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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
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But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
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The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Garwood Village by Robert F. Clifton (best book reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Garwood Village by Robert F. Clifton (best book reader .txt) 📖». Author Robert F. Clifton

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the result of the killer washing their genitalia”.

“Interesting, but why Garwood Village?”

“Garwood Village is a housing project for the low economic class. Included in the residents are many single parent mothers. women seeking companionship whether it is male or female. After living every day in abject poverty, facing over due bills, trying to put food on the table and tending to one or more kids a social life, no matter how short it is, to them is a relief, an escape from the present”.

“I understand that, but there has to be a connection”.

“Well if there is I haven't found it yet”, said Wallace.

“There are two other housing projects in town, Sidney Arms and Bay Front Village. They have the same conditions as Garwood Village. Why hasn't the killer struck in the other two projects?”, asked Edwards.

“I don't know, but thanks for bringing that fact to my attention”.

“You're welcome”.

On Monday morning Captain Robert Wallace forced his way through the crowd of newspaper and television reporters that lined the hallway leading to his office. With each group he passed he answered their questions with, “No comment!”. He entered his office and took a seat at his desk. Within minutes the rest of the Major Crime Squad came into his office. Carol Myers carried two white paper bags, one containing Styrofoam cups coffee and tea the other donuts and a buttered muffin. Each person selected their choice with Wallace choosing the traditional lemon dough-nut. Finally, Stiles walked to the large chalkboard and drew four interlocking squares. “This represents Garwood Village. As you can see it takes up four city blocks. The outer apartments, those with a one thousand address are located on the streets, such as Edna fisher who lived at 1414 and Florence Alberson, who lived at 1221. After one passes the apartments numbered in the one thousand, next come the subdivisions. Each subdivision has a court yard with the apartments built around it. For instance, the next address for the court yard apartments would be 2000. And so it goes until you enter the fourth and last court yard subdivision which is 4000. does everyone understand?”

Everyone nodded their head.

“Good, what we know right now is that the two murders occurred in the one thousand section, in those apartments located on the street. This could and I emphasize could mean that the killer blended in with any pedestrians when he entered the apartment and did the same upon leaving. In short, the killer did not want to risk the chance of being seen or heard in the court yards”.

“So what you are inferring, is the killer selects the victims because of the location of their dwelling?”, asked Wallace.

“Yes sir”.

“Possible, but unlikely. I would go along with your theory had there been signs of a break in or forced entry. There is nothing to suggest that a struggle took place. Both women were found nude and in their bedroom. Their clothes were neatly placed. To me that's an indication that the victim knew the killer and was invited in. At the same time the Sidney Arms and Bay Front Village housing projects were built by the same contractor and are identical except for the color of the exterior. Yet, and I emphasize the word yet, no attacks or as a matter of fact no crimes or incidents have occurred at either of the other places. I believe that there is a connection between the killer and Garwood Village”. Wallace explained.

“It seems to me that you both have a point”, said Myers

“I'm glad that you see it that way Carol. What I want from you is to go to Garwood Village and talk to the occupants. See what you can learn about both victims. Do they date? Are they promiscuous? Do they drink or use narcotics? Find out as much as you can about them. Then, talk to the superintendent. I want to know of any incidents usual or unusual that have taken place in the past year”.

“Yes sir, got it”.

Turning to Detective Mckenna, Wallace said, “Tom, go to Communications, check the radio logs for, let's see, for the past two years. I want you to look for any calls to Garwood Village. Give me the nature of the call and the results. Also if any names do appear, list them”.

“No problem, Captain.”

“Frank? You and I are going to spend the day going over case files. We'll be looking for any case containing either a sex related incident or anything weird.”

“Practically everyone we deal with is weird”, Stiles replied.

“Yeah, but let's hope someone wrote down names. OK. All of you get going. Frank, I'll be with you when I'm finished meeting with the press. On your way out send in Mary Wagner”.

Robert Wallace was writing notes for the case when Mary Wagner walked into his office. She took a seat and looked at him. He looked at her, but didn't speak.

“Well, is this a personal or professional meeting?”, she asked.

“As far as I'm concerned it can be either. As you know I have to talk to the press and the way I do it is to give you the information first, then it's up to you to do what you want with it”, Wallace replied.

“I know. That's how we met. We were together for a while, dinners, dancing, trips, we even made love under the stars in Tobago.*(Azreal) Then, for some reason, you dumped me.”

“I told you the reason. You're twenty-two. I'm forty-two. At my age you'd be hitting your peak and I'd be running out of gas. You would want children. At age fifty I wouldn't be in good enough shape to toss a baseball or football to a boy ten years old. I'd make a lousy father. You deserve much better than me”.

“That should have been my decision to make, not yours.”

