behing the register looked me up and down. I raised a brow,

“Done yet?”

He blushed, “What can I get for you?”

“One Hawaiian pizza, extra pineapples. Two ice creams. One peanut butter and one custom made. Oh, and a sprite. Please.” I smiled

He blushed again, “Sure. What do you want on the custom made one?”

I looked down at Jesse who was staring at the ice cream in awe.

“What do you want on your ice cream, Jess?” I asked

“I get to put stuff on it?!” He asked with wide eyes

“Yeah.” I laughed

He whipped his head back to the ice cream, “I want chocalate ice cream, peanut butter, strawberry, and um, vanilla. I was M & M’s in it, oreos, cookies, those stringy white things…and ummmm did I say M & M’s?” He asked frowning

I stared at him as he ordered, “For a small kid you can eat.”

He beamed at me then turned to the guy, “Can I get that stuff on it?”

The guy blinked, “Uh, yeah. Repeat it, will ya?”

Jesse nodded fiercly and repeated everything he wanted on it. The kid was frowning the whole time he made Jesse’s ice cream.

“Done.” The kid sighed putting it in the freezer

“Dude, gimme my ice cream.” Jesse demanded frowning at the kid

“We have to wait till the pizza is done.” I said

He looked at me, “Okay, Sissy.”

I smiled and turned to the kid, “Thank you.”

“No problem.” He said quietly

I smiled and walked Jesse over to his favorite table, right by the game room.

“Wanna go play?” I asked taking my sweater off

He nodded and took off his little jean jacket. He ran into the game room and I slowly followed after him.

I gave him a dollar and he stuck it into the change machine. He grabbed the four quarters and ran to the racing game.

I leaned against the wall and took my phone out. I had a miss call and voice mail from Matt.

I sighed and pressed the Call Back button.

He picked up on the third ring, “Hailey. Why didn’t you answer?”

“Hello to you too.” I rolled my eyes, “I was driving.”

“Oh…” He sighed, “Are you okay? I’m really sorry for bringing up Andrew. I didn’t mean too.”

“It’s okay. I’m okay. Me and Jesse are just at the pizza parlor.” I said

“Jesse? Who’s that?” He asked confused

“My little brother. The one you’ve met hundreds of times.” I stated

“Oh, little Jesse. How is he?” He asked not really caring

“He’s fine.” I said, “Listen, I gotta go. I’ll call you later, okay?”

“Okay. Love you.” He said

I tensed, “Love you too.” I forced oout

“Bye.” He hung up

Matt is a great person but I know he only cares about himself. He says he loves me but I know he doesn’t. But I’m okay with it because I don’t love him either.

“Sissy? I need more money.” Jesse said pulling on my pant leg

I took out another dollar bill and handed it to him. He smiled and ran off to the change machine. I smiled after him and looked towards our table.

The pizza wasn’t there yet. I looked over at Jesse and he was talking to a little girl.

I smirked and shook my head. He’s going to be a ladies man. My phine vibrated and I took it out to see that it was a message fom my Dad.

Dad: I have to go back to work. Love you.

My Dad is a police officer. Right now they’re trying to find the murderer.

Me: Love you too. Be safe :)

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and looked towards our table the kid was standing there holding our pizza while staring at me.

“Your pizza is done.” He said in a soft voice

I smiled, “Jesse. Pizza’s here.”

A white flash flew passed me and Jesse was harassing the kid. I groaned and walked over to them.

“Sit.” I said to Jesse as I pointed to his chair

He sat down, “Gimme my pizza, fool!”

I rolled my eyes, “Ignore him. He’s a freak.”

The kid smiled and set the pizza down.

“Thank you.” I smiled

He smiled back shyly, “Welcome.”

He scurried off and I turned to Jesse who was already devouring his slice. He had pizza sauce all over his face which made me chuckle.

I grabbed a paper plate and set my pizza on it.

“Did you have a good day at daycare?” I asked Jesse as I picked my pizza up

“Yup! You remember, Annie? The girl I like?” He asked


“She kissed me on the cheek!” He exclaimed proudly

“No way!” I argued

“Yeah-huh! She smelled like strawberries.” He said dreamily

I laughed, “That’s awesome, Jess. You gonna ask her out?”

“No way! What if she doesn’t like me?” He asked with sad eyes

“Dude! She kissed you! That’s gotta count for something.” I pointed out

He nodded, “You’re right. She wants me.”

