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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » HAUNTED PRINCE by DENIS DANIEL (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖

Book online «HAUNTED PRINCE by DENIS DANIEL (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖». Author DENIS DANIEL

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Three weeks passed since tone incident with the dead man and the whole time things almost went back to normal, by normal I mean there was no dead bodies or weird things happening and I was still invincible in school, nobody gave even a tiny attention to me. Even Bratt thought I was too pathetic to come waste his strength on me.

Alex was an exception though she went to class with me and ate lunch with me. Being invincible didn’t seem to bother her at all. She was one of those people who didn’t care how the rest of the world view her and that forced me to admire the girl, even though I knew liking her would bring her lots of problems and most likely get her killed it was being hard not to like her.

I pushed her away until I got tired of it because she was a good person, charming and cute and she was the only person beside Ashley who wasn’t afraid of me or hate me. As hard as it was to admit I couldn’t help but see her as the only friend I had in school, actually only friend in my miserable life. I talked to her about things I couldn’t even talk about with Ashley and she knew many of my secrets too, which she kept faithfully.

Sometimes we even did our homework together after school. I admit I was getting attached to her and it felt good, she was like this comfort I never thought I needed. But now I was with her I knew I needed her but I also knew what will happen to her if things get too complicated. In different circumstances I would’ve asked her to be my girlfriend, but I knew I couldn’t. I was who I was and my life was different and wouldn’t change.

So I tried to keep our friendship as casual as possible so that whatever creature supernatural or normal that was tormenting me wouldn’t notice something was going on between us.

“Steve, are you okay?” Ashley asked, I guess I shut down the rest of the world for a second.

“Yah, I’m fine I was just thinking about something” I responded with a smile, a genuine one.

We were in the car on our way to school and I was driving rather slowly because we weren’t that late. She had her earphones on and a book she was reading. She looked so relaxed and I wished I would feel that even once for only a short while.

Outside everything might have seem like nothing was bothering me that I was completely fine. But I wasn’t fine, I don’t mean I was sick, no, I wasn’t. I just couldn’t stop feeling all these weird forces pulling me and seeing things that I knew weren’t normal.

And that was the secret I wasn’t willing to tell anyone, because first they won’t believe me and second I wasn’t even sure what exactly I was feeling or seeing. So that part I kept hidden until I understood what exactly was happening to me besides it didn’t bother me that much, per say.

We arrived at school and automatically I stopped thinking about my life and tried to forget about that part for the rest of the day. I parked at the parking lot then Ashley left to find her friends right after giving a very short greeting to Alex who was waiting a couple feet from my car.

It had been that way for a while they never lasted more than ten seconds greeting each other. And neither of them seemed to be bothered with that so I left things as they were.

“Morning,” I greeted her soon after I got to her,

“Hi,” she replied with a smile.

“You seem happy today, more than usual.”

“Yah, dad gave me a free day today. I can do anything I want anything that’s not crazy.”

“So what are you planning to do?” I asked a little bit too curious.

“I thought of doing something fun.”

“Like a party?”

“Yah, but nobody like me here, so I can’t go to a party.” A pang of guilt hit me and I didn’t know what to say, “Hey it’s not your fault I made the choice which I don’t regret making.”

“So what are you going to do?” I asked,

“I thought of going to the cinema.” She paused for a while, “would you like to go with me?” she said the last part a little bit too quickly.

“Like a date!”

“No,” I could almost see her blush, “Iris would go with me but will leave me half way so that she can go and seduce some guy to hook up with and the rest of my family would prefer to play some stupid games than waste two hours of their time to watch a movie. You are the only friend I can go with.”

It was a little bit too much info for me because I was just joking around, “of course I will go with you.”

Soon after I finished the sentence I felt something and since I were in the hallway and close to our class I had no time to find what it was. I could feel everyone around me, but this kind of energy was different, intense and strong like a pull and I felt like I knew it from somewhere. This is power has manifested in my body and I could feel everyone energy around me since everyone radiate some kind of energy out of them, so I could feel them and everyone was different from another.

“Steven.” I heard Alex calling me and I had to come back to the actual world, “What happened?” she asked concerned.

