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Book online «Billionaires in New York Boxed Set: Billionaires in the City Books 1-3 Laura Burton (books to read this summer .TXT) 📖». Author Laura Burton

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your week,” Emily asked, taking the opportunity to dive into her food and let David do all the talking. David’s smile faltered and he glanced around the room in an apparent moment of contemplation.

“I think I’ve eaten more sushi this week than I have in my entire lifetime.”

A sickly sensation swirled inside Emily’s stomach at his words. She forced a polite smile as she silently chewed a piece of asparagus.

“The first date… Judy,” he began carefully as he stared up at the giant chandelier gleaming above their heads. “She was nice. Only problem is, I think she would make a better wife for my dad.”

Emily swallowed and shook her head with her brows raised. “You never said anything about age.”

“Yes, but I didn’t expect to be set up with someone who is nearly double my age.”

Emily suppressed the urge to laugh.

Judy had been on her list for years, a serial dater with no ability to settle down and commit to one person. She was a well-known actress in the 70s, and despite her mature years, acted like a giggly school girl when around people. “Age is just a number, don’t you think?”

“That’s not all,” David said firmly as he sat up straighter. “She only wanted to talk about herself.”

“That’s what you do on a first date, talk about yourself.”

David inclined his head with a grimace. “But her voice—” He stopped, apparently unable to bring himself to say anything offensive.

Emily hummed softly, knowing exactly what he meant. At first, she thought the high-pitched squeal was part of the act when she was in Hollywood. Yet, every phone call with her resulted in a blinding headache.

“Right, so you like a woman who is close to your age, doesn’t talk about herself, and has a low voice. This information is helpful,” Emily reeled off, in an attempt to sound professional.

“She can talk about herself,” David added quickly. “I just prefer a more evenly balanced conversation.”

“What about your next date, with—”


“Yes, that’s right, the international accountant.”

David snorted as he took a bite of his food. “In complete contrast, she didn’t speak.”

“At all?”

“No, just silence. I asked her questions and she didn’t even respond.”

“Ah yes, I forgot to mention that she’s selectively mute.”


“David Marks, do not tell me you discriminate against people with a mental illness?”

“You didn’t tell me she had a condition! That would have been helpful… I assumed she hated me.”

Emily dabbed her mouth and surveyed David for a moment. The two of them locked eyes and shared an unspoken conversation. Emily was not sure what was being said exactly, but she knew something was happening. The way his cheek dimpled at her, and his eyes narrowed. For a second, she wondered if the game was over. Could he see right through her? Did he know she had set him up? Her panicked thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an elderly woman’s voice echoing around the suite.

“David, are you there, David?”

As if he were struck by a bolt of lightning, David scrambled to his feet and gestured for Emily to keep quiet. Alarmed by this personality shift, Emily sat perfectly still and watched David clear his throat and march off into another room.

“Grandmother, how are you feeling today?” his voice trailed off as he disappeared behind a door. Emily crossed her arms and slumped back in her chair. Was this the terminally ill grandmother? Her fragile voice boomed out of the speakers around the suite. Emily wondered what to do. Should she discretely see herself out and call David later? Or stick around and see how this plays out. Maybe the call wouldn’t be long? A couple of awkward minutes passed, and Emily unfolded her arms and finished the rest of her drink.

“Is this your wife, David?”

Emily nearly choked on her drink as she looked frantically around. On the wall behind her, a flat screen TV over the top of a fireplace revealed the close-up of an old woman’s face. The elderly woman squinted, and her wrinkled face broke out into a gleeful smile. Emily whipped round in her chair and got to her feet.

“I’m sorry, can you see me?” she blurted out in shock. She glanced back at the sound of hurried footsteps to see David staring at her with a crazed expression on his face. She frowned at him.

“What do I do?” she mouthed at him. David’s fake smile grew as he waved at the TV across the room.

“Sorry, Grandmother, I forgot the TVs are linked,” he said formally.

“Come closer, dear, I want to get a good look at you, old eyes, you see.”

Emily’s sense of panic evaporated as an idea dawned on her. This is too perfect. She straightened her black dress and twirled on the spot to look at the TV screen.

“Oh! You must be David’s grandmother! He talks so much about you,” Emily said in a charming voice as she marched over to the fireplace with her shoulders back and head held high. She ignored the sharp intake of breath from behind her and flicked her hair back confidently as David’s grandmother made a noise of approval.

“That’s nice, dear. On the contrary, David has told me nothing about you. Tell me, what is your name?”

“I’m his little secret, Emily Stewart.” She reached out her hand to David, who stumbled forward with an endearing dumfounded expression. She grabbed his arm and placed her hand on his chest, her fingers glided across the cotton shirt.

“Emily, what is it you do?”

Emily exchanged looks with David for a breath, then tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“I’m a business owner here in New York, looking to branch out into LA actually.” She glanced at David again, wondering when he was going to step in and take control of the situation like the leader he was. Yet, he appeared to be like a deer stuck in headlights.

“Well, I’m glad to finally meet––” David’s grandmother broke into a wheezing coughing fit. The camera jolted up and down and Emily could just make

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