“Sorry, looks like this meeting is going to be professional after all. Ask your questions.”

Perturbed and giving Wallace an angry look, Mary Wagner quickly opened her notebook and taking her pen in hand asked, “Is it true that both victims had their throats cut?”

“Yes, in addition to being stabbed.”

“Were the women raped or sexually abused?”

“So far we have no evidence that either woman was attacked sexually”.

“Do you have any idea why these women were killed?”

“If you mean do we have a motive, as yet the answer is no”.

“How did the killer gain entry. Did he break into the victims apartments?”

“There is no sign of a break in and by using the word he you are assuming that the killer is a male. We don't know the sex of the killer at this time”.

“Well, one would assume that since both victims were female and found in the nude that the murderer is a man”.

“Now you see, that's the fallacy of the press and news reporters, assuming. When you assume you are in fact generally creating the news instead of reporting the news. Could it be possible that the women were killed by a female? Could it be possible that the killer is a lesbian? Could it be possible that there were more than one killer? Could it be possible that the second murder was a copy cat crime committed by another attacker? You see there are many, many assumptions. However, I don't deal with assumptions. I deal in evidence and hard facts”.

“Very well Captain Wallace, tell me, just how much evidence and hard facts do you have?”

“Now you see that's a loaded question. If I tell you that I have plenty of evidence, you in turn will ask the question: when will I make an arrest? On the other hand, if I say that I have insufficient evidence you can and will question my competence.”

“You use to talk to me off the record”.

“That's when you were a cute cub reporter”.

“ What am I now in your estimation?”

“ Oh, you're still cute, but now you're seasoned. You've been corrupted by those you work with. Now, it's anything for a story regardless if it's half bullshit or if it's hurtful to someone or anyone”.

“I don't know what you're talking about?”

“No? How about this? Last year my squad arrested Jose Guzman for statutory rape. The victim was a kid thirteen years old. Even though she consented, believing that she was in love it was still a crime. At the time of the arrest, your newspaper printed the fact that since the person was a minor and a victim of rape the Nautilus Beach Press would protect the identity of the individual. Does that sound familiar?”

“Yes, that's standard procedure”.

“Ah, yes. Then, your paper went on to say in print, The victim, a girl of thirteen who attends Nautilus Beach Junior high School and resides in the Chelsea section of Nautilus Beach is expected to testify in court”.

“What's wrong with that?”

“Well, for one thing, although there are probably two or three hundred thirteen year old girls attending Nautilus Beach Junior High School I'm pretty damn sure that there are less than six that live in the Chelsea section of the city. Your paper should have just put a printed sign on her that read, It's Me! I'm The One. Protect the identity of the individual, my ass!”

“Listen Wally, I didn't write that article, so don't blame me for someone else who did”.

“I'm not blaming you. I merely point out the fact that in all probability the piece was written that way just to sell papers”.

“Reporters have editors, just like you have a Chief”.

“ Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Sorry. I really don't want to report this, but it's my job. Funny how the so called big story is always on the front page, but the retraction is lost in the want ads”.

“I can see that we're getting no where. You asked me in to give me and my newspaper information on the Garwood Slasher. What do you want to tell our readers?”

“So now you put a label on the killer. That should increase circulation. The Garwood Slasher, makes chills go up and down your spine, doesn’t it?”

“How close are you in making an arrest for the past two murders in Garwood Village?”, she asked.

“We're making progress”.

“What kind of progress?”

“We have important evidence”.

“Would you like to elaborate on that statement?”

“No. What I would like to do is to tell your readers that we have set up a hot line at 609 592 0808 for anyone who has information that will aid in the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator of these crimes Just call that number. We have that line operational twenty-four hours a day and you do not have to identify yourself when you call.”

“That's it? That's what you call co-operating with the press? All you are doing is running an ad in our newspaper. We should charge you the going rate for advertising”.

“Well Miss Wagner, that's it for the day. Feel free to share the information I gave you with the other members of your profession. I am sure that by tomorrow morning the public will not only have the chance to read your column but also have the opportunity to read the editorial about the Nautilus Beach Major Crime Squad and its arrogant commanding officer”.

“Oh, you can be sure of that Robert”.

“Good, are there any other questions?”

“Yes, and this is off the record. Will you call me?”

“We'll see”.

After Mary Wagner left his office, Wallace opened one of the two files on his desk. He made a notation listing the date and time that he had met with the press, knowing that eventually, editors and station managers would start complaining to the Director of Public Safety and the Chief of Police about the lack of co-operation between the commanding officer of the Major Crime Squad and the media.

As he closed the file the telephone on his desk rang. He answered it. “Major Crime Squad, Captain Wallace”.


“Hello Doc”.

“I was just going over my paper work on the two victims. At the time of the autopsy I was able to extract enough blood to run several

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