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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Hating Miss Popular by Kenzhie A. (parable of the sower read online txt) 📖

Book online «Hating Miss Popular by Kenzhie A. (parable of the sower read online txt) 📖». Author Kenzhie A.

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she'll definitely pester me to meet him or even date him. This is a real dilemma.

"What's wrong with it? I just told her the truth so she won't worry." He looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

"You're damn right she's not worried. It's the other way around!" I hissed and left him to retrieve my things in his room. His place is really beautiful, but I don't have the leisure time to admire it.




"Here. They're dry cleaned." I took my already dried clothes from him and silently went to his bathroom, adjacent to his room. The bathroom is also very wide with modern amenities. I wondered if he is staying alone in this big and spacious condominium. I haven't seen anyone until now. I shook off my growing curiosity and put on my clothes hastily. I tied my already messy dark hair in a ponytail and washed my face. I peered at my reflection in the mirror and cringed. My big green eyes looked much bigger and darker because of my dilated pupils. My face is all flushed. I looked like a flimsy vulnerable little girl, gone is the matured-looking and sophisticated chick who looks serenely self-possessed all the time and free from agitation. I shook my head in disapproval and went out. He's sitting on the bed, eyeing me warily. I ignored him and grabbed my phone. It's on his bedside table, charging. I checked if there are mails, text messages, or missed calls and I wasn't surprised to see that there are tons of them. I decided to read them later at home. I was about to put my phone in my Prada Saffiano Righe Satchel when it rang.


"Are you alright, Darling? When are you coming home?"

"I feel a lot better now, Mom. I'm about to go home---"

"Is your boyfriend going to bring you home?--"

"Boyfriend?!" I shot him a glance and he flashed me a charming smile hearing the word boyfriend.

"No, mom. I'll call a cab and he's not my boy---"

"I'll bring her home, Mrs. Wood!" He cut me off. I glowered at him, but he just ignored me.

"Honey, let him or I'll worry. See you at home." She sounded excited and it's bothersome.

"Mom--" I want to protest, but the line was already dead.

"It's settled then." He smirked. I ignored him and stomped out of the room, but I can hear him following me.




"Where to?"

"54 East 64th street." I brooded and stared at the window. I'm in no mood to talk or look at the irritating but irresistible gorgeous guy beside me. I feel like he is starting a fire in my cold heart and he is gradually melting my icy walls and that is terrifying me. I am known as the Ice Queen and falling in love with some new guy in school would set an uproar--Shit! Fall in love?! Where did that come from? I just met him this morning! I can't even remember his name. I massaged a sudden throbbing in my left temple. This is probably what Lucy meant by Cole being dangerously hot. He is indeed dangerous, well for me. I'm like a moth in his fire. Shit! Shit! What am I even thinking at this moment?!

"Are you OK?" He asked, looking worried. I just ignored him again and the rest of the drive. I just speak when he is asking for the direction. I exhaled a breath of relief when we finally arrived at my place. We stopped at the Five-story French inspired mansion on the Upper East side of Manhattan. I swiftly got out of the car without saying anything or glancing at him. I stopped in my tracks when I saw our front porch's light pole switched on and my mom went out looking curious and excited about something. My eyes widen when Mrs. Jacqueline Babineaux-Wood, now known as Miss Jacque Babineaux, is striding gracefully toward the car. I hurriedly bent down to the tinted car window, knowing that he can see me well. I mouthed the word "Go" and waved my pretty manicured fingers to shoo him away, but to my big disappointment he got out of the car and greeted my mom charmingly.

"Good evening, Ma'am."

My mom kissed my cheek, then turned her gaze at him.

"What a pleasant evening to you too..?"

"Collin Harrison. Just call me Cole, Mrs. Wood." He smiled and offered his hand to my mom and my mom took it gladly, looking completely charmed by him.

"Harrison.. The Harrison Corp.? Harrison Winery and Shipping Corp?" My mom looked stunned.

What's so astounding about it? I wondered.

"Yes, Mrs. Wood."

"Oh please! Just call me, Ms. Babineaux or just Jacque." Cole nodded respectfully.

"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Babineaux. I think I have to go now. It's getting late."

"Come, have some tea or coffee first before you drive home, dear."

"Mom! He needs to go home." I protested.

"Sydney Wood. I didn't let you study in a prestigious school just to be rude. Where are your manners?" My mom looked at me steely, letting me know that this is something not to be argued about and so I kept my mouth shut. "So, Cole, darling? What do you say? It's just my way of thanking you for keeping my daughter safe." I stared at Cole, warning him to decline the offer, but he just ignored me just as I ignored him during the trip.

"A coffee, it is." He winked at me and at that moment I just want to beat him up and wipe that annoying smirk off his handsome face.

"Merci." My mom took Cole's arm and led him to their home.

Shit! Mom likes him! She's completely smitten with him. No! No! No!




"Rita, a cup of coffee please for this charming boy and a tea for me." Jacque ordered the young Mexican girl, one of our femme de chambre or what we call our helper.

"The usual, Madame?"

