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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
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The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Rip Tide by Robert F Clifton (best books to read now .txt) 📖

Book online «Rip Tide by Robert F Clifton (best books to read now .txt) 📖». Author Robert F Clifton

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get my ass on an elevator during an electric storm”, he said aloud.

Out of breath caused by all of the years that he had smoked he entered his office and placed the now, damp bag on his desk. Taking off the wet blazer he then made his way to the men's room on the third floor. Once there he took paper towel after paper towel from the dispenser on the wall and dried his head, face and hands. After combing his hair he walked back to his office listening to the squishing sound his wet shoes and feet made as he crossed the tile floor. “Hell of a way to start a morning”, he muttered to himself.

When he entered his office he found the squad members already eating doughnuts and drinking coffee. Frank Stiles looked at Wallace and said, “Cap. It looks like you were shot at and missed, then shit at and hit”.

“Damn storm. I got a wet ass. How come none of you are wet?”

“Probably because we sat in our cars until the rain let up”, said Myers.

“No one likes a smart ass woman”, said Wallace with a laugh.

“Is there anything new on the case?”, asked Sergeant Stiles.

“Yes, but first let me hear what Charlotte Deviny had to say. You did interview her didn't you?”

“Yes sir. While you were drying off down the hall I compared notes with Tom. Basically she had the same thing to say as Mrs. Bell. All of the women are friends, church goers and are known in local society. Nothing new”.

“Then, while I was drying off I assume Carol told you about Angela Rodman”.

“Yep, she sure did”.

“Alright, bring your reports up to date and submit them. Carol, make sure you call Vegas. Make the call about one this afternoon”.

At nine fifteen a.m. Wallace dialed the number of Douglas Harris legal office.

“Harris and Martin. How may I help you?”, asked a woman who answered the telephone.

“This is Captain Wallace of the Nautilus Beach Police Department. I'd like to speak to Mr. Harris, please”.

“One moment please”.

There was a short wait then Harris came on line. “Captain, how can I help you?”

“I received word that the Medical Examiner is finished with her tests and is ready to release the body to you. Could you tell me which undertaker you are going to use?”

“Certainly, Jeffries and Keys. May I ask if there is anything new in your investigation?”

“Yes, we're making progress. Cases like this take time. I hope you understand”.

“I'm sorry, but her death is constantly on our minds. We're anxious for answers and the arrest of whoever did this”.

“Rest assure that we want the same thing Mr. Harris”.

“Thank you for calling. Good day”.

Wallace pushed the button on the telephone cradle, listened for the disconnect, then the dial tone and then dialed the number for the hospital morgue.

“Doctor Wescoat”.

“Good morning'.

“How are you?”



“I got caught in the rain”.

“Wasn't that a wicked storm this morning? I sat in my car for ten minutes until it passed”.

“I'm not that smart. Anyway I'm calling to let you know that you can notify Jeffries and Keys mortuary that they can pick up the body of Pauline Harris. I just got off the telephone with her father”.

“How is your investigation going?”

“We're chipping away at it, little by little hoping something turns up that gives us a major breakthrough”.

“Well, at least today is Friday. You can take a break from working on it. What are your plans for the weekend?”

“I've got about ten, full, cardboard boxes filled to the top with things that need to be put on shelves, in drawers or finally discarded and thrown away. Hopefully I'll get that done in the next two days”.

“I'd love to see that”.

“See what?”

“You, being domestic”.

“Well, in that case then you always have a standing invitation”.

“Where is your condo?'

“The Albany Arms, sixth floor number 665. They tried to give me 666, but I wouldn't go for it”.

“They probably thought it was appropriate”.

“I'm sure. So, what are you doing this weekend?”

“Oh let's see, laundry, vacuuming, scrubbing the shower, lot's of fun things. Then, of course I might visit you”.

“You have to be definite”.


“If I know that you're definitely showing up I'll dust and vacuum the rugs. Plus, I'll need to shave”.

“You're too much. I think I'll keep you guessing. Got to go now. Bye”.


At one thirty in the afternoon Detective Myers walked into the Captains office. “I just got off of the telephone with the Nevada Casino Control. Patricia Baker is a black jack dealer at a place called, Dangerous Dan McGrew's Casino, “ she said.

“Sounds like a sawdust casino”, Wallace replied.

“What's a sawdust casino?”

“That's the name they give the small, low operating casino's. They seldom have entertainment, hotel rooms or eating facilities. You go their just to gamble, play cards or slots. Maybe one or two of them might have a bar”.

“Anyway, that's where Patricia Baker is working”.

“Good. Have you ever been to Las Vegas?”, asked Wallace as he bent over and opened the safe that was on the floor adjacent to his desk.

“No sir”.

