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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Who am I? by Sara Hansen (people reading books TXT) 📖

Book online «Who am I? by Sara Hansen (people reading books TXT) 📖». Author Sara Hansen

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morning. “Well there is nothing much we can do today what would you like to do to pass the time?” Sandra asked Alex as she wiped the counter off. “Well, I guess I should look around to see if I can remember anything else.” She replied. “Ok but you be careful I am worried about you taking a fall so no high places today.” Sandra said with almost an order in her voice. “Ok as you request I will stay off ladders and away from the tops of staircases.” She giggled a little it sounded so funny to say.

Alex walked off to the parlor to look around; funny how she had been here twice and still did not take a good look around. Like all the rooms in this house the furniture was all antique, mostly impersonal, and cozy dim. The book shelves where filled with books from all countries some old and some newer. Not many where in English so she passed on reading them, and just looked for something that looked more recently moved. As she looked over the tables and chairs not finding much, “Sandra is too good at her job.” She thought out loud to herself with a giggle. Off to the next room she finds a door down the short hallway to the kitchen and laundry area, and decides to open it. The door was heavy wood with shiny metal in the handle and hinges; it opened slowly to a dark staircase. Alex stood there a moment then decided to tell Sandra before attempting the stairs maybe it was not worth going down. “Sandra, where does this staircase lead too? Is it somewhere I might find answers?” “Oh dear that goes to the basement and there is a lot of old things down there, but nothing recent you should start in your upstairs rooms and later we will go down there together.” Sandra replied as she walked in with a towel in her hands. “I haven’t been down there since before your father died dear we need to change the bulb so I will work on that while you are upstairs.” “Ok sounds good I will be upstairs till you need me. “ Alex said as she walked off to the stairs by the parlor.

As she reached the top of the stairs she walked slowly to the office door where she first woke up. Opening the door she got a chill that ran through her whole body. Nothing seemed to be different so she quickly left to walk the other end of the hall she had not looked down before. She past the room that Sandra told her was hers and the bathroom door where she had her second strange event. There were two rooms left and another staircase to the attic. Alex walked slowly to the door on the right and reached for the knob, also shiny her father must have liked everything polished. “What is in here I wonder.” She spoke out loud to herself. The room was filled with furniture that looked as though it belonged to her parents, untouched and kept tidy. It was almost sad to think she could not remember her parents or what they looked like. She began looking for a picture but still could find none just old love letters her father wrote her mother a long time ago. Alex then crossed the hall to the next room and found another office, this one was full of things to go through and it looked more like her father’s office. There was one photo on the desk of what she could tell her father and mother and her around 9 years old or so. She really did not recognize them but she could not see why it would be anyone else. Holding on to it so she could ask Sandra about it later she walked out to check the attic knowing she could spend hours in her father’s office later. Walking up the spiral steps was claustrophobic but she managed to reach the top and open the small door. She stepped into what seemed like the past 100 years in boxes, trunks, and wooden cabinets. “Wow this could take forever to go through I doubt this will help with what is happening now but latter it might help me remember more of my past.” She walked back down and went straight to Sandra in the hall coming out of the stairs to the basement. “I could only find one picture this one and do you know why there are no pictures for that matter?” Alex almost got a glare but Sandra understood her frustration and calmly replied, “Your father put them all away after your mother passed away he would cry every time he saw her face. It was so sad when he asked me to take them all down and pack them I did with no question.” “Ok that sounds like a good reason I suppose, are they in the basement or attic?” Alex asked hopping to get to them today. “Well I am not quite sure after I packed them he put them away I suppose we might have to look in both places.” Sandra said with hands on her hips.

They had been in the basement 2 hours searching through boxes and found only holiday decorations, old school work from when Alex was in grade school, and old gardening supplies. There was only one corner left and they dug right in, “Well I never did realize how many things your family hung on to till today.” Sandra stated as she opened a box and pulled out some handmade blankets. “Yeah it does seem like a lot and we haven’t looked in the attic yet.” Alex giggled. “Those are beautiful blankets Sandra where did they come from?” “Well your mother made this one and your grandmother made this one, but I am not sure about the rest they might have also been made by family.” Sandra replied as she pulled them out to look at. “I think I want to take these upstairs and wash them to use is that ok?” Alex asked Sandra. “Yes dear we can do that tonight.” She replied putting them back in the box to take upstairs. “Well should we go upstairs for a break? I don’t think we will find what we are looking for here.” Sandra stated as she lifted the box and headed for the stairs. “Yes I think that sounds good let get some rest before we try another room.” Alex began to follow, but something caught her eye. She slowly walked to the back of the basement in the darkest corner, straining to see clearer what was in the shadows. As her eyes adjusted she could make out an open slit in the wall that seemed to be out of place, so she leaned in closer for a better look. A breeze hit her face and she jumped. “Alex, are you coming dear?” Sandra called from the top of the stairs. “Yes coming.” Alex pulled her-self away and walked upstairs.

“Well it is getting late I started the blankets in the wash so I will let you know when they are done. “ Sandra stated as Alex came into the kitchen. “Ok I guess I will go upstairs and look in my father’s office and mine to see why I might be forgetting things.” Alex said as she grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and walked out. She started in the office she woke up in thinking this has to be where the memory loss started, looking all around the desk that sat in one end of the room. The computer was off so she turned it on hoping to find clues as to what she was doing before waking up. As it loaded she looked at the note pad that had a note she paid no attention to before, now realizing there was a time written on it that read ”7pm Tuesday night.” Looking back at the computer screen she realized she had it pass coded for protection and she did not have a clue what it was. “Well another dead end for now, so what should I do?” she sighed with frustration. Putting her head down on the desk she closed her eyes and tried to remember what she was doing in the office before she woke up there. Now she already knows according to the gentleman named Jim that they had a business meeting that night and he was waiting for her return to the room. What made her go upstairs before she woke up? She strained but could not remember anything before opening her eyes. She sat up but found she was not in a chair but in a bed, in the dark alone. “Wait a minute am I back in the home with the children again, but I did not fall asleep, did I?” She got up and moved to the door so she could look out the door.

To have a family

As she opened the door she felt disappointed that she was back in the home with her being a mother. It was hard enough not remembering your life or which was real, but if this one was real she forgot her children, that to her seemed worse than forgetting her dead parents. Down the hall she walked hoping no one was home to question her again. She peeked into another room as she passed and the children were sleeping in two beds all done in different colors. “It must be night” she thought to herself as she continued walking. As she neared the living room where she sat with Jim last time, she noticed he slept on the couch with a handmade blanket she swore she had seen before. “Are you ok? Is something wrong?” Jim whispered trying not to startle her. “Oh I was just looking for something to drink, where is the kitchen?” she tried to not sound so confused but she was. “So the memory still gone uh?” he said a little louder but with disappointment. “Well come with me we will make some honey tea it was your favorite on sleepless nights.” He said with a pain in his voice as he walked to the kitchen. “I am sorry to pry but if you are my husband then why sleep on the couch?” she asked hoping not to upset him more. “Well, I thought with your memory gone you would feel like you were sleeping next to a stranger, so I wanted to wait till you remembered me.” He looked away as if it hurt to look at her. Her heart broke a little and she was sad for him, sad for the love she must have lost along with her memory. She almost wanted to go back to the other reality for a while less hurt and less people counting on her to remember.

They had their tea and spoke about what was happening right before she came too in the other room. She didn’t learn much just that her boys and her where enjoying a barbeque and she stepped inside to use the restroom. They have been married for 15 years

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