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Book online «Christmas to Come: a heartbreaking coming of age saga set in London's East End Carol Rivers (best sales books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Carol Rivers

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himself busy. Not that he was home much, but he remembered to clean the grate now and then, push a cloth round occasionally and wash up the dishes. As soon as tomorrow was over he was going to –

His thoughts came to an abrupt halt as the telephone rang. He went into the hall and answered it. Two minutes later he was dragging on his coat and rushing down to the airey.

He banged on the door. 'Bella, Bella, are you there?'

After a while, he heard the bolt go and Bella was there, staring at him, fear filling her eyes.

'Thank God for that.' He felt relief flow through him, until he glanced over her shoulder, praying he wouldn't see Micky.

'Are you alone?' he queried softly.

'Michael's over at Teresa's. Why? Is something wrong?' She looked alarmed, her face drawn and ashen under her auburn waves. He hadn't noticed before, but she seemed to have lost weight.

'I'm afraid Micky's in trouble.'

Bella took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she asked him in and they sat down together on the couch. 'Is it to do with the fire?' she said anxiously.

'What fire?' He frowned, more confused than ever.

'Ron, I should have told you but that Inspector Reynolds called round on Boxing Day. There was a fire at this place called Downey Manor. Lady Downey perished and they found a receipt for a car signed by Micky a few weeks before Terry died. They're investigating the link.'

'Why in heaven's name didn't you say?'

'You had enough to think about. And it might not have come to anything - '

'I'm afraid it has,' he interrupted her sharply. 'Are the cops sure it was Micky's signature? That he was there?'

'Yes, they went to the garage and checked the dates. The inspector also told me that Milo was killed in an accident a little while after it was sold.'

Ronnie shook his head bewilderedly. 'I don't know what this is all about but we've got to get over to Gina's. Micky was there earlier and tried to rob her.'

Bella stared at him in disbelief. 'Oh no! Is she all right?'

'According to Lenny, yes.' Ronnie put up his hand when he saw her surprise at the mention of Lenny's name. 'I'll tell you the rest in the car. Can you tell Daisy to watch out for Michael?'

'Yes, but I don't understand what's going on.'

'That makes two of us.' Ronnie had a feeling that they were about to find out.

The coffee bar was in darkness so Ronnie and Bella took the lane leading down to the yard. Gina was waiting for them at the open back door. She fell into Bella's arms.

'Oh, love, are you hurt?' Bella asked as they went inside.

'I'll live, girl,' Gina responded shakily. 'Thanks to Lenny.'

Lenny was sitting at the small plastic table in the storeroom surrounded by crates and boxes. He wore a navy blue uniform under a greatcoat and Bella thought he looked much older now as his thick black hair had turned grey. He stood up when he saw them, an embarrassed smile on his face. 'Hello, Bella. Ron.'

'Lenny!' She threw her arms round him. 'Where have you been all this time?'

He hugged her gently and shook Ron's hand. 'It's a bit of a long story.'

Gina laughed without humour. 'You can say that again.'

Bella didn't ask any questions. All she wanted to hear was that Micky hadn't harmed her friend or stolen any money. 'Are you really all right, Gina?'

'Yes, apart from a lump on my jaw thanks to Micky. The maniac came bursting in, said he wanted everything note I had in the till. Of course I told him to sling his hook. The next thing I knew I was on the floor.'

Bella looked down. 'Oh, Gina, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.'

'How can it be, love?'

'Micky's been acting strange, you see,' Bella began but Gina waved this away.

'He's always behaved bloody strange.'

'Gina, if I'd given him some money he would never have come here and - '

'Look,' Gina said, interrupting Bella gently, 'let's sit down and take the weight off our feet. Better not go in the front as someone will knock on the window and want to come in.'

Ronnie unstacked the plastic chairs and they all positioned themselves around the table. 'Right, you first, Bells,' said Gina.

'Well, for some while Micky's been short of money,' she explained. 'He told me he's in debt to McNee.' She looked at Ronnie. 'I'm sorry to spring this on you Ron, but it's true. Micky came here because I don't keep any money at home because he took some off me before.' She turned to Gina. 'It belonged to the business you see, but I sold my jewellery and managed to put it all back.'

'You poor cow,' Gina said sadly. 'You needn't have done that.'

' I thought keeping quiet was the best thing to do at the time.'

Gina sighed. 'Well, it's been a night of surprises, so one more don't make any difference. The biggest one being him.' She flashed a dark glance at Lenny. 'When your old man was about to stuff his pockets with our hard earned takings, this one appeared and grabbed him by the throat.'

Everyone looked at Lenny. 'I was standing over the road,' he said lamely.

'Doing what?' Ronnie enquired.

Lenny looked down at his hands. 'I come here to watch the coffee bar sometimes. After everyone's gone like, when it's closing time. I don't do nothing, just watch, see how she's getting on.'

'So it was you who Gina saw before?' Bella murmured.

'Yeah, but I didn't have the guts to come in.' Lenny glanced nervously at Gina. 'Thought she'd send me off with a flea in me ear.'

'Too right I would after the way you buggered off,' Gina said angrily.

'Go on,' Ronnie interrupted. 'What happened next?'

'Like Gina says, Micky turned up and decked Gina. I lost my rag, run over and would most likely have throttled him if he hadn't stuck this shooter in

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