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Though whether he was using any talent beyond ingenuity and determination was anyone’s guess.

“bzz—no key, and Kevin Kazan looks like he’s in trouble—zzt”


The single word, fuzzy and distorted as it was, rang through John’s consciousness as resonant and foreboding as a gong.

LAPD—hello? Sir, is this the residence of Casey Cornish? And your relationship to him? I see. Trouble? Well, there’s been an accident at the post office. You might want to sit down.

John turned on his knee, away from Ricardo (who was obviously fine), to face Kevin instead.

Kevin was still strapped into his gravity boots, rocking wildly. The long arms of the straitjacket flailed, buckles rapping against the plexi sides of the hourglass as they struck it. Kevin had the abdominal strength to pull himself up and release himself from the boots, no doubt. He’d constantly bragged about how many crunches and pull-ups and whatnot he’d done that morning. But now it seemed as if he wasn’t even able to get his hands free. He just hung there, flailing, like a butterfly trapped in its own cocoon, batting at his face with his canvas-covered hands.

A seizure? A panic attack? John hesitated from reaching out, from seeing…but only briefly. Because in his gut, and in his heart, and deep within his marrow, he knew—something was wrong. Ducking out from the steady stream of sand, pressing himself up against the side of the plexi enclosure, he focused entirely on Kevin Kazan, and he sent forth the faintest tendril of his True magic, and touched it to the struggling magician.

As if Kevin’s Truth could amplify John’s, the two seized upon one another, doubling, tripling, building upon one another like feedback. John’s chest constricted. His stomach clenched. His heart raced. But mostly…his eyes burned. Not both of them. Just one.

It was more than just a burn. A burn would have been a relief compared to the sensation he was experiencing. It felt more like someone had shoved a red-hot poker into his eye socket.

John brushed Kevin’s True magic away from his own, regretfully, as he might shed a clingy fan, and he attempted to pull back enough to gain some perspective on what was happening.

“gzzt—stops digging to see what’s going on with Kevin—crackle”

Every time John attempted to touch on Kevin—his face, his eye, any part of his body—Kevin’s True magic threatened to suck his awareness back in, to attempt to ameliorate its agony by forcing John to shoulder some of the pain and panic. There was no reasoning with it—the Truth was not exactly sentient. And then it occurred to John to check in with something that was just as close to the problem as Kevin’s physical body, without being part of that body itself.

His contact lens.

John narrowed his True awareness down to a pinpoint focus, and he searched.

And he found it.

What’s happening? He conveyed. What’s wrong?

Sharp. Burns. Help.

Although in the lens’ impression the source of the problem was huge, John immediately knew it for what it was: a single grain of sand. How it had forced its way past the helmet and the goggles was anyone’s guess. Perhaps in the same way the silver sedan had found itself up on the sidewalk by the post office when its front axle snapped.

“bzz—the Magnificent finds a key—oh, he drops it!—clatter-pop”

Kevin jerked hard now, swinging his whole body until his helmet rapped against the side of the hourglass, but it wasn’t the special “get me out of here” nod. It was something more desperate and primal. Maybe it was even enough to free him from the gravity boots, to get him right-side up, so he could at least focus on freeing his hands. John looked up at Kevin’s gravity boots to gauge how close they were to coming undone, and saw, instead, a bracket in the hourglass that was working itself loose. The screws and bolts that held the plexi panels should have been sturdy enough to hold a magician and a few hundred pounds of sand, but evidently they were not enough to resist the torque of a two-hundred-pound man flinging his body with all possible force and momentum from a point of contact only a few inches square.

An L-bracket held the center divider disc from which Kevin dangled in place. Not only was the divider disc holding up Kevin—it was containing all that sand. John looked at the weakened bracket, and then looked harder, with his Truth, and he knew exactly how it would unfold.

“gzzt—finds the key again, but Jia’s in the lea—brrt”

The divider plate would snap loose and Kevin would fall, the sand surging down all at once on top of him. He wouldn’t fall well—in fact, he might even black out, despite the padded floor. The respirator would stay in place. But covered in sand, it would cease to function. And without the use of his hands, even if he did regain consciousness, Kevin would have no way of getting that respirator off.

“—making short work of those locks—bzz”

“Would you shut up for a second so I can think?” John barked out, and Monty’s crackly commentary paused.

And then John remembered…he was miked.

“Kevin’s in trouble,” he said. “Get the stunt techs—get the medics. His rig is coming apart.”

Iain’s voice came through the monitor, much louder than Monty’s. “Kevin, hang tight, we’re getting you out. Ricardo, Professor…keep going. One of you needs to grab second place.”

John swung around and saw Ricardo crouched in the sand, watching him through the respirator, helmet and goggles. Ricardo stared for a moment, then started digging, hard.

John checked Kevin again. The stunt coordinator was already at Kevin’s hourglass, removing an emergency panel. Kevin had stopped struggling. John looked up at the bracket. It was bent. But it would hold.

Just as he noticed that, something hard and loud pinged off the top of his helmet, bounced, and clacked off the plexi wall.

A key.

“And Ricardo recovers his key!” The rap on the helmet must have realigned whatever wiring had shorted out, because now Monty’s voice was crystal clear. John dove for his

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