Wallace reached inside the safe and removed an envelope. Taking a credit card from the yellow wrapper he handed it to Myers, closed the safe door, and spun the dial. “Well, you're going there now. Go back to your desk, call the airlines and make reservations for a round trip between Philadelphia and Vegas. I suggest that you book a flight with stop overs, unless you want to spend a lot of hours in a sitting position. Then, reserve a hotel room where ever you want to stay. You're allowed three meals a day. Anything else you pay for out of your own pocket. So, don't get carried away. If you want to gamble use your own money. Now, and most important I'm assigning you there for three days. That should be more than enough time to find Miss Baker and question her. Should you decide that you like it there ,and believe me you will like it there and want to spend more time, say two or three more days, call me. Those extra days you pay for with your own money or credit card and when you come back you fill out a vacation card for the days used and I'll sign it. Understand?”

“Yes sir”.

“One more thing. You fly week days. I'm not paying weekend rates at hotels. See you when you get back”.

“Thanks Cap”.

“For what, more work?”

Twenty minutes later Tom McKenna knocked on the open door. “Can I talk to you Captain?”, he asked.

“Sure, what about?”

“I don't think it's a good idea to send Myers to Vegas by herself”.

“Why not?”

“Well, for one thing, she's a woman. She'll be in a strange town where there are probably a lot of weirdo's”.

“There are weirdo's in every town. I bet you think you should go with her”.

“Yes sir.

“Very well, you can go with her all the way to the airport. Drive her up there and pick her up on the day she comes back. In case you haven't noticed Myers is a big girl. She's also a police officer. If she can't protect herself from weirdo's then she has no business on the force. But, hey, I'll give you E for effort. Nice try. Now, get back to work”.

Myers came back with her itinerary typed including her flight, airline, flight numbers, and hotel reservations. “I decided to stay at Caeser's, if that's alright with you”, she said.

“Fine, no problem. Find Patricia Baker. Question her on what she knows about the Butlers and their operation and have fun. I mean it. Have a nice time And, get receipts”

Wallace spent Saturday unpacking the accumulation of cardboard boxes that he packed and brought with him when he left Mary's house. He finally placed the books on the walnut shelves that were built into the wall of his combination living room, office and den. While he worked the stereo played songs by Mantovani and he had to make two trips on the elevator taking the now empty boxes to the trash dumpsters behind the building.

At ten thirty that morning he stopped, poured himself a cup of coffee and walked to the glass panel folding doors. He opened them and looked out at the white, sandy beach. People had already arrived, opening beach umbrellas and beach chairs, placing them in an on the sand.

Others simply spread blankets or beach towels to sit or lay on. The sun was still rising. Two seagulls glided slowly over the shoreline searching for a meal. A few bicycle riders were on the boardwalk riding in violation of the city ordinance that called for riders to be off of the walk by ten a.m.

Wallace closed the doors, turned and looked at the rug that needed

vacuuming. He wished that Esmeralda was still working for him. He had to let her go when he got married. Now, his former maid was working for someone else making it necessary to find another woman to clean his condo and do his grocery shopping. Right now he wasn't in the mood to look for and interview anyone .. Eventually he would get around to it. Besides, it was summer which meant that most good maids were working the hotels for the season. After labor day the lay offs would begin. He figured he could wait until then. At least he had kept the same woman who did his laundry, in particular, his shirts.

He walked into the kitchen and opened the freezer door. Peering inside he saw that there were only two items, a package of Stouffer's Cream Dried Beef and a small pizza. He wasn't in the mood to eat either.

“Guess I'll have to go out”, he said aloud as he closed the freezer door.

Going out, meant getting changed and dressed. Going out meant either eating at a restaurant or shopping for groceries. He wasn't in the mood to do either. Instead he walked back into the den, sat down at his desk and after picking up the telephone directory turned to the yellow pages and after finding the ad that read “Sonny's, Best Subs In Town, we Deliver, he picked up the receiver and dialed the number.

“Sonny's Subs. Is this a delivery?”, asked a guy who answered the phone.


“Your name and address please.”

“Robert Wallace. Albany Arms Condominiums, unit 665”

“And your telephone number?”

Wallace gave his number.

“Very good Mr. Wallace what would you like to order?”

“I want a whole, Italian sub made with provolone cheese and a Tasty Kake lemon pie”.

“That's it? Would you like a soft drink to go along with the sandwich?”

“Sounds good. Send me a liter of Pepsi”.

“That's one whole Italian sub with provolone cheese, a Tasty Kake lemon pie and a liter of Pepsi Cola. That will be ten dollars and forty five cents. Our man should be there in about forty or forty five minutes”.

“Thank you”, he said. He then placed the receiver back on the cradle, got up from the desk and walked into his bedroom. There he took fifteen dollars out of his wallet and put the money in his pocket. As he did he looked at the still, unmade bed. He decided to leave it that way, after all he was going to climb into it later that evening anyway. Besides leaving it as is allowed the bedding to air out. He hated to make the bed. He always left that chore for the maid. Oh, how he missed her.

Back in the den he took a seat in his recliner; picked up the remote, turned on the television and channel surfed. He went through every channel twice and in disgust turned it off. There wasn't anything on of interest to him. Besides, it was the weekend, daytime and summer all when put together didn't allow for too much entertainment. On top of that the Phiilles were playing on the west coast which meant their game wouldn't be on until eleven pm.

He needed something to occupy his mind. If he didn't he knew what would happen. The homicide case would enter

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