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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » The Samsara Project by David Burgess (ebook reader screen .txt) 📖

Book online «The Samsara Project by David Burgess (ebook reader screen .txt) 📖». Author David Burgess

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take them out quietly, but it was not to be. Still the press have been very co-operative. As for the top brass behind it all, they’ve all been re-deployed, some to Afghanistan others to Iraq. I expect in a few months time we’ll hear on the news of a helicopter crash or a friendly fire attack on a light truck and regrettably everyone on board will be killed. A day or two later we’ll learn that some high ranking officers were in the helicopter of light truck. No one will ever ask any questions.”
“Will the police still want to question me about Tracy’s shooting? I couldn’t go back to prison Peter, not for something I didn’t do.”
“The Home Secretary has already granted you a full and unconditional pardon. He has also written to the Southern Counties Chief Constable instructing him to personally ensure all records regarding your arrest, paper or electronic, are destroyed. That is to include fingerprints and DNA samples. Your prison record has also been erased. You’re a free man John, and one with a completely clear past.”
Peter then asked John if he would like some time on his own to enable him to have some time to think about what he had just learnt. John declined the offer; instead he just put his arms around Peter and hugged him. Both men’s emotions came to the surface at that moment, just then they were not patient and doctor but brothers-in-law and true friends.
Nurse Rae knocked on the door and came in with a tray of food for John. John’s digestive system was not yet ready for a full gourmet meal so it was a simple meal consisting of a light salad to start followed by soup and a roll with a slice of custard tart to finish. To drink he had flavoured water and a cup of weak, sweet tea. John did not care, he was just glad to have something to eat.
After finishing his meal John was sat up in bed, he was looking at his hands, wiggling his fingers and turning his hand over, he closely examined every movement. He then turned his attention to his arms, almost to the point of counting the hairs. Next he swung his legs out of the bed. He swung he legs from side to side, then from back to front. Staring at his feet he wiggled his toes, finally he stood up. There was one thing he still had to check, he walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. John twisted and contorted his face in every possible direction. He rubbed his hand across his chin, and then stuck out his tongue; finally he checked his teeth and was pleased to see they were in far better condition now than they were previously. “I hope you’re not going to spend all of your time just admiring yourself in the mirror.”
John recognised Tracy’s voice; he turned around and looked at her. Tracy ran over to him and threw her arms around him, she started to cry.
“I thought I’d lost you,” she sobbed, “don’t you ever do that to me again.”
John picked her up of the ground and gave her a long, lingering kiss. She held her arms around his neck as her walked back to the bed. They both sat on the edge, John wiping the tears off her cheek.
Tracy tried to talk through her sobs, “I didn’t want you to see me like this, and I wanted to be all sensible.”
“Don’t ever be all sensible,” said John, “I love you just the way you are.”
Paul took hold of John’s hand, “There are a few things I want to say, they’re important to me so hear me out.”
John agreed.
“Now you know all about me, my past and everything, there’s something I want to do, I’d like to change my name. I like the name, Tracy, but it’s not me, and for you, I want to be me. I want to be the real me not a pretend me, so I’ve decided to change my name back to Rachael.”
“Rachael suits you,” answered John.
“I’ve not finished yet,” she said, “If I’m going to change my Christian name then I should also change my surname, Rae and Rachael just doesn’t go together, so I’d like to change it to Reynolds. Rachael Reynolds sounds much better. What do you say?”
John was taken by surprise, “You’re proposing to me?”
She nodded and continued, “Over the past few weeks we’ve both learnt that life can never be taken for granted, we’re the lucky ones because we’ve been given a second, or in my case a third chance. We can never guarantee that tomorrow will ever come and I don’t want to waste any of the time that we have left together. Be that one day, one month, a year or fifty years.”
“You’re really serious aren’t you,” said John.
“I am,” she replied.
“Have you a date in mind?” asked John
“I hoped we’d set that together,” replied Rachael.
“I have just the answer,” said Peter as he walked back into the room, “sorry but I couldn’t help overhearing your news.” He gave Rachael a brotherly hug and then shook John’s hand. “Congratulations, I’m so happy for you both.” He said with a large childlike grin. “Now, as your doctor, and not forgetting that you’ve both been through a very traumatic couple of weeks, I am prescribing complete rest and relaxation for you both”
Peter then handed John an envelope, “In here are two cruise tickets. In three days time Aurora is sailing from Southampton on a three week round trip cruise to the Caribbean. You’ve got a very nice mini suite and all the pampering and relaxation you could possibly need for a full and complete recovery.”
Rachael and John both looked at each other, they both nodded in unison. Then Rachael ran up to John and flung her arms around his neck, he lifted her off the ground and spun her round and around. When he put her down John gave a hug to Peter, “I don’t know what to say,” He said, “Thank-you just doesn’t seem enough.”
“Just go and enjoy the rest of your lives together,” that will be all the thanks I need.”
Four days later Aurora’s whistle blasted three times, the traditional signal that a ship was about to leave port. On the public observation area of the Mayflower Terminal John, Pat, Andrew and Geoffrey were waving frantically at the ship. Aurora’s top deck was crowded with excited passengers all looking forward to the next three weeks. On the quay side the Band of the Royal Marines played as the ship inched away from its berth.
Rachael and John were on the top deck waving down to their friends. “Think they can see us,” asked Rachael.
“They’re waving as if they can,” replied John, “by the way, did you know that the captain of the ship can marry passengers once the ships at sea.” John knelt down on one knee, “Rachael, do you still want to marry me?”
“Of course John, Of course I still want to marry you.” Rachael then paused for a moment. “John, there’s one question I want to ask you though. If I hadn’t passed you that card asking you to phone me would you have ever asked me out?
John gently put his hands on Rachael’s shoulders and turned her towards him. “What matters is that we are both together now. Who asked who, what or when isn’t important. I’m just so happy that you took a chance.” John turned and looked out over the railings towards the crowds at the terminal.”You know Rachael; I believe that everyone has a soul mate and that at some time or point in your life you will meet that person. It may not always be when, where or how you expect, or even who, but you will meet them and they will change your life. You know my past Rachael; I thought I had already met my soul mate. The truth is I hadn’t and it was only when I got to know you that I realised that my true soul mate was you. All I know is you have made me the happiest that I have ever known. Your face is the last thing I want to see at night and the first thing I want to see in the morning. I love you Rachael, I love you so much.”
Rachael looked at John and smiled, “I don’t ever want you to stop feeling the way you do and don’t ever stop saying the things you say, even if you do ramble on a bit. Trust me John Reynolds, one way or another we would have ended up together. Whatever it would have taken, you and I were destined to be one. Even if you had never done or said anything, at some point I would have. I’m just so happy I didn’t wait”.
They looked back over the railing of the ship and gave a final wave towards the crowds watching the ship leave. “Would you like to retire to our cabin Mrs Reynolds?” asked John.
“Mrs Reynolds. Why Mr Reynolds whatever are you proposing,” she mockingly replied as they left the crowds on deck and wandered back towards their cabin.


Publication Date: 03-19-2010

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