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Book online «The Tessa Randolph Collection, Books 1-3 Paula Lester (year 7 reading list .txt) 📖». Author Paula Lester

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The tuxedoed man in the doorway bellowed once again, "This way, please." He spoke toward the front door. "The reading will take place in this room."

A moment later, a woman walked through the door. She was the no-nonsense type, wearing a navy-blue skirt suit and exactly matching pumps. Her hair was swept up into a perfect bun. She wore frameless glasses, and it was impossible to tell her age. She carried a leather suitcase, which she promptly set on an end table, opened, and withdrew papers from.

"My name is Elise Lowen, Mr. Green’s estate attorney. Thank you all for coming." The crisp tone matched her businesslike demeanor and attire. "I know this is a difficult time for all of you, and I appreciate you being here for the reading of Artemis Green’s will. I shall not take up much of your time."

Several of the younger crowd rushed to find seats.

Elise nodded, then glanced around the room, satisfied. "I know this is a bit unorthodox. Wills aren't usually read like this, as they are in the movies. But given the current . . . circumstances, which includes a second death in the family and the health of Mrs. Green,” she inclined her head in apology to the old woman, “this is the most expedient way to proceed.”

Mrs. Green waved a hand. "Yes, yes. I’m old and infirm. Everybody knows it. Have been for thirty years, at least. Get on with it, will you? I'm feeling the need to lie down soon."

Hannah patted her mother's shoulder. "It's okay, Mom. I don't think this will take too long."

Elise didn't react to Mrs. Green’s rudeness. She began to read from the paper in front of her. “According to the last will and testament of Mr. Artemis Green, who was of sound mind and body when he ordered the document drawn up, his daughter Hannah is named executor of the estate."

Hannah nodded slightly, but otherwise, there was no reaction in the room. Apparently, that piece of news wasn’t actually news to anyone.

The lawyer went on reading, "My wife, Mrs. Green, will maintain residence at our estate as long as she is living. She will also maintain her usual stipend from the company." Elise paused and glanced up, as though expecting questions.

Mrs. Green didn't disappoint. "What about the company?" she bellowed. "I suppose I've been named CEO?"

Elise’s eyes dropped back to the paper. "Let me see. There it is. This was a more recent change. The company . . . yes, well I’d like to get back to that in a moment.” She glanced back up and gave Mrs. Green a slightly reproachful look. “I’m not finished talking about the property."

Mrs. Green seemed to struggle, as though she were trying to get to her feet. She blustered and grunted for her to go on.

Hannah firmly but gently pulled her mother back into the chair and then patted her again. "It's okay, Mom. Let her read the rest. What more is there about the property?"

"Well, the deed was solely in Mr. Green's name. After Mrs. Green's death, the property is to pass to Mrs. Hannah Neilson."

Mrs. Green approved, nodding slowly. “And the company?”

Elise Lowen grimaced. There was something there she wasn’t ready to read off, not even now. “Yes. The company. Here it is. The company is to pass to Ms. Lark Jordan.”

Mrs. Green's mouth fell open. Around the room, murmurs went up among the various young people. It was obvious that no one had expected that.

Lark gasped and stiffened. "What?" she breathed out.

The only person besides Tessa who seemed to be taking the news calmly was Hannah. Her face was impassive, and her tone was calm when she said, "And the other assets? Am I to dole them out to Lark, as well?"

Elise nodded once. "Some, not all of them.”

Hannah nodded and drew herself up. "Well, I hate this, but I have no choice. I must contest my father's will.” She finally turned her head toward us, heat rising as splotchy red marks on her cheeks. She pointed at Lark. “Because I know that woman killed my husband."

Lark shot to her feet. "I did not kill Nathaniel or our father! I didn't even want any money or his company."

A rumble of footsteps in the foyer made everyone quiet down and look toward the doorway. As though on cue, several police officers entered the room.

Tessa’s forehead wrinkled in confusion. It was almost as though it was staged, like they’d been waiting in the wings.

The men made a beeline for Lark.

One of the officers, a plump, red-headed man who looked no older than nineteen, squeaked, “You’re under arrest for murder, ma’am. Please put your hands behind your back and turn around slowly.”

“What? No! I didn’t kill anyone. I couldn’t!” Tears streamed down Lark’s face. Then her expression hardened, and she scowled at Hannah. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you did it. You always did want to keep everything to yourself.”

Hannah marched over and stood a few feet away from Lark. “You should have left this family alone while you had the chance. But no. You had to stick your nose in where you weren’t wanted. There was no way you could ever have what we have unless you killed to get it.”

“You know that’s not true!”

“Now you’re going to have nothing—less than nothing—just like you deserve.” Hannah looked at the officer, who had finished handcuffing Lark. “Take her out of my home,” she spat before whirling around and stomping back to her mother.

As they began to pull her from the room, Lark cast a panicked glanced over her shoulder at Tessa. "I'm going to need the help from your law firm that you promised me before," she called before disappearing through the doorway.

Tessa winced. Right. The law firm. The very fake law firm.

Chapter 17

TESSA JABBED AT THE screen of her cell phone, sending off a quick SOS text to Gloria that explained what happened to the reading as a vision of Lark’s panicked face

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