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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
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The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
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The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » HAUNTED PRINCE by DENIS DANIEL (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖

Book online «HAUNTED PRINCE by DENIS DANIEL (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖». Author DENIS DANIEL

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say that because she told me to do everything double. Whether it was push up, pull-up, running I even lifted logs. It was one of the most exhausting day of my life and I had a whole week to do just that and there was no discussion on the matter. Sometimes I really hated her, let’s make that most of the time.

And got my ass whipped every day, not literally but she kicked my ass all the time during training. Physical training was the worst. Since I never really learned anything from her about combat, because most of the time she beat me up. I decided to switch trainer.

Alex started to train me from the lowest level because I never took any lessons on self-defense or any related routine. I just thought no one was gonna bother coming after me, with the exception of Bratt.

Also I’m not a big fan of violence but now I had to learn it. I was really bad at it and since Rebecca told me not to use my powers I was completely helpless.

“Focus Steven. Don’t try to copy what she is doing because she will beat you.” Rebecca instructed angrily,

“Or maybe I shouldn’t be doing this at all. I mean I’m not getting any better and it has been three days already.” I said while panting,

“You thought it was going to be like painting. Well, you are wrong, it is hard and it certainly takes longer than three days or weeks to master it.” Rebecca blurted, “Start over.”

I stood in a fighting position looking at Alex who was looking at me with a mischievous smile. At least she was enjoying beating my ass up, that was supposed to be a good thing I guess.

I threw a punch and she dragged my arm and within seconds I was on the ground.

“Come on Steven. I know you are better than that.” Alex told me while pulling me up, “use your senses. You can predict where I’m going to throw my punch, use your reflexes.” We stood and she tried to show me, “throw a punch.”

I threw as hard as I could hoping I might actually get it right this time, but I didn’t.

“You see, I could tell that you were going to use your left hand.”

She stood back on her position and tried to make me do what she did, she wanted me to dodge her punch, “now, I want you to focus and use your reflexes. I could dodge you punch because I have training. But you can do better because I know you have strong reflexes. Okay get ready.” She stood straight with her fists up.

I tried to do what she told me, focus and use my reflexes. But before I knew I was punched on my nose, “ow, that hurts, I think you broke my nose.” I complained.

“I’m so sorry, but I thought you were ready.” Alex said and came to check on me.

“Well, I was expecting you to give me some kind of signal or something.”

“What? How were you going to use your reflexes if you knew I was going to punch you?”

“Okay, I get it now.”

“Does it hurt, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you that hard.”

“It’s okay I’m going to heal in a couple of minutes anyway.” I assured her.

“I think that’s enough for today.” Rebecca commanded, “We will meet again tomorrow.”

“But tomorrow is weekend.” I shrieked.

“Good, we’ll meet early.”

“What? No way.”

“You know what I say is final. You’ll be here at noon sharp unless you want me to come drag you from your house.” She threatened.

“Fine, whatever.” I knew better than to test her,


She zapped us back to school as usual and Alex escorted me back to my car.

“How is your nose doing?” she asked looking at me with a hint of concern on her face,

“It already healed, I told you.”











That Saturday things were tough, Rebecca kept pushing me and make me try harder and focus more. It was painful and exhausting but at the end of the day I came through. Finally, I could use my reflexes to know when to take advantage of my opponent. Of course I could never defeat her, since she was way faster than I was and much more skilled, so she did beat me up just as much.

“Hey, good job today.” Rebecca said while we were sitting on the ground for short break, and that was the first time since I started training that I felt she was actually proud of my progress.

Alex was sitting next to me with a worried smile on her face, “hey, what’s wrong?” I asked her.

“You look pale, are you okay?”

“Don’t worry, all these training stuff are draining me but I’ll be okay.”

“Are you sure? Because I’ve never seen you like this before. You look sick Steven.”

“No, he is not sick he is maturing. A part of him is affected with the environment but he will be fine after couple days.” Rebecca explained,

“Well, that’s good to hear.” I said trying to be charming, “I think I’ve had enough for one day,” I got up from the ground but that’s when I felt really sick, my head was spinning if it weren’t for Alex I would’ve fallen down. “I’m gonna go home, thank you. I’m actually not feeling very good.”

“Wait, do you guys hear that?”

“Hear what?” Alex asked because I could hardly move my legs much less hear some invincible sound.

