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more interested in acquiring the chantry treasure than he was in anything Donovan Baker might have done. I realised then that I’d been a fool to trust either of them. I came home and put the matter aside. Until the day you came.”

They were silent for a while, listening to the crackling of the fire and their own thoughts, then Rozlyn asked. “This Kendryk, he believed the objects were tainted in some way. That they carried something evil with them?”

Ethan nodded. He tapped the cover of the book he held. “It’s all in here,” he said. “But I think we have more pressing concerns. I began to realise on the day he threatened me, just what violence was contained within Donovan Baker. He needs to be stopped, before he damages anyone else. This Mouse Man of yours, you think he’ll testify?”

Rozlyn was surprised. “I don’t recall telling you about him.”

“You mentioned him and you talked in your sleep. Besides, I read the papers, you know.”

“Mouse can identify Donovan Baker as the man who attacked him. And I believe he’ll testify. He’s scared out of his wits, but he’s shown a good deal more steel than I’d ever have given him credit for.”

“That’s good,” Ethan approved, “and if Donovan implicates Mark Richards . . .”

Rozlyn shook her head. “I’ve a feeling that’s going to be down to Art and Antiques,” she said. “They’ve got facilities for following the paper chase that we ordinary plods don’t have.” She paused, feeling the need to reprise what she knew. “Richards we know to be involved in people smuggling and Donovan Baker is at the very least aware of that fact. We’ve still got to prove it definitively, but I’m certain that Richards is also known as Thomas Thompson, although I don’t have any proof as yet. He owns a number of properties that the people he’s trafficked are brought to until they’re dispersed. Charlie used to clean those houses for him. That’s how he became involved.”

“And so, presumably, how he became a threat if he found out Richards’ real identity.”

Rozlyn nodded. “And now Charlie’s dead.”

“But there was the shooting. Richards’ man could have killed you.”

Rozlyn nodded. “And that’s enough for us to bring him in for questioning at least. Friends in high places or not.” She dug in her pocket and produced the clipping Charlie had saved. She showed it to Ethan.

Ethan smiled. “Charity events were always something Mark Richards enjoyed, I believe. Public generosity covering private greed. I wonder if he decided to cut Donovan out of the deal, you know. Once the treasure was found, he’d have to sit on it for a while, at least so long as the excavation was in the news. Or maybe he didn’t want to sell in the end. Maybe the pull of what he found was too strong to resist. He stroked the cover of the book with long, strong fingers. “I think I’d be willing to kill to keep these and I’m not a man given to such unconsidered passions.”


Events had moved at such a pace that Rozlyn felt she had been absent for weeks rather than under two days. Brook nodded briefly to Ethan then ordered them both into his office. On his desk lay two small evidence bags. Brook picked up the first and passed it over. “Bullet taken from the dash of your car. Nine-millimetre round. And this,” picking up the second bag, “bullet recovered from the verge outside of Mark Richards’ place. Nine-millimetre round and ballistics are positive for a match. I don’t want to know why you were there or what you were bloody playing at. We’ll call it following up on information received and call you a stupid fool for not getting back up first. Whatever, I take a very dim view of people firing at coppers, so I’ve got a nice little warrant here and a couple of armed response units to give that extra puissance to the proceedings.”

“Puissance?” Rozlyn didn’t think Brook knew words like that.

Brook cast an apologetic look in Ethan’s direction. “The younger generation has no feel for the complexity of the English language,” he said.

Rozlyn scowled. “Anything on Donovan Baker?”

“My opinion is that he’s skipped. The Met have had someone watching his London place for the past two days. Nada. They went in last night, took his stuff for analysis. If he wants his computer and his papers and his little trinkets back he’ll have to go to them and ask nicely. It’ll hit the news tomorrow. Donovan Baker’s face will be all over the shop. Not,” he added bitterly, “that it’ll do us any good. Bugger’s long gone. Took himself off the same day your Mouse Man saw him leave his office.”

“Pity we didn’t have anyone available to see him go,” Rozlyn couldn’t resist the dig.

“Point made and taken,” Brook told her irritably. “But he’ll turn up. Bad pennies always do. Just give him time and enough rope.”

Rozlyn decided it was wiser not to comment on the mixed metaphor. “So, we go when?”

Brook glanced at his watch. “You weren’t actually factored into this.”

“Tough. I want to see his face when we turn up mob handed.”

Brook tutted. “Still got it in for the moneyed classes,” he said. “Get yourself organised then. Jenny will brief you no doubt. Have to leave your friend here though,” he added, nodding at Ethan.

Ethan smiled. “I think I’ll be getting off home,” he said. He rose and reached across the table to shake Brook’s hand. Brook looked as startled as if he’d slapped him in the face.

“Oh, right,” he said and shook the proffered hand. He watched thoughtfully as Ethan left the office. “Brothel creepers?”

Rozlyn smiled. “Don’t be tempted,” she told Brook. “On Ethan, they work. You’d just look even more of a . . .” She left Brook to fill in the missing word

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