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Book online «Magi's Path (Aether's Revival Book 3) Daniel Schinhofen (books to read in a lifetime .txt) 📖». Author Daniel Schinhofen

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at the magi focused on Jenn. As she did that, she leapt to Vemril’s rear, her blade held point-down to her left side.

Vemril had seen Yukiko vanish, so she kicked out at Gregory to give her time to swing around. The clack of wooden blade meeting wooden blade surprised Vemril, who hadn’t expected Yukiko to be blocking. That surprise doubled when she felt the hard impact to her upper back.

“Vemril, out,” Gin called calmly.

Vemril spun back to find Gregory moving to collect his naginata. “You threw it?”

“Yes,” Gregory said. “I knew it would work, after all.”

Vemril’s lips thinned, then she laughed. “You are a terror. Are you sure you want to stay with your clan? I could guarantee a highly profitable place with mine.”

“My place is with Aether’s Guard,” Gregory said with all sincerity, “but I thank you for the compliment. Excuse me, we have to slaughter your friends now.”

Vemril looked over to see the remaining magi doing their best to hold off Jenn. “They won’t last long now...” she sighed. “We’ll get one or two more fights in, at least, which will be nice.”

Gregory nodded before rushing toward the two remaining Hardened Fist magi, who blanched when they saw Vemril walking off the field.


During the next two fights, Gregory didn’t engage Vemril. Instead, they had Yukiko harass her for one, then Jenn face her for the second. Gregory went after the other magi— he didn’t use foresight on them, opting to use his aether sight. Blue threads swirled all over the arena as the three magi spun magic to attack him. They cursed his foresight every time he reached them without trouble. He knew it would have been much harder if they’d used everything they could, but limited to apprentice-tier magic, he had no trouble reaching and dispatching them, as none of the three were greatly skilled with their weapons.

“Well, that was something,” Vemril said, shaking hands with Gin. “I do hope we have another contract after the tournament.”

“We shall have to see, but we would be amenable to that,” Gin replied.

“Why the short day today?” Vemril asked. “I would have thought you would have wanted them run into the ground today.”

“Because other plans have been made. Ah, here they are now.”

Master Chen was leading a small group of the Iron Hand magi onto the arena floor with Magus Paul at the end of the group. Chen’s eyes were locked on Vemril as he crossed to where she was standing with Gin. “Armsmaster, are we still going to do as we agreed?”

“Indeed, it will be good for both of our clans. Master Chen, do you know Magus Vemril?”

“Yes,” Chen said flatly. “She killed a dear friend of mine two dozen years ago.”

“Master Chen,” Vemril said, bowing formally. “I will never apologize for killing people on the battlefield, but I took no happiness from killing Magus Austin, as I have told you once before.”

Chen’s lips thinned and he bobbed his head in acknowledgement. “Yes. The only reason I haven’t gone for your blood in return is the fact that it was during battle. In time, the wound may grow dull, but that day is not today.”

“I shall take my clan and leave,” Magus Vemril said formally. “The field is yours this day, Master.”

“We’ll be in touch,” Gin told her as she left.

“You had a deal with… them?” Chen’s voice tightened on the last word.

“I will use any means required to prepare my students,” Gin said evenly. “While they may bring disgrace to the empire, they have never once broken a contract.”

“That is the only reason they still exist,” Chen said stiffly before exhaling. “There will never be a day when my clan and hers are united, but I will put aside my anger. We agreed on this, and my apprentices can use the work. Pettit will spar with Klim after the matches?”

“He will. Gregory has been looking forward to it. He hopes to do better than winning a single match against her.”

“You are too informal with them,” Chen said, looking to where Gregory, Yukiko, and Jenn were standing.

“Having them all named ‘Pettit’ causes problems unless we use given names,” Gin shrugged.

“That is a good reason to be informal in name, at least,” Chen agreed. “Since they are gone now, we can begin.”

“Apprentices,” Gin called out, “form up. You’ll be fighting using weapons only. If you are struck hard enough to cause damage with a real weapon, act accordingly. When you’re taken out, raise an arm and walk off the field. Magus Klim and Adept Laka are here to make sure you are okay and ready for the next match. Any questions?”

“No, sir,” came the reply from the eight people in front of him.

“Separate and get ready,” Gin said. “Master Chen and I will be adjudicating the matches. When it’s over, we’ll be having a display for you to watch.”

Gregory was curious, as Gin’s statement seemed to mean more than just him sparring with Klim. He put that aside and looked over their opponents, smiling at Farin. Farin ducked his head in acknowledgement.

“Bow to the audience,” Gin said, motioning to Dia, who sat with an umbrella keeping her dry from the sleet.


Gregory wheezed, flat on his back in the mud. Lost all of them again, but I almost had her twice, he thought.

“You’re improving rapidly,” Klim grinned, “but I’m still on top.”

Looking up at her as she looked down at him, Gregory grunted and sat up. “Almost had you with the bo and su yari, but today wasn’t the day.”

“I’ve been looking forward to the last weapon the most,” Klim said, extending a hand to him.

Grabbing her forearm, he let her help pull him up. “Funnily, so was I,” Gregory added. “I want to win one match between us, at least.”


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