"Yes, dear. How about you, Sydney? Do you want to have some green tea too? It's our favorite, Mariage Frères. I sighed and gave Cole another disdainful look, but he seemed to be enjoying my discomfort.

"Same here, Rita." I almost hissed at the poor girl who staggered toward the kitchen.

"Sydney, you seem to be in a bad mood today. Is it about the photo shoot? Don't worry about it, dear. We re-scheduled it on this Wednesday." I sighed another mouthful of air. I'm getting nervous at what my mom is up to. "Oh, speaking of which, Cole, You should come to our Winter Collection fashion show this coming Saturday. Sydney will be stunning, I assure you. Well, that is if you're available and interested in fashion shows." Jacque continued, looking hopeful. I gaped at my mom but she's not paying any attention to me. This is what I've been dreading to happen. My mom getting an opportunity to manipulate things, especially when it comes to my love life. Jacque fears that I will end up hating men all throughout my life because of what happened between her and my dad. I shot Cole another warning look, but he is not looking at me.

"Sure. That sounds pretty interesting. Thanks for the invitation, Ms. Babineaux. I'll definitely come. I hope Sydney wouldn't mind." He smiled at me sweetly. I glared at him and frowned. I need a plan to get rid of him. I'm after all, the Queen of the meanies at school. It's my thing hitting my enemies below the belt.

"Don't you have more important things to do, like catching up with the school lessons since you got kicked out from your previous school?" I smiled at him wryly. His eyes darkened, gone was his playful smile. It was very brief, but I was able to see the dangerous look in his gray, cold eyes. In that fleeting moment, I felt a tinge of fear toward him. But then he smiled again, looking oblivious of what I've said.

"Sydney Wood! That's so rude of you!" I rolled my eyes. Jacque's face looked crimson because of embarrassment and anger at my ill manner. What do I expect, Jacqueline Babineaux is all for proper etiquette.

"That's alright, Ms. Babineaux. What Sydney said was true." He stated. I silently sucked in my breath. His admittance caught me off guard. I thought he is going to deny it. "But she doesn't know the reason why." He glanced at me and smiled dryly.

"Oh, you don't have to explain, darling. Looking at you, I know you're a good guy. There must be a valid reason for that unfortunate outcome. However, it's good that you're honest about it." I rolled my eyes again. Things didn't turn out the way I wanted. My mom is utterly charmed and blinded by Cole, no doubt she's rooting for him and she couldn't find any fault in him.

"Thanks, but I guess, I really have to go now Sydney, Ms. Babineaux. You must be tired and Sydney and I have a class tomorrow." He looked at me briefly then at my mom.


"Oh, I'm sorry to keep you here, dear. It's good to know that my daughter here has someone at school to take care of her--"

"Mom!" My eyes widened, but my mom just ignored me.

"Sure. She's a sweet little thing. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on her for you, Ms. Babineaux."

Ugh! I am not hearing this crap!

"That's so sweet of you Cole. I'll keep that mind." She smiled and squeezed Cole's hands. "This old lady must retire now."

"No way, you look pretty young, Ms. Babineaux and very beautiful. No doubt Sydney has taken her charm after you." I rolled my eyes again for the hundredth time.

"Oh, Sydney! I like your boyfriend." I uttered another protest but nobody is listening to me. "Good night, Cole. I'll expect to see you on Saturday."

"Yes, Ms. Babineaux. Good night." He flashed a boyish smile at me and my mom.

"Sydney see Cole to his car and apologize." I sighed, exasperated, but did not complain and led Cole out.




"Don't expect me to say sorry." I said begrudgingly when we're in front of his car.

"Well, I expect nothing less from the popular ice queen of Manhattan High." He then moved swiftly and gave me a surprise attack. One that I surely will never forget. HE KISSED ME! ON MY FRIGGING LIPS! I tried to push him, but he was way too strong. He held both of my hands and kissed me roughly, punishing me. I gasped for air, but Cole took that opportunity to kiss me deeper, exploring the inside of my mouth with his skilled tongue. I wiggled my head, but Cole pushed me on the side of his car with his weight, pinning me. I got tired from my useless struggles and the fact that the kiss is distracting and confusing my mind. I stopped fighting him and involuntarily, I started kissing him back. I heard him groan in pleasure and then his kiss became gentle but sensual. It's mind-blowing and I feel like burning. I felt Cole's grip on my hands loosen and I absently raised one of my hands to his neck and the other raked through his hair. A moan escaped from my throat when he finally let me go, both gasping for air. He stared at me fervently while I looked stunned and dewy-eyed.

"Whew! That was one hell of a passionate kiss. Not bad for an Ice Queen." He croaked and leaned his forehead on the top of my head. I just remained stoned and speechless and I heard him chuckle. He straightened and stared down at me, looking amused. "See you tomorrow, baby." He gave me a smack on the lips. "Dream of me." He grazed his thumb on my lower lip before getting in his car. I was left standing on the street in awestruck wonder.

What in the hell just happened?! Why did I kiss him back?! A guy whom I just met not a while ago, stole my goddamn first kiss and I just let him had his way! I even liked it! I frigging lost my mind!












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