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Book online «Kings of Linwood Academy - The Complete Box Set: A Dark High School Romance Series Callie Rose (i read a book TXT) 📖». Author Callie Rose

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I glance from him to the other three.

“It’s… I like it. A lot.”


He grins, as if he was pretty sure that would be my answer. Then he turns and kicks through the water, moving along the length of the pool with the grace and ease of a fish.

The heavy tension in the air dissipates a little, and we all break apart slowly. River turns to follow Linc’s lead, and with one more glance at me, so do the twins. I linger for a bit longer, trying to both recover from this moment and preserve everything about it in my memory.

When I finally join them, the five of us swim lazy laps in the pool for a while, talking about stupid bullshit and occasionally splashing water at each other as we pass. I glance downward once or twice, though I’m careful not to get caught staring like last time.

They all got hard as we explored each other—I could feel it— and that knowledge sends a rush of heat and something almost like pride through me. I’m still so worked up from their touch I can feel slickness in the crotch of my panties that has nothing to do with the pool water.

I wish we’d taken things a little further, even though I know it was a good call to stop. Not only are Lincoln’s parents in the house, but the three other boys’ parents are here too. It would not be a great time to get caught fooling around in the pool house.

When my fingertips start to get pruny, we climb out of the water and lounge on the large padded chairs, letting our underwear dry a little. We don’t talk about my mom or the man in the ski mask at all, and even though it sometimes feels like any moment we’re not talking about those things is a waste, I let it go for tonight. I’m going to have to tell Linc my suspicions soon, but I don’t want to ruin this moment.

After another hour, the guys put their tailored suits and tuxes back on and rejoin the party. I pull my dress over my head and sneak into the kitchen one more time to steal some leftover canapés, then head up to my room and wash the chlorine out of my hair before slipping into a pair of pajama bottoms and a tank top.

None of us talked about what happened between us, about that moment we all shared in the pool, for the rest of the night.

But when Lincoln knocks on my door after midnight and crawls into bed with me, I know he’s thinking about it.

I am too.

We tear at each other’s clothes, our first fuck so hot and desperate that it’s over in just a few minutes. Barely pausing to catch our breath, we do it again. And again.

He worships my body until the first hint of dawn begins to lighten the sky outside, and we fall asleep in a sweaty tangle of limbs.

And for once, I don’t dream of dead bodies and dark figures, or of the man who’s toying with my mom like she’s a pawn on a chess board.

Instead, I dream of four striking sets of eyes.

Sky-gray, blue, green, and amber.


“My preliminary hearing is set for next week.”

Mom doesn’t sound hopeful as she says those words, and I don’t blame her.

The odds of the judge dismissing this case are so slim they’re practically non-existent. Mom doesn’t have an alibi for the window of time in which Iris was murdered, and Iris’s DNA has been found on her car—I don’t know what else the state’s attorney has on her, but that alone is enough to make anyone suspicious.

“Are you ready?” I ask softly, scooting closer to the glass pane that separates us.

“I hope so.” She gives me a wan smile, but it slips off her face immediately. “Low, I had to switch to a court-appointed lawyer. Leda was great, but I just couldn’t afford her. She got us off to a really good start though, and my new lawyer seems okay so far. He said he’ll use everything she’s established and build on it, and we’ll present the best case we can.”

My heart freezes in my chest. One of the only things that’s been helping me sleep at night is knowing my mom has the best representation out there.

Or, had.

“How much was she? Maybe I can help pay for it. I can—”

“No.” Mom shakes her head, her voice firm. She only uses that tone when she’s dead serious about something. “I’m not having you get behind in your classes or miss school just so you can help me afford a lawyer. That’s why they have court-appointed ones—for the people who can’t afford one.”

I bite down on my cheek so hard I taste blood, frustration burning through me like a lick of fire. I know Mom doesn’t want me to give up my life to help her, but it’s not fucking fair. She gave up so much of hers to help me.

Maybe I could win some cash playing poker, but unlike when mom was working too and I just slipped it into her bank account under the radar, now that she’s in prison and her funds are dwindling, she’d definitely notice the extra money and want to know where it came from.

I’d honestly be willing to risk her anger and disappointment… if I was sure I’d win. But I’m so fucked up in the head right now, I know I’d be off my game, and I can’t risk losing money she needs.

Which leaves me in the same position I’ve been in for the past three weeks—as a helpless witness to my mom’s destruction.

“Is there anything I can do?” I plead.

“I don’t think so, sweetheart.” She runs a hand through her hair, which looks limp and dull, as if her entire body is worn down from the stress. “Just keep coming to see me. That helps.”

It helps me too. But it’s not enough. There has

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