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Book online «Dawn Endeavor 1: Fallon's Flame Marie Harte (tharntype novel english .TXT) 📖». Author Marie Harte

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The last four months she'd been happily celibate. Tired of attracting Mr. Wrong in search of Mr. Right, she'd decided to shift men into a low priority in her life. And the most important priority at this moment was settling into this new job. God, she'd so needed a change in her life.

Men were predictable; the job was predictable—hell, even her aunt and uncle asked the same questions every time they talked. “How are you, querida? Do you have a boyfriend? When are you coming to visit? When are we going to see some grandbabies?” Like clockwork.

She frowned. Maybe not calling Uncle Jaime and Aunt Belinda would be best.

“Olivia Lynn. Doesn't sound Portuguese,” Jesse said from behind her, his voice smooth.

She started and turned to face him. The others were nowhere in sight. Easy, Olivia.

Remember, you're off men right now. Get your head together. If only she could convince her heart rate to relax. “Is it Jesse or Fallon? I'm not sure what to call you.” He smiled, and her pulse shot into overdrive. “For you, Jesse.” No wonder Ava had called him a player. No man should look this good in clothes. Then she remembered what he looked like with his shirt off, and had to force herself not to check her lips for drool.

He waited, and she realized he'd asked her a question. “Lynn was my father's name, but my mother's was Esteves before she married him.”


“What?” He didn't say anything, looking her over from head to toe as if envisioning her naked. The arrogance annoyed her. That's right. He's just like every other gorgeous man you've fallen for: selfish, flawed, and ultimately, boring.

“Just imagining you in Rio wearing one of those string bikinis they're famous for.” She blushed through a scowl. “Does this approach ever work for you?”

“No.” He sighed. “Apparently it's not working now either.” She didn't want to smile but couldn't help herself.

“You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. That blue-green. It's like Key West and the Caribbean all rolled into one tropical paradise.” He looked away, but not before she saw his pupils stretch.

“Jesse?” Olivia stepped closer to him, fascinated. Like before, she could sense nothing of his emotions. But she visibly saw the hunger she'd sensed in the others. What the hell?

He blinked rapidly and drew in a deep breath. “Sweetheart, back up. You take another step closer, and I'm going to—”

Jules entered, frowned at Jesse, and inserted himself between his friend and Olivia. “So, Olivia, what do you think of the place so far?” He took her by the arm and led her into the kitchen.

She glanced over her shoulder with a frown, but Jesse had turned away.

“Don't mind Fallon. He means well. Can't help himself from falling all over a pretty woman.”

That nailed it. As if she needed another reason not to take an interest in Jesse, or Fallon, or whatever the hell they called him. “This is probably the biggest house I've ever been inside, if you don't count the Biltmore Estate in Asheville.”

At his blank look, she added, “You know, the one George Vanderbilt built back in the late 1800s? His 'house' has over two hundred and fifty rooms.” Jules smiled, and the expression warmed her. She felt soothing waves of energy, a calm that contradicted the worry she'd felt when she glanced over her shoulder at Jesse. “It still feels huge to me. I'm used to a stateroom on board ship. At best, a hole-in-the-wall I called my apartment when I lived in Virginia Beach.”

“Where in Virginia Beach?”

They chatted by the expansive kitchen counter while Melissa fussed over dinner. All the while, Jesse kept his eyes on her, as well as his distance across the open, spacious area in the living room. The rest of the team joined him, cleaned and revitalized as they sparred back and forth.

She turned her attention back to Jules. “Do you know what this mission will entail?”

“Yes and no.” He sniffed and sighed. “I could eat a horse. I'm famished.” So much for getting any information out of the friendliest of the bunch. “I guess we'll find out when Mrs. Sharpe is good and ready.”

He grunted, and she felt his flare of irritation. She intuitively knew it wasn't directed at her but at Mrs. Sharpe.

“How well do you know Mrs. Sharpe?” she asked, conscious to keep her voice low.

“Not well enough. She's new to Dawn Endeavor. Hell, we all are,” he murmured.

Aware of Jules's probing gaze, she continued. “Mrs. Sharpe seems familiar to me, but I can't place her. I don't suppose you know where she was before she joined you?”

“No, but it's interesting you say she looks familiar. I'm curious. From what I know, you worked intel systems in Dam Neck. No special-ops experience, no critical analysis in your bio, right?”

“That's right.”

“So why are you here? We normally find ourselves in hot situations. Dangerous situations,” he clarified.

“That's a good question. My supervisor told me about an opportunity for temporary duty away from training. I made no secret I was looking to go somewhere else. Frankly, sitting around computers all day and teaching software to sailors and civilians who would rather be elsewhere isn't my idea of a good time.”

“I get that.”

“I'm not sure why he even allowed me time off, since we have an inspection coming up, but I jumped at it. The only prerequisites were for a native speaker able to deploy at a moment's notice. And I held the clearance needed already.”

“Right.” Jules paused, then leaned closer, staring directly into her eyes. She didn't flinch, used to dealing with men trying to throw their weight around. He overwhelmed her, as he surely knew. What she found curious was her muted attraction. Though he clearly had looks, brawn, and intelligence, she wasn't drawn to him. Nor was she overly attracted to any of the others.

Except for Jesse.

This close to him, she'd nearly plastered him with a kiss.

“Mine,” she heard echo in her mind.

He leaned back, bemused,

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