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Book online «Last Days of Summer: College Dudes Gone Wild (Dirtyhunk Gay Sex & Erotica Anthology) Brian West (books to read now TXT) 📖». Author Brian West

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probably even fire me since I had already beenlate twice that week.

As I reached for my bag I heard the frontdoor slam shut and I froze. When I peeked around the corner, I found Carlos, myhunky college dude roommate, wandering from the foyer into the kitchen.He was back from his usual morning workout.

“What’s up dude!” he said, looking all surprisedonce he saw me.

“Morning,” I replied as I contemplatedcalling in sick. When my hands just about gave up on me, I let my stuff falldown onto the kitchen table.

Relief immediately kicked in.

Carlos was pumped from his workout. What’smore, he sounded disgustingly happy, probably because of the post-workoutendorphins surging through his body. I envied his easy-going schedule anddownright cheeriness.

I glanced at the clock again and cringedwhen I saw that more time had slipped away... What a disaster!

I sighed.

“You all right, dude?” Carlos asked as hefetched his post-workout feast from the pantry.

I was mesmerized by him and all his collegeboy charm. Carlos had that varsity thing going on. He had a perfectly chiseledface and a gorgeous body to match. He was simply breathtaking. I cast my gaze onhis body as he got busy in the kitchen and predictably so, I became lesspre-occupied with the clock ticking away once I became fixated on him.

“Just really stressed,” I said as my eyestrailed his every move.

Carlos had his back to me so he could notsee me checking him out. His workout gear, which consisted of a tank top, tightgym shorts, sneakers without socks and a baseball cap added to his appeal. Whatreally caught my eye was his butt cheeks and how they looked in those shorts. Thinmesh fabric draped casually over every curve of his backside, making his globeseven thicker than I remembered them to be. His back seemed wider than usual andhis waist more compact, which made his globes peak even more so. Carlos’sbackside had always been pronounced, but that morning those cheeks looked plumpand unbearably enticing.

Curiosity took over. “Did you do legstoday?” I asked.

I remained fixated on those buns, devouringthem with my eyes as if they were breakfast. I had not eaten anything and munchingon Carlos’s butt seemed like the perfect way to quench my hunger.

Carlos grinned. “I blasted them... I canhardly walk, dude!”

Blasting his butt was more like it. I beganto fantasize about what it would be like to put my face up in there.

God did I envy him.

Carlos had the sort of body I would have killedfor... His upper body was all decked out and his legs had ropes of muscles allover, from top to bottom. He was one fine looking guy, which is half the reasonwhy I rented out my spare room to him and not the other guy who wanted it.After all, we were not the most likely of roommates. I was a straight andnarrow thirty year old guy and Carlos was a care-free college dude in his earlytwenties who spent his days working out and his nights partying. Well, at leastas far as the summer went. During school, it was the bar, workouts and classes,but he always seemed to be relaxed just the same. He worked the bar at a night cluband racked up tons of cash through tips. Hell, he made more than I did, whichhad made me question why I even bothered going to work every day. Thearrangement should have never worked out, but in the end, it was perfect. Hewas the easiest and most uncomplicated roommate I ever had, not to mention, thesexiest!

“You playing hooky today?” he asked as hesliced a banana to shreds.

I looked at the clock. Thirty minutes hadquickly turned into forty-five. There was no way in hell that I would make it.

“I was going in to work...” I said as Ithought about what to say to my boss. I fumbled around with my cell phone as Imentally sorted through a list of excuses that seemed viable. As I struggled tocome up with something that would save the day, I allowed myself to remainteased by Carlos’s butt. Even though I was tormented by his meaty buns, I couldnot look away. In all honesty, I should have gotten up and left. What wasreally going to happen anyway? There was no way in hell that Carlos would everlet me anywhere near his ass. Was I seriously going to trade a fleeting momentof lust for a day or perhaps even a week of hell at work?

As I navigated the mental storm brewing inmy head Carlos wrestled with a hand-held blender that seemed to be on its lastbreath.

“Take the day off!” he said as he slammedthe blender onto the counter.

I cringed as I watched my poor granitecountertop get beaten. Even though it was stone and safe from getting scratched,it still hurt to watch.

“What’s one day, right? I say, fuck it...”he carried on.

I choked up and then straightened my backas I contemplated my options... Fuck it was right, that was for sure. Iwanted to play hooky and take his ass and fuck it like there was notomorrow!

When the blender finally roared to life,irrational thought took over and conquered common sense. I may have been athirty-something guy and Carlos, a twenty-something dude, but he was right.What was I killing myself for? I was tired of being responsible all the time. Iwasn’t sure what the rest of the day would bring, but given how I was feeling, suddenlyswept under barrels of lust, I was willing to take my chances. Perhaps I wouldmake a bold move and hit on Carlos, after all. The very thought made my bloodwarm and my cock twitch.

“Yeah, I think I will,” I said. Even thoughI still wasn’t entirely sure, I felt a rush of excitement well up inside.

As soon as Carlos was done preparing hisshake, he turned into my direction and drowned that concoction down his machoman throat in all but a few seconds. I gazed at his crotch and his wide legs ashe flushed all that liquid protein down his throat. When he was done, I triedto look away, but he caught me before I could

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