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Book online «The Crafter's Darkness: A Dungeon Core Novel (Dungeon Crafting Book 4) Jonathan Brooks (best smutty novels TXT) 📖». Author Jonathan Brooks

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Spider Clutches, 4X Crag Hound Packs, 5X Solitary Broat Spawn)

72/72 AP

Sentient Race Elimination

Eliminate members of sentient races

1 AP per 10 eliminations

12 AP (12X Orc, 71X Gnome, 42X Dwarf, 3X Elf)

12/12 AP

Sentient Race Bonding

Form a new Dungeon Visitor Bond with a member of a sentient race

1 AP per 2 Bonds

66 AP (1X Orc/Dwarf, 49X Elf, 9X Gnome, 73X Dwarf)

48/66 AP

Dungeon Core Destruction

Receive AP for eliminating another Dungeon Core

30 AP per Core

60 AP (1X Reptile Classification Core, 1X Undead Classification Core)

30/60 AP






(?????) Denotes an unknown, unique Source of Advancement Points.  Perform this unknown action to unlock more information.

Total Advancement Points Earned and Spent

334 AP

265 AP

Total Advancement Points Available

69 AP

Advancement Options

Current Advancement Points




Choose 1 Dungeon Monster from another available Classification (Repeatable)


Give your Dungeon Monsters the option of having a chosen accessible elemental attribute in addition to their base element – Cost increases with each purchase (only works on Monsters capable of using/applying their element) (Repeatable)


Reduce the Mana cost of Monster Seeds by 15% – Cost increases with each purchase (Advancement 2/4)


Reduce the Mana cost of Dungeon Monsters by 15% – Cost increases with each purchase (Advancement 3/4)


Reduce the Raw Material cost of Monster Seeds by 15% – Cost increases with each purchase (Advancement 0/4)


Reduce the Mana cost of Dungeon Traps by 15% – Cost increases with each purchase (Advancement 0/4)


Extend your Area of Influence by 10% – Cost increases with each purchase (Advancement 0/10)


Advance a current Classification 1 level to acquire access to stronger and larger Dungeon Monsters – this also includes any “Advancement Unlocked” Monsters – Cost increases with each purchase (Advancement 1/3)


Select a second available Classification to hybridize your Core (This option is only available once)


Monster Seed Origination


Raw Material Cost (15% Reduction):

Mana Cost (30% Reduction):

Min. Mana:

Max. Mana:

Tiny Faceted Sapphire Sphere





Small Faceted Sapphire Sphere





Average Faceted Sapphire Sphere





Large Faceted Sapphire Sphere





With the purchase of the Raw Material cost reduction for her Monster Seeds, she could afford to create the Average Faceted Sapphire Sphere, which would require 81,600 of her maximum 86,279 RM she could hold at one time, in addition to it costing nearly 20,000 Mana to create.  All told, to create a single Mobile Fortification from scratch, she had to spend 47,100 Mana and 81,600 Raw Materials – which was starting to become a slight problem since she had finally consumed the rest of her condensed Devastation Sphere.  She still had thousands of bars of pure metal that she had stacked in her treasury, however, from which she could absorb and gain some RM to use, but she had to watch what she was doing or else she’d have to do more digging to accumulate more.

Fortunately, the thousands of Monster Seeds taken from the battle outside the Elven village paid for nearly all of what was required to build their defenses back up – including the new Fortification construct.  Except that she couldn’t, of course, replace the lives of those that had died; even as unique and special as Sandra was, with her constructs that could heal nearly any wound or cure any poison, she couldn’t bring back the dead.

Later that day, the two Dungeon Cores facing against the Dwarves attempted a breakout, but were – for the most part – successfully repelled, as Sandra had expected.  Again, the two Cores seemed to work together to attack simultaneously, with swarms of Dungeon Monsters streaming forth from their secondary entrances to attempt to overwhelm the Shieldmen and their constructs.  The Goblin horde that emerged was so numerous that it managed to squeeze hundreds of their number past the Dwarven defensive line that didn’t even attempt to attack, and instead ran free until the waves of Goblins stopped and the constructs were able to hunt them down.

The Golems, on the other hand, weren’t as fast as the Goblins and couldn’t necessarily swarm, so it was easy enough for the Shieldmen to keep up with them emerging.  The only problem occurred when a trio of Iron Golems emerged from the dungeon, 15-foot-tall blocks of animated metal essentially.  Sandra couldn’t help but be a little envious of the Golem-Classification Core because the Iron Golems seemed like something that she should have access to, but she supposed that not everything made of metal should be limited to just her.

Her Steelclad Ape Warriors were practically useless against the Iron Golems, as the Air-based Knockback enchantment that was on their Titanium Warhammers didn’t do much other than dent the hard metal.  It took the combined efforts of the three Shieldmen guarding the entrance and their axes enhanced with their elemental energy to take them down.  Shearing through solid Iron required them to pour a lot of energy into their weapon, however, and Delarthe and the others were exhausted by the time they were done.

“That was close, Sandra,” the Shieldmen’s leader said afterwards, panting a little bit as he recovered.  “If they send much more next time, I’m not sure if we can hold them.  Have you heard from Gerold yet?  We’re going to need help here soon if this keeps up.”

* No, I haven’t – sorry.  I’ve been wondering where he is as well, and hopefully he’ll be back soon. *

The same sorrow and anger filled Sandra at the thought of her friends abandoning and forgetting about her, but she pushed them down when she identified them.  When she really thought about it, she realized that it was strange that all of them hadn’t come back yet; while 1 or 2 of them might have been delayed, for all four of them to not be

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