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pursuit, just out of cannon range.

Drowned Maiden

28 Sept 1808

19 Degrees 34 minutes N, 73 Degrees 4’ W

Late afternoon whipped the warm southern wind across the Maiden’s deck, filling her sails and the hearts of her crew. If these winds held, Lilith would be able to execute her plan just as she had imagined it and her heightened spirit was felt by all on deck. Chibs’ gait seemed to liven as the coast came into sight, a mix of rocky outcroppings and low-lying sandy beaches. The bottom rose up to greet them like a long-forgotten friend as they made their way into the broad gulf off the western end of Haiti, fading the darker shades in the water to a brilliant blue just deeper than the sky. Lieutenant Pike and a couple of his marines had set up one of the twelve-pound cannons on the Maiden’s stern and were periodically letting fly one of the deadly projectiles to warn off the pursuing Valor. The acrid powder smoke floated over the stern after each round before catching in the wind and dancing all along the deck before dissipating into nothingness.

The low beaches and rocky shores of Haiti rose up as the afternoon sun wore low, peaking in high rock faced cliffs that lorded over the sea edge, painted in subdued hues of the sunset shining on them. Lilith checked the rigging and the helm, making certain everything was in order. She rigged a red sash around her waist, which was now holding a cutlass, a smaller rapier and two loaded flintlock pistols. Lilith could feel the rising tension throughout the crew as they drew nearer to the mouth of the hidden cove. Her plan demanded a perfectly executed turn and masterful timing, but if they could pull it off their pursuers would have no chance to counter before their situation spiraled out of control.

Lieutenant William descended from the steps of the aft castle to where she stood near the helm, an expression of concern riddling his features.

“It won’t be much longer Captain Lilith, once the light of day fades, they will make their move despite our gunnery work. If you have a plan, the sooner the better, as they say,” he relayed his warning cautiously.

“Aye. I have a plan Lieutenant, but the more I think it through, the more I’ve realized I’m going to need your help,” she said removing the air of distrust her heart had harbored.

“How can we be of service?” Will replied.

“That ship was in your command, correct?” she asked, giving him a glance from the side of her eyes.

“It was. She is crewed by mutineers now, men I wouldn’t dare to count on.” Will said with an edge of disappointment in his voice, “I would not rely on using me to parlay any truce with them, miss.”

“I am not interested in any truce; I intend to give no quarter to the souls aboard. My interest is solely in your desire to see their end. Are you capable of killing the men you served with Lieutenant? Would that stain be more than your precious honor could bear?” her voice rose slightly as she laid out her concern, demanding an answer.

“I see it not as a treachery, Captain. Her crew mutinied against their lawful commander, that was treachery. Her King has bypassed the will of his people to continue inflicting harmful practice against humanity, that is treachery. Sending her to the bottom with every hand on board would not be a treachery in my eyes, for what that is worth, it will be a triumph of good over evil.” Will replied in his even tone and then repeated his offer, “How can we be of service, to further your plan Captain?”

“I need your gunnery skills Lieutenant. When the time comes, I need accurate fire, one gun at a time if need be. But we must absolutely score hits with every shot.” Lilith implored.

“Gunnery I can do for you Captain. But if she draws near enough to board us Lilith, I fear we are too few to hold our own. If we’re boarded, we will lose the ship along with our lives.” Will said, his face a model of concern.

“Leave the finer points to me Lieutenant. Just have those guns ready to fire and make certain they strike true.” Lilith said over her shoulder while she shuffled down the stairs onto the weather deck.

The mouth of the cove was coming into range and her timing couldn’t have been better. The setting sun lit the back of Maiden’s sails with a vibrant array of orange and pink. Untrained eyes would focus on her deck and on her sails for telltale signs of what she intended to do next and when she executed her intended maneuver, even old sea hands were likely to miss what Lilith truly had in store for them.

“Full canvas on the jibs, brace the fore yard and ready cables!” Lilith called out to the hands on deck. She leaned over the larboard rail keeping a keen eye to the water’s surface. The detail she awaited would only offer her a split second to react and any hesitation would spell certain disaster for the ship, only to be compounded by the rapidly approaching enemy. Trina repeated her command and through the rigging the song of different accents reverberating the echoed orders lasted near a minute. Lilith loved it, she loved the business of running the ship and she was about to flex her newfound power as hard as she could.

The moment approached and Lilith saw exactly what she was looking for, a blurry white blotch under the surface of the seas adjacent to the cove opening. She paused for a heartbeat, waiting for the exact moment. Trina was aloft sitting along the far larboard end of the topsail spar up the foremast.

“Lilith!” Trina cried in a pleading shout.

“All hands hard to larboard! Take in gallants and tops and stand by to man the guns!” Lilith screamed.

The Maiden lurched hard, pitching

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