“I will tell you at lunch.” I said shortly and then we got in class soon as we sat the bell rang. Even though concentrating was hard I did the best I could. The feeling lingered within me and I wanted to know who that was.

The whole morning felt like a blur everything moved around me but my body and mind were trapped. I was yearning to know who the person I felt in the morning was, at lunch time Alex sat with me super curious to know what happened earlier.

“So?” she asked staring at me and a fork in her mouth,

“I don’t know how explain it.” I confessed,

“I’m still waiting.” She wasn’t going to drop the topic until I told her something,

“Okay,” I took a deep breathe, “I have this ability to feel people around me.” I said quietly almost like a whisper,

“What do you mean?” she got even more curious.

“I mean I can differentiate people just from feeling them, everyone radiate some kind of energy and it is different from one person to another like DNA, I think. That how I knew the man who died wasn’t normal.”

“What does that have to do with what happened earlier?”

“I felt something this morning, this person flow of energy was different from everybody else, and I mean weird kind of different. Other people are different they are all constantly normal, but this person it was way beyond what other people have. It was like twenty or more people combined. I mean I never felt so much energy in one person.”

“Did you see this person?”

“We were about to go to class and the hallway had too many people, I couldn’t.”

“And do you think this person was possessed as well?”

“No this person was definitely not possessed.”


“I gotta go to art class.”

“Hey, I have art class too you know!” she said with a stern look.

“I thought you dropped out.”

“Why would I do that?”

“As if I ever know why you do what you do most of the time.”

“Hey what does that supposed to mean?”

“I don’t need to explain it. Come on let’s go.”

We ran into Layla on the way to art class and I glad Bratt wasn’t with her because I definitely would’ve gotten in trouble. Since there was rumors going around that they were dating I did my best to keep my distance from her.






And this time I did just that; I tried to act like I didn’t know her but she practically blocked my way. So I stood there waiting for whatever she was going to say to, she eyed Alex first and she understood she wanted to talk to me alone.

“Hi,” she said softly as always.

“Hi,” I looked at her seriously showing I wasn’t interested in getting in trouble.

“I need to talk to you.” She looked at me with pleading eyes and I just couldn’t refuse,

“Saturday at my house eleven in the morning.”

“Okay, see you.” Then she left before people could send news to Bratt.

“What did she want?” Alex asked after I joined with her going to art class.

“She had something she wanted to tell me.”

“That she was dating Bratt, I think everybody knows that.”

“And why would she tell me about her private life?”

“I don’t know maybe because she treats you like some kind of superhero or something.”

“Really!” my surprise wasn’t a pretend I truly never knew how Layla viewed me.

Too bad the rest of the world had different opinion. Actually I didn’t even know what I was myself. Was I a hero or was I monster? But I was to find out. Over the past few couple weeks I’d discovered many things that left me confused, one part of me believed I was good but the guilt side wouldn’t let me.

We got art class and the teacher made a couple comments about Alex, but he wasn’t that kind of teacher who would push people. So, he just got more interested in those who had passion for art. And the ones who joined art for just extra credit, he never bothered to force them to like it.

Art made me relax, it was the one thing that was clear to me. I never had to think too much or use too much effort to do it. It was the most natural thing to me. As usual I never had enough time in art class, not that we left too early it’s just that I enjoyed being there too much that the time seemed to fly while I was there.

Alex escorted me to my locker to my books in and for the second time I had that feeling again. The energy was like electromagnetic to me, it pulled me and for a second everything blurred.

“Steven, you are doing that thing again.” Alex said cautiously.

“Come with me.” I yanked her hand roughly and grabbed her along with me to the parking lot because that was where it was heading, or at least in that direction.

Unfortunately when we got there it disappeared again. I started to worry about what I was following. A person doesn’t just disappear, you know. But I didn’t want to tell that to Alex yet, I knew she would get her father involved and then the whole family would get involved.

I wanted to find this person or something before everybody else. For weeks I shut down my hyper senses because sensing everybody around you can be exhausting and it made me lose focus. But now I didn’t want to shut them down I needed to find this person.

“What was that

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