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Book online «Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux Latrivia Nelson (best selling autobiographies .txt) 📖». Author Latrivia Nelson

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opened all the patio doors to let the late evening breeze in the house. He pulled the dark drapes to allow in the moonlight. Ivy finished setting the table and grabbed two cokes from the refrigerator. Sitting comfortably in the dining room, they lit two candles and sat quietly enjoying the meal.

“So, how do you feel about having two boys?” Nicola asked.

“Truthfully, I always had the feeling that they were boys.”

“Really?” Nicola tasted the food. Absolutely delicious. “Why did you think that?”

“Well, I’ve always had a really good connection with my brother and my father. So, I figured that this would be no different?”

“You don’t have a good relationship with your mother?”

“Oh, yeah. She’s always been my rock.”

“So, is my mom. She has always kept my family together.”

“You rarely talk about your family. Are you all close?”

“Well, this time away has made me appreciate them a lot more. And you know,” Nicola cleared his throat and wiped his mouth. “The whole thing with Caesar in my house…that really has made me realize that you have to embrace each day, because the next one is not promised to you.”

“That’s true. Did you live with your folks growing up?”

“Yeah. My dad was always gone, but when he was home, he was a great guy…a real family man. My mom was always there. She always put us first on the list…still does. You know that she still sends me birthday and Christmas packages?”

“Wow,” Ivy laughed. “I wish that my folks did that. Well, they still do a lot.”

“Did you grow up with both parents?”

“Uh huh. My mom and dad divorced when I was a sophomore in high school. They said that it was due to my dad’s work.”

“Which is?”

“He ran a battalion for a while, but now I don’t know what he does.” She laughed. “He’s constantly on the phone with us.”

“Sounds like a good man. No. Really. They did a great job with you.”

“Thanks,” Ivy said happy. “I think so, too.”

Ivy and Nicola talked for hours about their childhood, adolescents and growing adulthood, exposing personal thoughts and interests that no one had cared to know before. For the first time, Nicola found himself enjoying reminiscing about life, and Ivy found herself intrigued by more than just a man’s ambition but about his entire life story.


Trina came in from a long haul at work and peeled out of her sweaty uniform at the front door, kicked off her steel toe black boots in the dining room and walked into the kitchen in her underwear to scavenge through the leftovers in the refrigerator. Turning on the stereo on top of the counter, she wiggled around in the middle of the floor as she drank the last of the milk right out of the carton. Pulling her long black hair out of a tangled ponytail, she let her mane down and moaned as she scratched the crown of her head.

“Well, aren’t we relaxed,” Emerald said coming out of Ivy’s room.

“Emerald!” Trina screamed ducking behind the counter.

“Hey,” Emerald said turning around. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”


I am

in my underwear.” She looked across the counter and saw her uniform.

“Could you throw me my clothes? They are in the dining room.”

“It’s no different from seeing you in a swim suit. Besides, you

should be proud that you have a freakin’ six pack,” Emerald said picking up her uniform top. “You want the bottoms too?”

“Yes,” Trina said blushing. “You would be embarrassed too, if I had seen you damned near naked.” Her southern drawl emerged in a thick accent.

“Well that can be arranged,” Emerald said peeling out of his jogging pants.

“Boy, what are you doing?” Trina asked laughing as he stripped down to his boxers.

“I’m making you comfortable.” He said rocking to the beat of the song on the radio. “Turn that up.” In a convulsing fit, he danced around the room doing the snake and the robot in his white tube socks and gym shoes.

“God, you can’t hold a beat,” she said watching him dance around in his white boxers. “Okay. Okay.” She said standing up feeling at little better about being in her underwear.

“Okay,” Emerald said laughing as he passed her the sweaty uniform she’d thrown on

the floor.

For a moment, they stood staring at each other in complete silence as the music played. Emerald had a devilish grin on his face, and Trina stood compelled to kiss him for his ability to utterly humiliate himself for her pleasure. Realizing that she was ogling him, she came to her senses.

“I’m going to go and get dressed. You can put your clothes back on,” Trina said with her clothes balled up in her arms. I have to fight this. I’m just horny, she thought to herself as she rushed out of the room leaving Emerald alone.

“I may get dressed. I don’t know. I sort of like being free,” Emerald taunted Trina and picked up his clothes as he watched her walk down to her bedroom. He was glad that he had made her smile, but there so much more that he wanted to do for her.

Chapter Twenty-Four:

Graduation Day

Chapter 24


“Ivy Marie Winters, Summa Cum Laude with Honors and Distinction and Valedictorian,” the dean of students read aloud over the microphone in front of the packed auditorium. Walking across the stage, Ivy heard screaming and shouting of her name, her sorority sisters screaming their call, flashing lights and cameras watching her every step. Taking her degree and shaking the college president hand, she let a small tear fall onto her cheek.

The day had been perfect. She gave a remarkable speech and received a standing ovation earlier. Her entire family was present and proud, and Grey had rewarded her for her wonderful success with a real pearl necklace from Tiffany’s. Trina had walked only moments before her and stood on the side waiting to give her a congratulatory hug. Emerald waited patiently with two-dozen pink tea roses, and her father gave her a debit card that

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