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finger—one knuckle deep—beginto wiggle in the tight portal. “You are going to pay for this.” His teeth wereclenched and the glorious feeling of his orgasm pulsed from the root to the tipof his cock as he took control of her mouth. His hands gripped the sides of herface as he began fucking her mouth in earnest. His ejaculation was sooverpowering, he fought to remain standing as his tormentor swallowed downevery drop he fed her, licking him clean as she gradually released him.

“Holymother,” he murmured as he fell to his knees in front of her. Obviously pleasedwith his response, she wrapped her arms around his neck in an embrace thatcouldn’t be called anything other than a hug. She’d tilted his world on itsaxis.

Pullingback, he looked into her bright eyes—her gaze full of something foreign to him.Happiness, contentment, maybe even a bit of love. Love. He knew she wouldn’t say the words aloud. His Meg wastoo practical, too caring and she would think it was far too soon for sayingsuch a thing. And yet, even though their acquaintance had been short, he wantedto hear those words from her. He’d suggested a weekend away from the pressuresof the real world, a time out of time and she was giving it to him. Just as she had given him her trust, her body, her friendship.

Andhe had given her nothing but lies. The thought of him allowing thisrelationship to grow built upon such an innocent deception had seemed smallenough at the beginning, but now it threatened to choke him. What would she saywhen she learned who he really was? Coward that he was, Rob pushed hisconfession away unwilling to take the risk of seeing that look in her eyes fadeaway.

Chapter Seven

MidmorningSaturday was just as dreary as Friday and Meg cursed the weather.

“Damn.”She was unaware of Rob’s presence until she felt his arms embrace her frombehind.

“Still no sunshine. Honestly, Teach, I’ve never knownit rain like this here.”

“Justmy luck,” she sighed. “I really wanted to go down to the ocean today.”

“Well,unless you’re made of sugar—which is a definite possibility given yoursweetness—I figure we could go for a walk along the beach in the rain withoutmelting.”

Smiling,she turned in his arms, raising her hands to pull his face down to his. Shekissed him softly. “I’d love to go for a walk. Are you sure you don’t mind?We’re bound to get soaked.”

“We’dget soaked swimming in the ocean if it was sunny, so I don’t really see muchdifference.”

“I’lljust go up and slip on my travel clothes.” She glanced down at his oversizedT-shirt. She’d worn it all day yesterday, which hadn’t been a problem since theyhadn’t left the room. Her luggage still hadn’t arrived. No big surprise there.

“I’llgrab us both a couple of sweatshirts,” he added. “It might be chilly.”

Goingtheir separate ways, they met up again in the living room after only a fewminutes. Rob had put on a pair of khaki shorts and Meg took a second to admirehis trim, tanned legs. Raising his eyebrows to let her know he was aware of herwayward glance, he handed her a big sweatshirt and a baseball cap beforedonning his own with a grin.

“Thiswill keep the rain out of our eyes.”

Walkingdown to the beach, Meg pulled off her sandals, delighted by the feeling of wetsand between her toes. Rob clasped her hand in his own tugging her forward andshe was thrilled as she took in her first up-close look at the ocean.

“It’samazing,” she said as the first wave crashed around her bare ankles. “I’venever seen anything so beautiful.”

“Ican’t believe you’ve never seen the ocean.” Rob was stunned by her revelationlate last night. “My family spent nearly every summer, vacationing at thebeach.”

“Wedidn’t really have a lot of time or money for vacations,” Meg explained,“although once, I went to Williamsburg on a school field trip and my mom camealong as a chaperone. It was just a day trip, but I remember it as if it wereyesterday. Such a wonderfully historic place. We spentthe entire day pretending we were colonists living in the 1800’s. It was fun,but not as funas this.” With her words, she bent down and scooped up a handful of ocean waterto splash on Rob.

Heacted offended before it apparently sunk in he was already soaked. “Uh-oh, nowyou’ve done it.” Bending over, he returned the splash, his large hands able tothrow twice the water, twice as far.

Squealing,she took off running and kicking up water as he gave chase. She felt his largehands reach out to pick her up in the midst of her retreat and she screamedwith amusement as he proceeded to walk out into the water, threatening to throwher in.

“Don’tyou dare!”

“Whatwill you give me if I don’t?” He was teasing and Meg suspected he was anglingfor a kiss.

Shepretended to think about his question. “I’ll buy you an ice cream cone.”

Roblaughed at her bribe before considering it seriously. “Achocolate one?”

“Ifthat’s what you want.”

“Notvanilla.” He clarified his demand. “I cannot abide vanilla.”

“Novanilla then.” She felt somewhat relieved when he pulled her closer to him andstarted to walk back out of the waves that were crashing around his strongthighs.

“Comeon.” He grabbed her hand again. “Let’s get some lunch. I know a little placethat makes corn dogs to die for.”

“What?Corn dogs over caviar? Are you feeling well?”

“Very funny. And I’m not forgetting that you oweme an ice cream either.”

Thetiny diner was nearly empty when they arrived despite the fact it was the lunchhour. No doubt the weather had encouraged most folks to eat in the hotelrestaurants rather than dash through the streets in such a downpour. Grabbing abooth near the back, they ordered a veritable feast of junk food, while Megapologized profusely to the waitress for the puddles of water forming on thefloor beneath them.

Atthe end of their meal, Meg ordered Rob a triple scoop ice cream cone—allchocolate—and helped him devour it.

Whenthe waitress returned with the bill, Meg snatched it out of Rob’s hands.

“Meg,”Rob started, but Meg merely held up her hand.

“Idon’t break a promise,” she said. “I owe you an ice cream.”

“But not a whole lunch.

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