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licking his lips.

“Be that as it may. The situation’s out of control. The entire House of Darkness is buzzing like a hornet’s nest. All those gods, demigods, quarter-gods, the commanders of her legions, they’re ready to fight for the empty throne. We’re on the verge of a civil war!”

“Be more specific, Mirgus!”

“Don’t yell at me, Tao. Everyone’s on edge as it is. So you want details? All right! Ardethel left for Irth-Garth. Ahelg is assembling warriors of Ergial and Reithawk on Milwald. Diamant, the Lady’s guardian, has locked the gate of the Dark Hall and warned that he would kill anyone who tries to enter the Claw Tower. Agatosh and his troops are holed up inside the nestled forts in Bear Pass. We aren’t permitted to enter his camp. They say they’re waiting for the order of the Lady — or the one who replaced her. News from Ketel! Ahelmar himself, having heard about these events, turned his warships toward Dorsa. I’ll have you know, he commands ten hordes of seasoned fighters who went to hell and back!”

“That’s enough,” Tao said. “If they meet, it will be a bloodbath. Only Ananizarte’s will managed to keep that pack in check.”

“And if she doesn’t come back anytime soon, she won’t have anywhere to come back to,” Mirgus finished the phrase. “Do you have any thoughts?”

“Yes. I know what to do.”

“You do?”

“Yes, mostly. Tell me one more thing: how are the clan’s finances? In other words, how much money do we have?”

* * *


Keith Borland was a bit surprised by Cat’s sudden visit aboard the cargo barque traveling between Eyre and the Bazaar. The trader looked weird — his friendly and playful mask was off, his wandering gaze giving away uncharacteristic excitement. Cat looked as dangerous as a sharpened knife. After throwing a brief look at the delivery reports, he asked a question.

“Keith, you’ve been to the Astral Plane, haven’t you?”

“You bet!” Borland said, looking proud. “More than once, and I always came back in one piece.”

“Well, not always,” Ellaria added quietly, but Nosquire, who was standing next to her, elbowed her in the side — don’t go embarrassing us before our employer.

“What would you do if you had to quickly find the Pandas’ castle in the Astral Plane without being noticed?” Cat kept asking questions.

“Well, it’s not that difficult. I would have taken a fast lightweight ship, preferably a skiff — it’s hard to hunt down. Then I’d find a Rift or ask a spelljumper I know to open a portal, enter the Astral Plane, and the rest is a formality.”

“So you can chart a course there?”

“Me? No. But Impie can, for example,” Borland replied, not getting the trader’s implication. “She’s been there a few times. Right, Impie?”

“Yes,” the girl said, nodding. A disgusted expression appeared on her face.

“A skiff, you say?” HotCat continued the interrogation. “Will the one we bought for Komtur do?”

* * *


The bare peak of a hill in a green woodland sea could be seen from miles away. Tao landed his dracondor on rocky ground strewn with boulders, jumped down, and ran up, his steps light. He was in a hurry.

The trader was already waiting for him. He was sitting on one of the stones and stood to meet the newcomer, throwing back the hood of his brown cloak.

“You’ve picked quite a place,” he chided Tao instead of a greeting. “I’ve spent an hour getting here...”

“But nobody can eavesdrop here,” Tao countered and after a pause, added, “or steal something.”

HotCat chuckled in response. He seemed at ease, but the HELL leader was experienced enough to notice the steel glint in his eyes and his jumpy movements. Inside, the Watcher’s trader was taut as a string.

“I came to talk about Ananizarte,” Tao said meaningfully.

“About whom, excuse me?” Cat dramatically furrowed his brow. “Ah, that dark goddess who disappeared. I read about it on the forum. What’s that have to do with me?”

“Stop trying, your acting’s terrible!” Tao replied. “I know that she’s inside your sword. This one!”

He pointed at the silver hilt that flashed between the folds of Cat’s cloak.

Cat frowned, put his hand on the guard, and looked at Tao from under his brows.

“Why have you assumed that, may I ask?”

“Don’t think you’re smarter than anybody else!” Tao said, stressing each word. “Illith followed you. I watched the video he recorded in the cave. A very curious place. What have you found there, by the way? The temple of Tormis? But no matter. You were there — and that’s where Ananizarte went! Or do you think it’s a secret that your sword is a Soul Eater?”

“Maybe it’s for the best...” the trader mumbled and looked at Tao. “So what? What do you want?”

“I think the question is, what do you want?”

“Your clothes, boots, and motorcycle,” HotCat snickered. “The question is, what can you offer?”

“Thousands of players have lost their patron. They’ve spent months, if not years, leveling up their reputation,” Tao said, starting to seethe with anger, but giving no sign of it. “They put their money and time into that. And what now? Their altars are dead, their prayers don’t work!”

HotCat yawned, covering his mouth with his hand.

“The House of Darkness, the disciples and progeny of Ananizarte, are numerous and strong,” Tao continued. “Imagine what will happen when they learn who’s to blame for their Lady’s disappearance! An eternal vendetta will be declared against you! Have you heard how dangerous Soul Eaters are, even to their owners? Look it up, use the Taerland tag!”

“Yes, yes, yes. I got it,” Cat replied, yawning again. “Pay no mind, I always yawn when I’m interested... Sorry, are you done?”

With a nod, Tao indicated that he was.

“Then I know how you’ll pay me. Here’s a contract, have a

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