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Book online «Daisy Wong, Space Marshal: The Case of the Runaway Concubine Freddi MacNaughton (read novels website .TXT) 📖». Author Freddi MacNaughton

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of athird miscarriage."

"How thoughtful of you," Daisy said.  "Didyou enjoy your stay on New Ganges?  I've heard so much about it."

"What a lot of questions you have," Meizhen said. She was graciousness personified.  "I'll gladly tell you about it, butlater.  Right now, Snakeskin's son and I have come to reunite our family. That's what matters most.  Wouldn't you agree?"

The woman was unbelievable.  Daisy couldn't begin to squarethe buttery, sweet, oh-so-maternal, oh-so-cooperative Meizhen standing in frontof her with the Meizhen who'd intimidated Snakeskin's household, who'd enduredtwo miscarriages and had volunteered to risk a third, who'd bolted from hishouse, who'd endured untold pain and anxiety to bring her baby to term, who'dmurdered Ray Gilmore, and who'd evaded Snakeskin's dragnet for months on end. Giving birth often changed women, but in Meizhen's case—

A buzzer sounded.

Jimmy Fingers said, "He's getting impatient.  Maybe we'dbetter go in."

Daisy gave the baby a long, hard look, and then did the sameto Meizhen Fitzgerald.  Nothing.  There ought to have been something, sometrace, but there was absolutely nothing.

Daisy wished they'd done body scans.

Why hadn't they?

Because scans wouldn't have done any good.  The HimalayanAndroid Works was too good to be caught out by something as pedestrian as ascan.

Bitsy opened the inner door, and Daisy surreptitiouslydropped her hand onto her blaster.  She gave it a little tug, enough to loosenit in its holster.

"My love and my child," Snakeskin said, and held outhis arms to embrace Meizhen and the baby.  His face radiated happiness andfamilial pride.  "Welcome home!"

"Never, you son of a bitch!" Meizhen screamed, andhurled the baby at Snakeskin.

Ralph and Bitsy dove at Snakeskin, not in attack, but in orderto knock the baby off to one side and to shield Snakeskin.

Daisy and Muffy drew their blasters, but they couldn'tshoot.  The baby, certainly rigged to explode, was hidden behind Ralph andBitsy.  Worse, even if Daisy and Muffy had had a clear line of fire, the babywas directly between them and Snakeskin.  If they shot at it and missed, theywere certain to hit Snakeskin.

Meizhen produced two miniature blasters.  She spun and shotJimmy Fingers, dropping him to the floor.

Daisy and Muffy opened up on her, space-marshal style.  Theyaimed and fired, deliberately, making each of their shots count, refusing to wasteany of them.

Meizhen swung around and began firing at Ralph, Bitsy, andSnakeskin.

She was taking hits from Muffy and Daisy, but she remainedon her feet, shooting as though she were alone on target range.

Daisy was squeezing off her fourth shot when the roomexploded in a white-hot flare of noise and heat.  The blast wave hurled heragainst the nearest wall.

Her head spun and her vision tunneled down to a tiny pointof light in a field of black.

The light winked out.


Daisy came to in a hospital bed.

Muffy was sitting in a chair by the window.  A bandagecovered the side of her face and her left arm was in a sling.

The air was heavy with the odors of machine oil,electronics, and illness.

"There was an explosion," Daisy said.  "Whathappened?"

"Meizhen exploded."

Meizhen?  Impossible.

"Are you sure?" Daisy asked.

Muffy gestured with her injured arm.  "Oh, mostdefinitely."

A dark wave of emotion swept through Daisy as the enormityof what Muffy had told her sank in.  "What about the baby?"

"He was also rigged to explode, but our shots set offMeizhen's onboard suicide charges before she could detonate her baby.  Thedoctors have defused him, and they've removed his explosives.  He's downin the nursery."  Muffy smiled happily.  "Our exceedingly fortuitousshots are the only reason any of us are alive."

"What about Snakeskin?  Did he make it?"

"He is two doors down.  The doctors expect him to makea full recovery."

Daisy was afraid to ask the next question, but she asked itanyway.  "How many dead?"

"Two.  Bitsy and Ralph.  They saved your uncle'slife."

"Jimmy Fingers?"

"She barbequed him like a tong kebab, but he is verymuch alive and kicking up a storm.  He is looking forward to a couple of dayson life support and then a few weeks of reconstructive surgery.  But he will befine.  Better than new."

"When can I see him?"

"In a few days."

Daisy's head was swimming, and the painkillers they'd givenher had swaddled her mind in a chemical haze second to none.

"How long have I been out?" Daisy asked.

"You've been in and out," Muffy said.  "Twodays."


And then, unbidden, drugs or no drugs, the last three orfour pieces of the puzzle fell into place.  When Meizhen had gotten pregnantthe third time, something inside her snapped, if it hadn't snapped with thesecond miscarriage.  She'd decided she'd had her fill of Snakeskin's dreams offamilial glory, and had vowed to take her revenge.

Fine, but revenge for what?

For two hideous miscarriages, for two repellent perversionsof the natural order, for Snakeskin's expecting her to give birth to ahuman-reptilian chimera, for his expecting her to be its loving and dotingmother, for using her.

But she'd needed a weapon, and not just a weapon, but theperfect weapon, a weapon whose significance would not escape him as he died.

And then—perhaps gradually or perhaps in a flash ofinsight—it had dawned on her that she was growing exactly such a weapon rightthere inside her.  Her fetus.  She couldn't have asked for a better instrument. She could shape Snakeskin's own baby into the perfect weapon with which toexact her revenge.

Muffy began chattering about the hospital, and Daisyrealized that even here in the hospital she could feel the Martian grit.  Itfloated in the air like motes of dust.  Mars was slowly and delicately sandblastingher.

Rather than think about how much longer she'd have to remainon-planet, Daisy ran back through her train of events and suppositions.

From start to finish, the links held, all except one.

Interrupting Muffy's tales of the hospital's cafeteria,Daisy laid out what she believed to be the sequence of events.

Muffy said, "You can't be far off the mark."

"I'm not," Daisy said.  "But what I don'tunderstand is why Meizhen didn't leave after the first miscarriage.  She hadevery reason to."

There was a scraping noise in the corridor and SnakeskinWong pulled himself around the corner into Daisy's room.  He was on his feet,but barely.  His head was wrapped in bandages and one of his arms was in asling.  He and Muffy matched.  He was dragging an

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