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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
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The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Urban Myths Collection by Mihaela Bogdan (ebook e reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Urban Myths Collection by Mihaela Bogdan (ebook e reader .txt) 📖». Author Mihaela Bogdan

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to judge if this myth is real or not. As for me, I always take care of my personal hygiene, from head to toe, so I’m 100% clean.
  Hope you take care of yourselves as well. V. The statue from cemetery

In the ''Eternity Cemetery'' of the capital, is a black marble monument, which over time gave rise of many urban myths. The monument had a statue, representing a woman with her arms on her knees, looking as if she’s inviting you to take a sit on her lap, to relax your feet.
  But who wants to sit on a dead woman’s statue ... and even in a cemetery?!
  It is said that the woman, in her life time, was abandoned by her fiance whom she loved so much. She was too destroyed to continue living her life without him, that one night she drowned in a deep cold river. Her body was found weeks later by a local fisherman and her parents built her the black monument with a statue, representing their once beautiful daughter, who had bad luck in love.
  Many people, including youngsters, who had heard stories such as if you sit on the statue’s lap during the night, you will die; tried doing so, but to their luck, nobody who dared to sit on it didn’t died. Therefore, nobody believed anymore that you could die if you sit on the statue’s lap during the night, when the woman committed suicide years ago.
  Unfortunately, the myth became true after all, when a teenage girl tried her luck with the statue. One night, when her parents were sound asleep, she sneak out from her window and went to the cemetery. When she finally found the statue, she took a sit carefully in her lap, between the rocky cold arms. It was the last thing that she did before death hit her.
  The girl’s dead body was found lying on the statue’s lap the next day by the cemetery caretaker, whom had the duty of cleaning the statue every morning. Terrified of what he saw between the statue’s arms, he called the police. Soon this news was spread in many cities and nobody ever dared to sit on that statue again.
  Some say, that the statue took that girl’s life because she was a descendant of the former fiance. The woman couldn’t die at peace, so her soul possessed the statue, and when she felt the blood of her fiance in the girl’s veins, her angry unrest soul has avenged.
  Since that incident, the statue was removed and until now, nobody knows where it was moved. The cemetery caretaker says, when somebody asks about the statue, that the parents of the teenage girl who died in the statue’s arms demanded to see the damned thing destroyed.
  At least now, the woman’s soul can rest in peace that she took avenge on her former fiance who left her for another woman, by killing his successor, the teenage girl.
  The old women took this sad love story seriously and they continue telling this story to the young people, hoping that they will not abandon their loves ones, so that their children would not suffer because of their parents infidelities.
  The moral of the story: the children are the ones paying for their parents, grandparents and so on mistakes, especially those made in love.

VI. The Satan’s Synagogue

As you may know, a synagogue is some sort of a monastery where people gather around to pray and offer sacrifices for the God or Gods that they believe in. It is a holy place, where you feel peace and spiritual guidance around your being just by entering in such place.
  Or so it seems!
  Somewhere, in a place that nobody ever heard nor seen, and that it is not even on a map, there is a certain synagogue that does exactly the opposite. Instead of blessing and praying for the good things in life, the nuns and monks that live there, are making human sacrifices for the devils in Hell. And even more horrifying, they even turned all the crosses upside down and painted on the walls with human blood the number 666 and other diabolical symbols.
  This is the declaration that a mysterious witness made through the phone to the nearest police station. Unfortunately, the police chief didn’t believed this ridiculous story and warn the mysterious person that she or he will end up locked for life.
  After some time, people were talking that the mysterious witness who brought the terrible accusations about the nuns and monks had disappeared. Some say the inhabitants of the synagogue that she or he assumed to be the devil’s servants, made she or he the next human sacrifice to get rid of the accusations.
  Being tired of hearing these stupid things day after day, the same police chief that didn’t believed the mysterious witness the first time, went followed by some of his policemen and reporters to prove once and for all that all these stories are nothing more then lies. He managed to find the synagogue that everybody was now afraid to approach it.
  “This is ridiculous! Everybody knows that this place is the House of the Lord since it was first built.” The police chief added to the people whom were with him before opening the front door.
  On the outside, the building was indeed old looking and filthy, but that wasn’t important. What was going on inside interested the police chief most. He opened the door and after a minute he closed it quickly, looking very shocked as if he was possessed by demons. And this wasn’t far from the truth. As his eyes saw, the walls were painted with strange symbols and numbers, including the satanic number 666 and all the crosses were turned upside down. But what scared him the most were the mutilated corpses laying all around the floor and the evil aura that surrounded his being the second he opened the door.
  To be sure that this place will no longer hurt someone else, an army of priests were summoned to make exorcisms and pray for the dead one’s souls. After they did their holy duties, the synagogue was demolished.
Since then, the police chief pays attention and personally investigates every declaration made in his station, to be sure that it’s for real and not a joke.
  “You never know for sure if it’s a joke or a serious case, unless you check it out yourself. I promise that I will not make the same mistake twice.” He says to his policemen to make them take their jobs even more seriously from now on.
  The only thing that remains unsolved is the disappearance of the mysterious witness that warned the police chief in the first place and those so called nuns and monks. If they are found, a life time sentence is waiting for them in the local jail.
  What do you think when you hear for the first time something that seems unbelievable at the moment?! Do you believe that rumor or you ask for evidence or witnesses before you decide?!

VII. Human liver and onions

Before reading this urban myth, I advice you to not eat anything, especially meat. This story is so disgusting that it might make you vomit. You have been warned!
  Liver and onions, some like this dish, some don’t. I am one of those people who likes eating this dish, but to be honest, after I found about this myth on the Internet, I began to have doubts about eating it again.
  In an unknown town, at an unknown restaurant, the specialty of the house is the ordinary liver and onions. Unlike other restaurants, this dish has an even tastier liver. The chef however, refuses to reveal from what animal the delicious liver comes from.
  Many tried to guess, his rivals even send in spies to steal the recipe, but none came closer to the truth. At least, until one rainy day …
  It was a normal day, nothing unusual except that it was raining a lot. The restaurant that I’ve mentioned earlier was crowded. Everybody wanted to taste the famous liver and onions in the exact same day, when the origin of the mysterious liver was about to be discovered.
  The chef employed an assistant to help him prepare the big amount of food. His new assistant was a teenage fellow, whom never worked in a restaurant before, but learned quickly how to make his boss specialty exactly as he does. At a time, the liver from the fridge was all gone, thanks to the huge number of costumers.
The young fellow was sent then in the basement to bring some more. It was semi dark down there, but he managed to find the freezer where more liver was waiting to be prepared and served. But when he opened the freezer’s door and the light from the inside of it illuminated a corner behind the young fellow, he saw some strange plastic bags. He thought that inside of them were the animals from which the liver comes from, seeing that thin blood wires were dripping from them.
  But when he opened one of the bags, the dropped the livers that he was holding in that moment and his face turned green. Instead of dead animals, the bags contained dead humans.
  Terrified, the young fellow run out the basement and told everybody in the restaurant what he saw there and where the liver came from.
  Since this unpleasant incident,

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