“Don’t move there is something coming, it’s big and it’s not coming to say hi.” Rebecca said with a stern voice which meant she wasn’t joking.

Even though my head could hardly focus I knew she wasn’t joking about it.

We all stood still waiting for that thing to come from the direction Rebecca pointed, which was the west side of the cabin. There was think trees and thick bush.

I wasn’t feeling very good so I couldn’t sense anything instead I just focused on standing up straight. But all that changed when we heard the sounds. It was a very loud screeching we had to cover our ears.

“Get ready Steven.” Rebecca signaled me and I saw her remove a shiny knife from one of her boots. I was surprised but at least she had a knife, Alex and I had nothing.

At that moment I thought of all the ways I could die I never thought this was it. I never thought I was going to get killed by a wild animal.

“I thought you said there aren’t any wild animals in this place.” I asked Alex.

“There isn’t. At least that’s what I thought.” She responded worried just as I was.

Soon after we saw the creatures, we knew these weren’t like any other wild animals we knew or saw before.

“Those aren’t wild animals.” I commented,

There was two of them, they had wings like those of bats, but those weren’t bats. Because bats doesn’t have four feet length, I mean they were big, too big for three of us. They hovered over us and screeched which made me completely disoriented.

Alex and I were standing not knowing what to do with those things while Rebecca was aiming her knife towards them. All over sudden all their attention was on her and she fiercely melt aiming her knife at them. Then, they dropped on her on full force but she was way too fast for them, so they landed on the ground. That didn’t change their minds, they started getting closer towards her like predators ready to kill a prey. I didn’t know what to do, but I knew I had to protect Alex.

I pushed Alex behind me and she stayed there, then I tried to get closer to Rebecca hoping in some way I could distract them and just magically Rebecca would come up with a plan. I mean running would’ve been a good idea if those things weren’t too close and so damn big, also they could fly. They would catch us and crush us in a second.

And I couldn’t think because my mind was all foggy. I could say that was a perfect timing, they came when I was completely useless. Rebecca launched at one of them and it screeched even louder but her tiny knife couldn’t do much damage. The creature slapped her with one of its wings and Rebecca came flying back to me but got right up and went again with speed a normal person cannot see. But those creatures could see her so it caught her with one of its claws of one leg.

It pinned her down and I panicked, my head was spinning and my eyes were seeing double, I felt like I was going to pass out, “not now, focus.” A voice inside of me commanded and all over sudden I could see clearly again.

“Hey,” I shouted out of adrenaline, and thankful that was all Rebecca needed to free herself because the creature was distracted.

She cut its foot and it released her then without wasting anytime she went for its throat, sliced it. Blood rained down to the ground and it fell down. The second one which seemed like standing in guard backed away and screeched in defence. I was expecting it to fly away, where it came from but it had other plans in its mind.

“It flew towards Alex and my heart exploded inside my chest, “No,” I yelled. Then I felt something I never felt before. Rage. I couldn’t explain it, it was too strong.

Automatically I raised my hands and imagined myself grabbing its wings and crushed it by the tree with all my might. But that wasn’t enough, when it fell to the ground I used my telekinesis to lift a log and crashed it on top of it.

After making sure it wasn’t moving I rushed towards Alex who looked pale and hugged her but I fell on the ground after. My legs were weak and I couldn’t breathe properly.

“Come here,” Alex pulled me up and helped me to get to the porch of the cabin.

“What is happening to me?” I asked Rebecca who was just looking at me, “Why am I not getting stronger?”

“You are in transition. Both parts of you are very different from each other. Each is trying to adapt the other even your healing powers can’t fix that, unless the process run its course.”

“You mean there is no way we can fix this, unless I suffer through it?” I asked in panic even though it couldn’t show with the paleness.

“Yes,” she answered curtly and cut me off before I could ask another question and continued talking, “those creatures that attacked us came here for me. He knows I’m here we don’t have much time.”

“Where did they go anyway?” Alex asked.

“Well, any being from our planet decay faster here.”

“Okay,” Alex couldn’t say much about it.

“Sorry you had to see that, and almost get kidnapped by an alien bat.” I tried to be charming even with my condition,

“It’s okay, and we need to get you home.” Both of them took either of my arms and helped me to get to the car.

I felt horrible and what’s strange with my condition, it got worse with each second. I had no idea what Ashley was going to do when she see me in such condition. I

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