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Book online «Target on the Mountain Elizabeth Goddard (dark academia books to read .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Goddard

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what he’d decided.

“No, if it’s all the same to you, I’ll let someone else take the glory.” He faced Jase. This man was his friend. Jase had been there for Alex when he’d needed to change jobs within the Agency. But it was time. Still, saying the words to his friend was hard.

“Actually, I think this is my last mission with the Scorpions.”

Jase clearly hadn’t expected this. It took a good minute for him to answer. “Oh, man, are you leaving us or the Agency?”

Alex believed Jase knew the answer already. “Both, actually.”

“I’m going to miss you, buddy. Is this because of Rachel?”

Alex had never told anyone about his history with her. Now he wanted to. “Yes. I love her and I blew it with her once. I don’t want to do the same thing again.”

Jase slowly smiled. “You’re going to be missed tremendously. And if you ever change your mind, you have a place with the Scorpions always, but I get it. Finding someone to love you, well, that’s a gift from God. You need to hold on to that with all your heart.” He turned to Aaron. “Can you take Alex to the hospital?”

Aaron had overheard their conversation. He nodded quietly, regret showing in his eyes. “Sure thing, buddy. But what Jase said about missing you, well, I second that. I’m going to miss your friendship like crazy.”

As they made the trip down to the town of Midnight Mountain, Alex felt the weight of the life he’d been living slowly lift away. His heart soared with the decision he’d made. There would be no regrets for him. No going back. This was the change he’d always wanted, even when he didn’t think he needed one. He just prayed that she still wanted the same thing. That she wanted him for the rest of her life.


She’d been sitting next to her brother’s bed for a long time. Liam had wakened long enough to know that she was there and so Rachel was at peace. She’d told him they had Temple’s men in custody. He’d mumbled something about Deacon and Rachel had done her best to reassure him. In spite of his injuries, he was holding his own. She’d promised to check on Deacon and had. So far, Deacon’s condition hadn’t changed much. Still, his doctors were optimistic. The next twenty-four hours would tell the tale.

Now, as she watched her brother resting, Rachel couldn’t get the sadness to leave her heart. Alex had wanted to finish the mission, just as he had in the past. He’d been driven back then. It appeared as if nothing had changed in spite of the love he said he still had for her. So where did that leave them?

She was still sitting next to her brother when the man in her troubled thoughts came into the room.

She glanced up at him. She’d never seen him look so serious before. Had something happened?

“Did you find the sarin?” she asked when the silence between them stretched out, filled with unanswered questions.

He came over to where she sat. “We did. Thanks to Liam, the gas is going to a secure location away from danger.”

“Are Temple’s men talking yet?” She held his gaze.

He shook his head. “I don’t know. I left as soon as we found the sarin.” She tried to understand the meaning behind those words.

“How’s he doing?” Alex asked and looked at Liam.

She leaned forward and touched her brother’s hand. “He’s going to be fine. He was awake earlier. He was asking about Deacon. It’s touch and go.” She answered Alex’s unasked question.

Alex nodded, his gaze still on Liam. “I can’t believe this is finally over.” He stopped for a second and then looked down at her. “Rachel, I’m done.”

She didn’t understand what he meant. Done with her? The Agency? “I don’t understand...”

He knelt next to her. “I’m done with the CIA. I told Jase before I came here. I want out. I want...you.”

She got to her feet and moved away, unsure of what she was doing. Rachel had to be certain she’d heard him correctly. Losing him again would destroy her.

“Please don’t say that unless you mean it.” Her voice came out as little more than a whisper.

He came to her, taking hold of her arms. “I mean it, Rachel. I’ve never been more serious in my life. I want out. I’ve seen enough death and terror to last me a lifetime. I’m done. I want to move back home to Midnight Mountain...and I want a second chance with you. I want to love you for the rest of my life.”

She’d waited years to hear him say those words. He finally wanted the same thing as she did. She went into his arms and held him close for a moment and then she kissed him and was so grateful that what happened between them in the past hadn’t defined their future. They had a second chance.

“It’s about time you two got it together.” They turned at the sound of Liam’s voice. He was awake and grinning at them. “I was afraid you’d blow it again.”

Rachel laughed at her brother’s typical Liam saying and smiled up at Alex. “We did get it together, thanks to you. You gave us a second chance, Liam.” She kissed Alex again. She would be forever grateful that even though they’d gone through one of the darkest moments of their lives up on the mountain, they’d found each other again.


“Babe, I’m home.” Alex closed the front door against the chilly Wyoming morning and called out to his wife. It was still dark out, yet he knew she was awake.

Almost a year had now passed since he and Rachel had married. They’d settled back into her place and Alex had found his calling as a cattle rancher. This was a childhood dream both he and Liam shared.

“In here.” She peeked her head out of the kitchen. Dressed in a robe, her hair tousled from sleep and seven months pregnant, she

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