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Book online Ā«Silver at Midnight: A Paranormal Romance Urban Fantasy (The Keepers of Knowledge Series Book 5) Bridgette O'Hare (ebook offline .txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Bridgette O'Hare

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it out to be radioactive. If I were human, Iā€™d not only avoid it, but Iā€™d avoid every town withing a forty-five-mile radius. I was certain this detail might have swayed my expectations of what Iā€™d find when I arrived.

It wasnā€™t a ghost town. It was quaint and historical and bustling with people. I drove the black Chevy Malibu Iā€™d purchased from a used car dealer in Bostonā€”using my newly acquired aliasā€”down Main Street and turned onto Keeper Way. I decided my first stop in town should be to see Uncle Lachlan, then Iā€™d locate Nira Garrison and check in. Besides, I had Uncle Lachlanā€™s address, and I had no idea how to find the Garrison woman. How do you look up an address if the town itself isnā€™t even supposed to be populated? I made a mental note to ask if they had a town directory or information hotline or something. I couldnā€™t have been the first one to wonder about it.

It took a few minutes, but I found Uncle Lachlanā€™s house on the corner of Keeper Way and West Road. He happened to be in his yard trimming some limbs from an exceptionally large tree. By the time I pulled into his drive, parked, and got out, he had foregone his task to walk toward me.

As I got out of my car, a smile spread over his face.

ā€œAisling, my dear, ā€˜tis so good tā€™ see ye!ā€ he exclaimed and hugged me as if a day hadnā€™t passed since our last encounter.

ā€œHello, Uncle Lach. Itā€™s nice tā€™ see you too,ā€ I returned the regard and the hug.

ā€œLet me look at ye,ā€ he demanded as he took a step back, keeping a hand placed on each of my arms like I might get too far, or too close, for him to focus if he didnā€™t. ā€œYou havenā€™t changed a bit. Still as lovely as ever.ā€

ā€œThanks, Uncle Lach. You are lookinā€™ well, yourself,ā€ I replied.

He laughed. ā€œI appreciate ya trying tā€™ humor an old man.ā€

He called himself an old man, and although he was in his late seventies, he didnā€™t look a day over fifty-five. Fae aged extremely well and often lived to be well over a hundred. We werenā€™t immortal and didnā€™t do anything unsavory, like some races, to achieve immortality. But unless extenuating circumstances came into play, our mid-life crisis could easily hit around the age of seventy or so. Mom and Grams had unfortunately fallen into the category of extenuating circumstances. I honestly didnā€™t know what had happened to my father. Mom never talked about it. Sheā€™d always said sheā€™d tell me about him when I was older, but she never got the chance.

ā€œIā€™m so glad yer here,ā€ he moved next to me and squeezed me in a side hug. ā€œLetā€™s go inside and put on a pot of tea and catch up, shall we?ā€

ā€œThat sounds lovely,ā€ I agreed.

I had never given any thought to what Uncle Lachlanā€™s house might look like, but once inside it made sense. Every item reflected his personality and the aura he exuded. It was classic and traditional in an old-world, dark mahogany and leather kind of way, but inviting and comfortable at the same time. I recognized elements of Gramsā€™ style as I looked around and took it all in.

He put on a kettle while I meandered through the sitting room and looked at the photos situated on the fireplace mantle. There were a few from older family holidays with me, Mom, and Grams. He had one of me in my cap and gown when I graduated from university, and there was a beautiful black and white photo of him and Grams as teenagers sitting on a rock with a lighthouse in the background. I didnā€™t recognize the place, but they were laughing and holding up shells like it was the best day ever. I smiled and moved on to an enclosed glass cabinet where a collection of relics was displayed. Because of my work during the past seven years with Natra, I knew a thing or two about relics and artifacts. Uncle Lachlan had quite the collection.

ā€œSee anything interestinā€™?ā€ he asked as he approached with two mugs, handing one over to me.

ā€œThank you,ā€ I said as I wrapped my hands around the warm mug. ā€œAnd aye . . . you have some fascinating items here.ā€

ā€œI thought ye might be one tā€™ appreciate them,ā€ he offered with a sly smile and moved over to take a seat in a comfortable looking leather chair by the fireplace.

The tone and manner in which he made the statement left me wondering if he was referring to the fact that I had minored in archeology at university or if Uncle Lachlan did, in fact, know of more than I was aware. Interrogation was an art form. The most effective interrogators asked the fewest questions and did so in the most conversational of manners. Never allow a target to think you need the information you want. Steer the conversation in a direction that gets them comfortable and talking. Not that the technique would work on my uncle. For all I knew, heā€™d hold things as tight to the vest as Grams had always done. They were cut from the same cloth and taught by the same parents; odds were, theyā€™d be more alike than I had ever considered. But it was worth a shot.

ā€œOf course I appreciate them,ā€ I replied. ā€œI would love tā€™ hear the stories of how ya came into possession of some of these. There must be some interesting adventures tā€™ be told.ā€

ā€œAye, lass. Iā€™ve had my share of adventures and I certainly have a few stories. But Iā€™m sure ya have a few of yer own to tell,ā€ he added. ā€œHave a seat, maybe we can exchange one or two. You can start by telling me how ya have been fairinā€™ lately.ā€

I settled into an identical leather chair situated opposite him in front of the fireplace. It was even more comfortable than

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