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Book online «Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8) Nicole Edwards (classic english novels TXT) 📖». Author Nicole Edwards

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him work, the way he gave his full attention to whoever was speaking. He was very efficient when he spoke, getting right to the point and expecting others to do the same. I remembered his conversation with Memphis on Tuesday, the first meeting I’d been invited to, along with Zion. They had walked through what, in my opinion, was a phenomenal benefits package. Unlike Ransom, Memphis hadn’t negotiated; however, he did warn Talon he wasn’t sure Tiegan was going to be continuing in her role.

To my shock, Talon had insisted Memphis get her under control. He was not willing to lose her as an employee, and he expected Memphis to do what was necessary to retain her. I got the feeling, based on Talon’s responses, it would be the personal relationship between Memphis and Tiegan that would be the saving grace. I’d yet to hear how that was going.

“Take me through the plan for today,” Talon stated when Gideon was finished.

While Gideon and Zed gave an update on the possessions in training and what they would be doing throughout the day, I listened closely, careful to take detailed notes. I’d learned yesterday that Talon was very interested in what went on, and he’d started to ask me for updates. It had become my job to seek out Gideon, Zed, and Ransom for additional details as the day went on.

Since I was eager to show Talon I was suited for this job, I figured it was in my best interest to stay on top of things.

After all, it seemed to please him immensely, and oddly, that was becoming something I was eager to do. Please him.



Gideon and Zed were finishing up their update when Ransom strolled into the meeting room looking concerned, his full attention on me as he took a seat. Because there was nothing else to gain from this meeting, I dismissed everyone, with the exception of Braelyn and Ransom. I had a feeling I knew what was bothering Ransom, and I figured it would benefit everyone if Braelyn heard it now rather than later.

“Close the door on your way out,” I instructed Zion, who had Micah at his side.

He gave me a questioning look, and I simply shook my head to let him know it wasn’t anything he needed to bother himself with. Zion trusted me enough to know I would pull him in whenever necessary.

“This issue you were dealing with…” I prompted, looking at Ransom. “Did it have to do with Trent Ramsey?”

I could see Braelyn’s confusion as her gaze shifted back and forth between me and her brother.

“He called the resort directly. When they passed me the call, I had no idea it was him,” he said, looking uncomfortable.

I sighed.

“So he does know we’re alive,” Braelyn stated.

Ransom nodded, his eyes focused on his clasped hands. “He put two and two together after running into you at TJ’s party, apparently.”

That much was true, plus it was my fault. He’d overheard me on the phone with Tiegan, when I had mentioned I was taking them to the island.

“He won’t say anything,” I assured Ransom. “However, I do think we’ve got to deal with him.”

Two sets of brown eyes—one amber, the other many shades darker—looked at me.

“Trent was there the night Braelyn came to TJ’s,” I explained to Ransom.

“I know.”

“He’s a smart man,” I continued. “He doesn’t believe the two of you died in that fire.”

“He knows it for fact now,” Ransom stated.

“He’s got a solution,” I informed them both. “One he’d like to pursue, but he’s waiting for my approval.”

Ransom’s eyes narrowed on me. “Your approval? What do you have to do with this?”

I could hear the frustration in his tone.

“For one, you came to me for help. Not to Trent. Being that you technically work for him, he had expected more.”

Ransom continued to watch me, but I saw the understanding there.

“While he’s a man intent on getting his way, Trent understands loyalty. And I’ve informed him my priority is to keep you both safe. I have the means to do that, but it requires that no one else know the truth.”

“You said he has a solution?” Braelyn asked.

I held her gaze as I explained. “Turns out, Trent has some favors owed to him. Keep in mind, his fame garners him some very powerful friends. He’s done some digging, and he knows of someone who can deal with your parents.”

Braelyn’s eyes widened as she looked to her brother then back to me. “Deal with them? What does that mean?”

“Whatever you want it to mean,” I said simply, looking at Ransom.

“If you’re talking about taking them out, it won’t work.” He shook his head. “I know how they operate. Something happens to them, they’ve got people who won’t stop until they figure out what happened to us. They’ll start by digging into who those two people in the fire actually were.”

Which would prove that they were still alive, I knew.

I shook my head. “Won’t be necessary, from what I understand. But it will get them off your back once and for all.”

It was a rather elaborate plan, if I did say so myself. One that involved some Texas mobster who could and would put the hurt on their parents should the need arise. I wasn’t opposed to the idea, but these weren’t my parents, so ultimately, it wasn’t up to me.

“And Jimmy?” Braelyn asked, her eyes wide with fear.

“He’ll be dealt with.” Unlike their parents, that man’s demise was imminent. After what he’d done to Braelyn … he didn’t deserve to live.

Ransom sat up, planting his elbows on the table. “You’re aware of this plan?”

I nodded. “Trent’s been a pain in my ass since I brought you here. He’s determined to help you. Says he owes you.”

“Me? What the hell for? He gave me a job, not the other way around.”

“Something about you saving one of his submissives? Clarissa, I think.” I honestly didn’t know all the details other than Zeke and Ransom had played a part in taking

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