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Book online «City of Fallen Souls: A LitRPG Adventure (UnderVerse Book 3) Jez Cajiao (best color ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Jez Cajiao

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my arms up and looking for him before I felt the deep thrum of his laughter. “Oh, you utter bastard…” I groaned, shaking my head and smiling despite myself. “Just you wait, mate. I’m gonna get something on you, if it’s the last thing I do.”

“I’m not nearly as foolish as Flux is, to fall for some Runecrafter. You’ll not find an Ame in my past,” he said, still clearly amused.

“Well, just you wait. I’ll get something on you, if it’s the last damn thing I do.” I repeated as I swept up my naginata and scanned the room. Besides the filthy bed and stinking bath, there was nothing out of the ordinary in the room now. It looked, and felt, like any one of a dozen hotel rooms I’d stayed in over the years. It was messy, but despite a quick search, I couldn’t shake the same feeling I always got when leaving a temporary room for the last time… that there was something lying around somewhere, an item that was vitally important and I’d forgotten.

I did an extra search for the sake of it, finding nothing, before shrugging and leading the way into the corridor. Some of the rooms had open doors, others were closed, and the sound of snoring filtered gently through the wood as I passed. People that were awake nodded in greeting, an occasional smile here and there, a salute from a Legionnaire. I grimaced internally at the double takes I was getting, however, as I’d instructed Horkesh to walk beside me. The Legionnaires began drawing weapons and settling into combat stances, but I just shook my head at them. It did help when Arrin, the mad bastard that he was, shouted in joy and ran over to her, patting her on the head.

“Horkesh! I missed you, little buddy!” he crowed, while she stared up at him.

“Are you attempting to attack me?” she asked, clearly confused by the petting.

“No! It’s a sign of affection… You see, what it is…” I covered my eyes in despair, cutting him off.

“Everyone, this is Horkesh. She and her guard are followers of mine as well, as is her mother and the rest of her nest, who are headed to the Tower. You might as well get used to her, since she’ll be helping us out.” The Legion, being professional soldiers, grumbled a bit, then settled down and went back to whatever they had been doing.

I’d passed through this common area countless times over the last few days without really noticing it. Now, seemingly for the first time, I paid attention, realizing that the few Legionnaires that were present were involved in checking their gear over.

The common area was maybe ten meters to a side, with a single set of doors leading out to an open-air space that linked to the gardens for the rooms we had all shared. There were benches and tables, a small area for cooking, and even an attached toilet, and I smiled. The space had registered faintly when we’d arrived, but back then, it’d been just another room in the seeming multitude that made up the Arena. Now, it looked a lot more homey, as my people sprawled around, some standing, others lying or sitting. Jian was even playing dice with a pair of Legionnaires in the corner and judging from the pile of coins in front of him, he was either very lucky or about to get his ass kicked for cheating.

A fluttering of feathers got my attention, and I recognized Amaat and Venta, who were outside talking to Augustus and Barrett.

“Hey, everyone,” I said quietly, getting nods and smiles as I joined the group.

“Jax, welcome,” Augustus said nodding once. “Centurion Amaat has news.”

“I gave the orders to the Legion Prefect, as you ordered, my lord,” Amaat said, giving his head a little shake and making his crest stand out proud. “He felt the Oath become active, as did all the Legionnaires and those sworn to the Empire in the Enclave. He was ready to march out of the gates at that point. He questioned me a lot, mostly about the kind of man you are, and what you’ve been doing. He seemed determined by the end and asked me to give you this.” Amaat handed me a scroll case.

I inspected it, noticing that it was much more formal than the simple one I’d sent my own letter in, but I figured that was a good thing, as I twisted the tight seal and pulled one end off. The stopper came out with a pop, releasing the rolled parchment, ring, and wax that it contained.

I examined the ring and three sticks of purple sealing wax first. The wax was a deep, rich color, with faint sparkles in it, and I just knew that wherever Oracle was, she was going to love it. I studied the ring next. It bore a pattern that looked like an eastern dragon curled around a sword. Words were printed under it, but I couldn’t make them out.

“What’s this?” I asked, passing it to Augustus. He took the ring and smiled, nodding to himself.

“It’s the signet ring of the Legion General, Jax. It’s a formal acknowledgement that you can give the Legion orders, if you sign your letters with that. What does he say?”

All Hail Lord Jax of Dravith, Scion of the Imperial Family and Rightful Lord of the Empire.

I have received your orders and will comply, I recognize the sworn affidavits of Yen’ma Rultahir and Augustus Vertais Asen, and acknowledge their confirmation of your identity, as well as the resurrection of the Imperial Oath.

I have one hundred and eleven Legionnaires in the Enclave at present, with ninety-six support personnel, as well as a further sixty-six dependents, making a total, including myself, of two hundred and seventy-four souls.

As per your orders, we will move to our designated locations and secure sufficient transport to enable us to fulfill your commands.

For the Empire,

Romanus Dominai Perival, Legion Prefect of the Dravith Cohortes Praetoria


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