I laughed, “Don’t say that.”

He laughed and took a sip of his sprite. I took a bite of my pizza and smiled to myself.

Jesse is the only one that can turn a bad day into a good one.

When we finished we went up to the counter to get our ice creams.

“Fool! Ice cream!” Jesse yelled straining to see over the counter

The kid sighed and got out our ice creams. He handed me mine with a smiled and handed Jesse his with a fake one.

“Say thank you.” I said as Jesse started walking towards the doors

“Thanks, fool!” Jesse called back waiting at the door for me

I shook my head, “That boy has issues. Thank you.”

He nodded and smiled, “Please, come again.”

I smiled and walked towards the door. I grabbed Jesse’s hand and we walked out the door and to my car. I buckled him in then got into the driver seat. I started the car and started driving home.

I pulled into my drive way and Jesse unbuckled himself. He jumped from the car and shut the door before running inside.

I locked my car and followed him into the house.

“…Yeah, and Sissy took me to get pizza and ice cream. Look!” I heard Jesse yelled, he was probably shoving his ice cream into Mom’s face

I laughed and ran up to my room. I quickly changed into pajama bottoms and a long sleeve shirt seeing as it’s cold at night.

Running back down stairs I heard Jesse describing, in detail, his ‘kiss’ with Annie. I laughed and went into the living room.

I turned on the T.V and it was on the news, talking about the murders. I changed the channel, not really caring what I was watching as long as it wasn’t about murder.

I snuggled up with one of the couch pillows and fell asleep.

“Hailey? Baby? Go to your room.” I heard someone whisper in my ear

I groaned and opened my eyes, “Whaaaat?”

“Go lay in your bed.” My Dad whispered pulling me into a sitting position

“What time is it?” I asked rubbing my eyes

“Almost midnight.” He answered standing up straight

I groaned and go up, stretching. “I’m not tired anymore. Did you just get off work?”

“Yeah but I have to study this case.” He sighed

“I can help.” I offered

I always wanted to be a cop. They’re just awesome.

“Would you? I can show you the case, it’s not like you’d tell anyone.” He chuckled

“Yeah, let’s go to your office.” I said walking off

I walked into his office and sat down in a chair close to his. He came in and dropped a manila folder in the middle of his desk. He sat down next to me and opened the folder.

“Okay. In each case, there is a distinctive method of the killing. In case one, Michael Ace, he was stabbed in the heart twice, stomach four time, and his throat was slit.

“Case two, Jacob Levi, stabbed in the heart, shot in the leg and head, throat slit.

“Victim three, Willaim Stone, his was actually the worst. Stabbed in the abdomen six time, chest twice, gun shot wound in right arm and left leg, throat slit.

“All three victims had their throat slit pre-death. This means he wanted them to suffer. Whoever this guy is, he doesn’t have feelings.” My Dad finsish

I nodded and looked at the pictures, “So, all the victims throats were slit. The first victim, Michael, he killed a women one night when he was drunk. It was an accident but the media made it seem like he did it on purpose. That’s reason enough for someone to want to kill him.

“Jacob Levi, he raped and killed his wife, right?” I asked looking at my Dad

“Yeah but he didn’t get convicted for the murder.” He said

“Okay, but everyone knows he did it. That’s a reason. The last victim was a listed Sex offender. Raped children.” I said looking at Willaim Stone dead

“Yeah, this could be a guy who doesn’t like this certain person, a hit man. It could be anybody.” He said running a hand through his head

“He’s not a hit man, I can tell you that much.” I bit the inside of my cheek, “This is a guy that lives amoung us. Looks like an everyday person. Talks to us, works with us. Whoever this is, is confident that no one will get him.

“He’s a serial killer. But what caught me is that he only kills people who did bag things. Like, like Michael here, he killed a women. Jacob, he raped and murdered his wife. William, he’s a child molester.” I said frantically pointing to the picures

My Dad nodded, “You’re right. He’s only going after the people who have done wrong.”

I bit my thumb, “Justice. He thinks what he is doing is justice. He thinks that killing these people will give the family closure.”

“Yeah, but…why would he take it upon himself to do it?” He asked frowing at the desk in concentration

“He figures since the police won’t, he has too.” I stated, “This killer, he’s

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